

Attached: high life.jpg (518x768, 53K)

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>After marjiuana is made illegal on Earth with punishment of death, a group of astronauts (Robert Pattinson, Andre 3000) set on a space voyage to grow the perfect strain of weed, with hilarious consequences.
>tags: action, comedy, stoner
>IMDB Rating: 3.8

Robert Pattinson is pretty based desu. Hope this is good.

>we'll be back in the high life again

>Sexual activity between prisoners is prohibited. The ship is equipped with "The Box", a device obsessively used by the crew to masturbate.

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Nice. Why'd this get such a small release? The theater I usually go to had a bunch of posters up for it for a while, but then never showed the film.

Is it Bioshock the movie? Poster looks like it...

Great movie. Quite bothered by people not recognising Denis, but hey, this it Yea Forums after all, so you can't expect them not to know the greatest filmmaker alive.

I thought Yea Forums was hyped for this?

Welp i know what i'll be watching tonite

thanks a ton OP


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a24plebs, capeshit plebs and those who champion mcdonad's arthouse will hate this work of art
don't even bother watching it you fall under those

Oh fuck, dude, I didn't know Villeneuve worked on this. Copped.


>same jaw


saw this movie, the worst kind of indie pseudo sci fi bullshit and pattinson cannot fucking act

there's a scene of binoche riding a black dildo fuckmachine if you're into that sort of le shock

mia goth is the only good thing about the movie which fails at depicting human relationship, cabin fever, black hole, just fail fail fail at everything.

>no Timothy Olyphant

Not my High Life.

>there's a scene of binoche riding a black dildo fuckmachine

Hes trying to make up for Twilight by making as much kino as he can.

Claire Denis is finished

What's the deal with the vertical black bars?

Any patricians wanna tell me if it's worth seeing?

I liked Beau Travail

still not out yet near me, i think it's getting a wideish release in a couple weeks

Why do these never come with subtitles included in the mkv? I'm pretty sure even the US Bluray has a bunch of subtitle options.

don't list to him, it's kino

go make your own subtitles

I can't hear.

Jaws have no gender, each sex is genetically attracted to strong jaws because they mean strong offspring. It's why the majority of attractive woman have them.

the aspect ratio changes slightly at the end

because the scene is gay

kek, the scene is like EVO

2 minutes in there's a closeup of a baby va**na... what is wrong with french people?

Nothing T B H. Burgerland got infected with puritanism so we sexualize everything out of Freudian impulse.

>A film by Claire Denis

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Plot summary on will sounds atrocious

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it's pretty funny for a stoner comedy

it has robert pattinson in it tee vee stop watching game of bronies

Chocolat was a pretty good film in its understated approach to its drama, bastards had a great, really menacing atmosphere and Trouble everyday achieves the same as bastards to some extent.
I think thats all I've seen by Claire Denis though.

> Robert Pattinson
>Juliette Binoche
>Claire Denis
Fucking based. Everybody should watch Beau Travail from Denis. It's very interesting and Denis Lavant is great in it.

You had me at A24

Denis Lavant frequently worked with Leo Carax, who is another good director.

I have only seen Holy Motors which was pretty great. What other Carax movies are good?

Claire Denis user, not Villenueve.

Fuck yeah, one of my most anticipated kinos of the year.

What the fuck is this film? I’ve barely heard anything about it, and I can’t tell which posts are jokes

It's from a French Blu-ray. Doubt it has English subs.

why are the file size so big its almost 9gbs?

what about the daughter? she knows her black holes.

Full 1920*1080 resolution and higher bitrate instead of anything less like on most releases to keep file size down

yeah now that i see it i usually pirate old movies thanks

theres a 720p release thats half the size

alright thanks i'll check it out.

is this real

no, but they are all criminals that have life sentences or are on death row

Andre3000 was inthat Hendrix biopic All is by my side, and that was a piece of shit. Movie wasn't even allowed to use ANY music by Hendrix by the estate and also later was sued for slander because he never actually beat his gf and she went to court. I used to like his music but that's just low.

I think pola x might be your thing as its more experimental/arthouse.


I'm a simple man, I see Robert Pattinson así lead and filming location Germany. I skip it

>A father and his daughter struggle to survive in deep space where they live in isolation.
>Rated R for disturbing sexual and violent content including sexual assault, graphic nudity, and for language

Yea Forums what the fuck did you do?


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it's art


how is it? i've had a shitty past few days and i need to watch KINO tonight. will this deliver?

based rar commenter


>chrome dildo
>puts a black condom on it

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please for the love of god be bait

very funny claire!

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The special effects are by the same company that did Twin Peaks The Return, and it shows. Top kino Tbh.

That's accurate. The rape scenes are in flashbacks and have nothing to do with Pattinson and his daughter.

Saw this in the theatre the other day.... It was terrible.

Just saw it. I dont know what to think about it yet.

why was there so many dogs on that ship

but they sleep in the same bed

chinese ship

I thought that was "Half-Life" and it was a combine elites hand.

My brain was weirded out by the Binoche scene, but my dick was getting bigger. I don't get it.
And wtf was that scar near her pussy going up her belly?

she tried to commit suicide after murdering her family

whats wrong with that?

I got the killing her family part but not the suicide attempt after it, there wasn't subtitles and I'm not a first language English speaker. Thanks for the info.

and mia goth mentions binoche's "plastic pussy"

Pattison crime was skull bashing the hell of that bitchy ginger for drowning his dog. You see it in his childhood/early teenagehood flashback. So that space coffin full of dogs that survived being territorial and feeding on each other felt like a mirror of that, the same way the inmates animalistic desires manifested ar different points. Like that fuckbox scene were the walls turn into fur and you even see a wolf tail.

I thought maybe it was an earlier "mission" in the same way that we sent a dog into space before sending a human

What happens when a guy goes into the fuckbox?


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Big titted robotfu, of course

thanks, one of the few films i was looking forward to seeing

is this a film that sci-fi fans will enjoy or is it just background to the psuedo arthouse garbage?

Your waifu is sugo di pomodoro now.

You just jerk off without using the pot, or can do it while you get dildoed.

It's kino.

This better not have BLACKED in it

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