I literally don't understand

I literally don't understand

Why do they have to do this?

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get used to it incel

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15 Million Merits is absolute fucking kino, fuck you faggot

Also the black dude gets fucked anyway

it's not that u stupid acne face manlet

I'm talking about biking and collecting credits to be on that hot shot thing

That was one of the only Black Mirror episodes that was red and basedpilled tho. Better than anything in the most recent season.

>watch jew media
>get upset at jew propaganda

This was the first media i saw racemixing pushed in. Of course it came from England.

Energy crisis/shortage I guess.

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Maybe you should have sex

Unironically the best episode of show. Hell, all of Season 1 was kino.
1 > 3 > 2 > 4

It's funny how you peple never deny the social engineering to snuff outt a race, but call anyone who points it out a racist.

To piss insecure virgins like you off
and it’s funny as fuck to watch you spaz out

He ends up getting cucked hard in that episode anyway.

Are you 15?

>It's funny how you peple never deny the social engineering to snuff outt a race

this is what /pol/tards actually believe

Is this the one where he gets cucked on tv

It's implied that it takes place in a perfectly automated future and there are very few jobs for the population. Energy bikes just make sense as a way to generate currency

Because niggers are dumb as rocks, and savage as apes, so the kikes are trying to get whites to breed with them to bring up their IQ in the hopes that it will civilize them.

Won't work, though. It'll just end up making a generation of stupid half breeds.

>Russia can’t hack a whole election, that’s literally so far fetched I think you’re on crack
>there is an active propaganda campaign to remove white people from the planet through interracial breeding by the (((elites)))
How can these two thoughts exist in the same brain

But I'm not calling you a racist, I'm calling you a retard for actually believing that. Forced characters are bullshit, fine, that I can buy. But a goddamn global operation to wipe out white people? Thanks for the laughs man.

You guys really don't get it, neither from the SJW side nor /pol/. All of this race mixing marketing/media is directed at blacks, not you. The jist is "If you buy or do THING, you can have WHITE WOMAN." Blacks are the ultimate consumer demographic, totally obsessed with displaying material status and white women are the ultimate status symbol.

t.mixed abomination

stay mad, murat

Because a world wide conspiracy about socially engineering the entire humanity to snuff out a race isn't true and the only group of people who genuinely believe bullshit like this are the racists.

If it looks like a zebra, eats like a zebra and walks like a zebra it's a fucking zebra.

How is another white dude who hopefully ends up with the positives of black genes equal sniffing out a race ?/pol/ is so fucking dumb

>black dude gets fucked so its okay
that's beside the point

Dude looks like a fucking frog
that's part of it obviously. It's aspirational. But a lot of it is also young dipshit wokeoids at ad agencies.


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Wow I'm actually sharing a board with literal retards such as this guy. If you can't see the pushed white guilt from the media in america there's something seriously wrong with you.

Jordan Peele, the man who made this movie, has a black father and a white mother. His black father abandoned him and his mother when he was a child. His mother comes from a rich family, so he was raised in upper-middle class liberal prep schools and then an upper-middle class liberal arts college.

With all that in mind, it's not hard to understand where he was coming from when he made Get Out.

>positives of black genes
running from the police slightly faster?

Lmao the retards that exist on this board

I served in the Army and had access to GT scores, which is what they use as an "IQ" score. -110 and above was considered "smart" and qualified you for almost any job.
-95-109 was considered the "average" range
-below 95 was considered the "below average" range
Blacks usually fell into the "below average" range, and even the officers barely broke the 100's. That's not a troll, it's a fact.

They're trying to increase the intelligence of blacks since their IQ tests demonstrate they're way below the average white / Asian.

I smell a nigger.

That pic isn't from Get Out.

>black male white female
really makes you think

lol but the black dude gets cucked in the end

You've got to look at the history of U.S. blacks to understand why they're trying to increase their IQ by race mixing.

First, blacks in Africa were sold into slavery LONG before they were used in the west. Arabs / Muslim trade routes into Africa for slaves existed as far back as, what, ancient Babylon? The point is there's a LONG history of black slavery.

When the black Africans found out they could make money selling slaves to white Euro's in west Africa the way they could with the Muslims in east Africa, where do you think they rounded up all those slaves from? The answer is: weaker tribes, idiots, criminals, and anyone that was undesirable that could be caught and carted off to the docks for sale to whitey.

The black Africans didn't sell their finest and smartest to white Euro's or Muslims, no, they sold the WORST. The U.S. black descendants of slaves come from those same stupid / criminal genes, which is why they're so far behind everyone else in the U.S..

Not hatred. Fact.