Why do you watch this?

Seriously, whats so special about this series that makes people interested in it? To me it just seems like an attempt of putting sex and violence in a show and call it ''adult''.

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It used to be a really good show, the first 4-5 seasons were based on a solid book series so the show was entertaining and interesting. Then they ran out of source material (the author is notoriously slow, his last book came out 9 years ago) and things sort of went off a cliff.

once upon a time it used to be a decent and unpredictable poitical drama and a faithful adaption of the source material

now its none of those, just a mediocre flick fantasy show and i just watch it to see it through to the end, not out of appreciation for it

What this guy said except they still have a really good episode inbetween all the quips, so I have to keep watching till the end. Only 5 more episodes bros.

It's fun. The SJW shit is tiresome, but the medieval plot and magic is fun.

it's a different genre now

I watched it with my aunt and out of the blue there was a sex scene, fuck this degenerate shit.

Well characters getting pregnant is a fairly important part of the story, hard to do that without sex...

The White Walkers have always been the least interesting part of the story, and a sort of MacGuffin for the series, but they've advanced the story in such a way that they have to focus on them now for the ending. I think the writing is likely to suffer from that.

This. Seasons 1-4 are the best but the rest is still fun and entertaining. I liked the first episode of this season even.

Yeah, the white walkers I could have done without

I watched the first 5 season's, watched the last 2 because of that.

You can make any story seem like shit if you boil it down to base elements like that.

at this point i just want to know what the fuck the white walkers want and what their symbols mean. if they dont explain them and WWs turn out to just want to kill everyone im gonna be disappointed but not very surprised

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>first 4-5 seasons
You mean the first 2

"..." wins every argument, okay sweetie?

so I can selfinsert as Bronn who obviously maxed his character and is rolling a dexterity build with quipping instead of mana bar

why are you so scared of sex and genitals? you a puritan?

It used to be good when it was following the twists and turns of the books. And yeah they aren't the best books in the world calm you tits Yea Forums but they were enough. When the writers had to come up with their own plot things quickly fell away. It's not even that it's just bad writing, they don't have the capacity to juggle twists and turns anymore, it's all just clomped together.

The political intrigue is what made the show great. The more magic was added, the worse it got.

They hate freedom, like terrorists

>i like to be different and want to show Yea Forums im special by not understanding why normies like GoT
grow the fuck up

I'm from the EU actually.

I'm just watching it to see it through. Have been since like what, season 4 when it turned to garbage?

>when you don't have an argument so you resort to "sweetie"
Well done

I'd say season 5 is when it went off the rails, but you could argue that Brienne mopping the floor with the Hound at the end of season 4 was kind of goofy. They sort of made her into this unstoppable killing machine in the show.

When you dont understand sarcasm so you act like a retard

I like the production, I can just unplug my mind a bit and enjoy. To me is harmless fun, I don't take it seriously and I used to watch it while I eat.

inertia and sunk-cost fallacy, tbqh. Nobody can deny that the early seasons were absolute kino. But I'd say from S4 onward, it's been a steady decline. But the thing is, I've already been watching it since it was good, and so now I'm just continuing to watch it despite it being shit, because I'm already this far into it, and I might as well see it to the end and wrap it up.

I did the same thing with Dexter too. Seasons 1, 2, and 4 were top-tier. Season 5-8 were each worse than the last, but I just kept watching despite overtly knowing and complaining about the quality drop, because I was already watching it anyway.

tldr I just want to get it over with

I'd say the last time it was truly good was Season 3. The thing is, the early seasons actually had this feeling of a driving force to the plot, like things are actually going somewhere. But the later seasons feel absolutely aimless, which is made all the more jarring when the final season and a half come around and the writers say "oh shit, we need to wrap this up I guess" and then they shit out this poorly paced and rushed bullshit trying to wrap up after previously having season after season where fucking nothing happens because they save up the budget so that any/all important events are condensed into episode 9 of the season.

A Game of Onions and Reddit.

It gave the impression of "nobody is safe" from a plot point of view. But it estabelished in a few season that some people were indeed safe and now acts recklessly and almost mocks the viewer for thinking they could ever die.

Especially disappointing since all the annoying/boring characters are the ones who survived, whereas all the interesting ones were the ones who got killed off. Repeat this process over 8 seasons, and now we're left with a completely bland and unlikeable cast of characters who I don't give a fuck about.

It became a habit.

>The more magic was added, the worse it got.
This tbqh.
It would have been so much better if they kept magic as mysterious as it was during the first three seasons. It added lots of new interesting opportunities to the show that you couldn't have had in a realistic historical drama.
Of course D&D had to go overboard and sow out magic powers like candy, effectively ruining the mystery surrounding it.
It's like an alien investigation show where the viewer knows everything about the ayys halfway into the season.

because the first 4 seasons of the show were pretty good. I barely watched the later season but I know where the story's at. Watched the new episode, probably gonna watch a few more and the final one.

>Of course D&D had to go overboard and sow out magic powers like candy, effectively ruining the mystery surrounding it.
It was worse then that. It was used in such a casual and trivial way. Some mystery, then revealing it, but nobody cares. Jon died and returned, their biggest enemies are an army more then a millennia old, dragons were in fact real.
What I don't get, is that they are so relaxed about how people can be converted to NK's army, how they seemingly are alive again, and that Jon had a close interaction (died?) from one and returned, only to lead them by proxy claiming that a Targaryan with dragons is the way to go.

>Our traditions are that we follow you Jon,
>Jon says to follow Daenerys
>Daenerys says old traditions are outdated

I'll unironically kill D&D if they rape the show any further, mark my dubs

When it was following most of the source material it was decent.

But then they ran out and fell back on every generic fantasy trope it could use. Now it's a show about the goodies fighting the big bad undead baddies who have a clear head with The Night King (doesn't exist in the book).

It's funny. The series was meant to deconstruct those tropes, how honourable stoic types get their asses handed and so forth and now we're stuck with the most bland boring character as the main protagonist fighting against some objectively evil otherwordly specimen.

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First 4 seasons were really good but they didn't stray from the book much. After they tried their own writing it hasn't been the best but some occasional scenes/fights are well done enough and I'm invested enough to continue what little is left.

it's was "babby's first political intrigue" show.