Mark is based

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he fucked his sister atleast once

Would fucking sexdroids on Tattooine count?

Womp rats don't count, Luke.

What about the milk aliens?

I still can't believe they put that shit into the movie

why do women care so much if someone is a virgin or not? do they feel superior to virgin men?

People are screaming about it but what's wrong with it? Other than just disgusting of course.

Yes. Literally nothing disgust women more than a virgin man.

he had a real beard. its impossible to have a full beard and be a virgin

you're right, why don't we just have all our movies have iconic characters milk bipedal animals with giant tits and then drink it

What was the point? It was only there to emasculate Luke, who represents old white male Star Wars fans.

he drugged aunt beru and stuck it in her when uncle owen was out with the lads at the cantina.

Jedi monks should be virgins.

besides disgusting, its pointless and distracting from the narrative
your supposed to have this old wise mentor whos turned into crotchy old man who refuses to help and suddenly your walking him milk a giant alien titty and drinking it

Put the goalposts back nigger

What I never figured out why they had a land speeder but he still stayed in a wheelchair with wheels like a savage

i can guarantee you that if they had put this scene in empire strikes back people would to this day call it stupid as well

In my back story Luke was sexually grooming Ben (Kylo), just like Obi Wan was doing to him on Tatooine. Ben finally said fuck that and left. Luke tried to kill him.

that was his idiot dad Cliegg, it was a different time just switch your brain off

no no i can see it now.
lando and han embrace then go suck on a giant brown milksac together
pure kino

The real question is Rey one?

My backstory is that Luke was gang banged by the mos eisley cantina band.

Honestly I think there's a good chance Luke is gay.


>What was the point?
It provides insight into the nature of Luke's exile, we see how far he's fallen off the wagon and realise that there's more to it than simply hiding, Luke is personally troubled and quite deeply at that.

Isn’t it just a some kind of space cow
I thought it was the star wars equivalent of some farmer drinking fresh milk from his cows. Nothing wrong with that.





Incel is the go to insult for every woman who's discovered that term. They would execute every 20+ virgin on earth if they could.

How many movies have you seen where the actor is milking a cow in full view and then drinking that milk? Probably none, because it's crude and in bad taste. This is as scene that belongs in Dumb&Dumber, which is a movie for retards by retards.

Incel started with Eliot Rodgers. And then was a self-identifying thing for years until that Canadian dude ran over a bunch of people for the incel movement. And then everyone started making fun of it.

And the hatred of the concept of "incel" isn't that you're a virgin, it's that you're a malignant, can't cope, blames everyone else virgin. The whole concept of "involuntarily celibate" is LOADED with malignant narcissism. Lets you tell yourself you're special, like you've taken a vow of celibacy, while also letting you blame everyone else for that vow of celibacy. It's self-important and externalizes blame and anger at women, essentially for just existing and not fucking you.

It's a SUPER ugly term with SUPER ugly context.

on top of that, I took it as Luke intentionally trying to gross out Rey so she'd fuck off.

Are these people dumb? He saved the universe, before trying to rage attack his nephew I'm pretty sure he went on a universe saving poon tour.

He spend months banging his sister like rabbits between Episode V and VI.

Everyone knows that Luke was picking up ass at Tosche Station on the regular

>It's a SUPER ugly term with SUPER ugly context.

I think the only logical thing to do is to bring back a word that used to give them complexes:


Bring back Frigid. It's the female version of incel.

He lost his boipussy virginity young

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I still don't get his TLJ backstory
>Think about killing your nephew
>Think better off it so nothing really happens
>Exile yourself from all friends and family and drop everything and so trying in anything
>Don't help against the First Order even though your a capable pilot even if you didn't want to use the force
If anything he should have been vindicated because Ben actually did turn out to be a psycho

They could have made the cow a qt

vol-cel is god like. Incel is pathetic

why is sexual orientation, gender definitions and virginity important IN A MOVIE FOR KIDS, HHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMM?!

Movies should offer escapism, not remove any hope of enjoying a seperate FICTIONAL narrative. Shit is fucking abhorrent.

not really. And it's still just projecting your own sexual frustrations at women for not fucking you. That's what my dad used to call my mom all the time. A virgin telling some girl he doesn't know that she's "frigid" most just tells everyone that this dude is mad at her for not fucking him.

If you ever want to be appealing to people, stop making it clear that you're incapable of thinking about anything other than how grumpy you are about your lack of a sex life.

