Who here is taking LSD for the opening night of Endgame

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what a fucking waste of LSD

I watched the Thanos fight scene on Titan while tripping, pretty mind blowing

where do you get drugs

>Wasting LSD

I sure hope my constipation clears up before the 24th, as I'd actually like to see this fucking thing and be done with capeshit movies forever.

I just asked around at college and kept close to the plugs. and then buy a lot to get their trust.


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Fucking sad and waste

I am, I took a lot during Infinity War and had a mind blowing experience anons wont understand. When youre sitting in the dark theater it all looks REAL like youre spectating true world changing events. Not to mention it makes you actually fucking respect the cgi instead of being numb to the incredible photorealistic effects.

99% of the people who's gonna watch the movie is under 10 years old. So, no one.

Yeah there's sober kids in Africa!


only way to make it watchable

trip reports always come off as dumb and cringy. Refrain from doing it in the future pls.

Dont forget your bottle of soi too

I remember I took LSD for The Last Jedi and I'm still mad.

wow dude that must have been awful. Speaking for myself I still recognize story structure when im tripping, and that just seems... torturous

Never took LSD am I missing out? I read someone say that missing out on it is a lot like missing out on sex but I don’t care much about dying a virgin so I doubt it’s that big of a deal.

overrated just like sex


Lol not even going to see it. Infinity war is my head cannon ending. Ironman died in space, Thor travels the Galaxy as the god of strength, cap becomes president of Earth and unites everyone until overpopulation occurs again

It was shit, I did the same for the Force Awakens and it wasn't half bad, everyone was hype. But this one made me leave starwars for dead.

I disagree firmly with that user i had sex before acid and LSD changed my life whereas the sex was instantly overrated and I imagine can only be enjoyed properly with a loving relationship. Sometimes LSD makes you question yourself, your beliefs and character, so in that way its a more meaningful experience than sex. Also makes movies fucking incredible, would reccomend. Last few I watched on acid
>Tron Legecy
>Mad Max Fury Road
>Blade Runner
Had really fucking interesting experiences with all these

Sorry DC sucks so bad.

If they were smart Thanos doesnt die in this one and they could continue his stories he has in the comics that question the nature of godhood. But now I know someone is going to spoil it because its just too easy so closing tab.

I'm gonna take PCP and hit myself in the head with a 2lb sledge so I'm insane, wounded and disoriented. It'll be a blast!

>Sometimes LSD makes you question yourself, your beliefs and character
You can just get that same effect by getting hardcore into philosophy.

Are you one of those people who have bad trips if they arent being bombarded with visual content or music

I took LSD for Strange and this scene..WHAT A TRIP

have sex

only if im left alone
I know, but the rush of feelings and observations the drug induces make it worth the experience for fun, not enlightenment. Thats why its a drug at the end of the day, no one in their right mind would clame its a replacment where its one or the end.

>only if I’m left alone
You got some work to do user.

Yeah but I can't get fucked up on philosophy.

why would you do this to yourself?
not only a waste of lsd but also just plain retarded.

>He doesn't have sheets of the fucking stuff
Jesus Christ, I dropped four tabs yesterday just because I was bored and stuck home with a broken foot. What is this waste shit? If you're not gonna get absolutely obliterated for what will be a literal scat show then I have no fucking idea where you head is at.

Yea Forums is full of pussies now, I can't believe I'm siding with OP.

Dr. Strange is a 10/10 movie tripping, Every time he's not doing magic shit and there's no CGI everything takes on a more "real" tone and I found it refreshing. It's a man's fight to make sense of what is real in a world now filled with magic.

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lsd is one of those drugs that only get better if you dont take it every fucking day you stupid mongo

>that burnt out druggie arguing on a Mongolian cartoon imageboard about why taking powerful psychedelics to watch marvel movies is a solid use of time
K we got it champ

When did I say take it every day you dim fuck?

>a solid use of time
You wasting that time is a given considering the fact that you're going to see a marvel movie, might as well try to drag some enjoyment out of it. But shit dude, your ad hominem makes your point look much more correct and not at all retarded. Enjoy your boring life.

They are just stuck in the beginning phases. Some people never get out of it but there is nothing you or I can do about them over the computer.

Want to try it desu but no fucking clue where to get it pls help

Does that actually make it enjoyable? I mean, you know, I'd put in Yellow Submarine or Speed Racer or something.

Literally the easiest drug out of them all to get from the darknet. Shipping is just an envelope, it doesn't smell, you'll be fine.

I only trip once a month but I've never watched a movie on it, I just listen to nasty psychedelic dubstep/EDM. I feel like I'd have a hard time focusing on a movie, honestly.

It's just sad man. Life is beautiful and dynamic as hell, crazy stuff happens every day. People who haven't dropped more than a few times or just aren't made for the stuff put themselves in a box and desperately try to drag others into it. Those same peoplee who talk about "waste" are often embarrassing lumps who live straight edge until a party where they get absolutely fucked and turn into a crying wreck in the corner, there's no sense of objectivity when it comes to LSD for them.

Festivals, the hippie kind where you go innawoods and listen to pounding music for 3 or 4 days. Look up ones that are happening in your area, summer is coming up and that's the season for it. Burning man is a meme unless you know the right people. Don't just ask about it either, try to make friends with your neighbors at the camp site and share your weed. Also, free water. The free love types are a good intro sphere into this kind of stuff. You might want somewhere quiet to do it for the first time but this varies between people. If you go route then buy a testing kit

Speed Racer and Yellow Sub are the classics. Heavy Metal and Wizards should be next to those as well. The Neon Noir Star Wars edit is also a good intro move simply because it's something your brain will likely be interested in and the soundtrack is a lot of electronic music.

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What's the dark web and how do I find it lol

I just shat out a turd so big I want to rescue it and just keep it in my freezer. Tell me your name, brave user and I shall name him after you.

Take two tabs of acid bro and you'll know what I mean. The colors...the sounds...all around us

why is it always cringey faggots who are absolute wasters that think drugs are cool ?

just weed nigga

>buy tab from qt coworker I want to fuck
>she's one of those electronic music freaks who also pretend to love syd barrett and pink floyd
>literally every guy from work wants her ass
>i could have fucked her, but I was too much of a sperg
I remember I kept that tab for like one year, then one day just tried the whole thing. Luckily it didn't work, didn't know acid had an expiration date

Next time put it in the freezer in tin foil

Did it during Dr. Strange. DOLBY CINEMA. Whew lads. Felt like i was in the movie with them.

>I read someone say that missing out on it is a lot like missing out on sex
this true for the entheogenic experience in general. not just lsd