Like you're choosing to spend your time alone shitposting about kid's movies. It's not anyone else's fault that you're not magically getting fucked when you spend all your time by yourself doing nothing.


cant you just say "celibate" at that point?

>I still don't get his TLJ backstory
Luke believed Kylo was being corrupted by the dark side.

He was deeply disturbed and went to confront him.

Overcome with emotion he drew his weapon ready to kill him, and had an epiphany, what he was doing was mad, it wasn't ben, but himself that was being corrupted by the dark side.

Ben awoke in the middle of this epiphany and saw his uncle about to kill him and defended himself.

This perceived betrayal and the accompanying emotions drove Ben to the dark side after all, leading to Lukes temple being razed and all of his apprentices killed.

Luke goes into exile because of his guilt as well as his lack of faith in himself, the way the dark side subtly overtook him troubled him deeply.

People latch onto the most obvious problems because it's too complicated to explain why the movie as a whole was bad. Most people don't have either the time or the understanding of cinema to put together a two hour video essay explaining why TLJ was a bad movie.

They may even be a bit wary of saying that it was a bad movie at all. It's hard for a die-hard star wars fan to admit that they don't like Star Wars anymore, and moreover it's liable to get you labelled a gamergater incel misogynist in some circles. So instead of saying they didn't like the movie as a whole, they scapegoat one particular part of it. That's why people are displaying a disproportionate amount of emotion for that single, thirty-second scene - it's a way of expressing their negative feelings about the movie as a whole.

It's like Jake Lloyd as Anakin Skywalker. It wasn't his fault that Phantom Menace sucked, but that didn't stop people giving him shit about it for years and specifically blaming his casting and performance.

t. 20+ virgin who should be executed

Women are not smart enough or informed enough to know any of the history of the term


to spare us from thousand of "what does he eat?!" videos

I don't know why people care. As if Luke getting pussy somehow enriches his life or character.

I sort of like the idea that Luke leads a non-family/sexual focused life. Make no mistake, though: Luke having relationships is low-hanging fruit for stirring up cheap interest in a comic or novel or what have you. He won't get married or have kids, but he'll almost certainly have a girlfriend introduced eventually. It's lazy, but it works.

Do you think that alien simply gave up her milk for free? Milk the tit, dick the clit.

no it's pretty much the same as fucking your hand

this is objectively false

So... space nuns?

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Women are always thinking about their hole. Such a shallow existence.

Everyone is superior to virgin men. Being a virgin, especially in today's hyper-sexualized society, means that there's something fundamentally wrong with you either physically or mentally.

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based retard

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absolutely based

Rei's gonna totally end up his daughter and he put her there to protect her from kylo isnt it?

I imagine he did that in the joker voice and did the laugh afterwards

>As if Luke getting pussy somehow enriches his life or character.
to women, this is true. since their only value truly comes from their vagina, they have to believe a man's worth is only weighed in how many women he's slept with.
if they don't believe this, then they'll realize what most everyone else does: they're useless, outside of making and raising children

basically this and it only counts if you didnt pay for it. Otherwise youre still a virgin.

How many people who fit this arbitrary description Jews invented have actually killed people over their "ideology" compared to, let's say, Muslims?

based but not redpilled

>its da juice
Every incel.

I saw luke fuck oola at sad panda

>and raising
40 years ago you would have been at least half right.

Why can't Jews ever answer a question without obfuscating?

Actual incels are literally so hideous and maladjusted that no woman wants them. I could see how that could arouse so bitterness in them at their cruel fate.

>Obligatory be yourself image.

Lurk more, brainlet.

>why do women care so much if someone is a virgin or not?
If you got through high school without having sex at least once, you're obviously malfunctioning as a person.

do contraceptives exist in star wars?

Have sex

Apparently no one on this board is either, considering it was started by a woman on a some dating forum.

What was emasculating about it? It was a really simple test for Rey. He grabbed the titty, had a drink and then turned to her to see her reaction. If she looked disgusted or was retching, there was no way he'd ever teach her. Yoda did the same thing to him on Dagobah by annoying him and eating his sandwiches.

Well i have assberger so is that good enough reason.

OG incels are from the 90s and basically just the western term for leftover (wo)men, Christ even the French gay from Gilmore Girls describes himself as involuntarily celibate.

I wanna read Mark's backstory. Fuck, I want Mark to rewrite the SW sequels. I feel like he knows more about Star Wars than everyone at Lucasfilms combined.

Based on what evidence? Do you have women friends?

all great tragedies have a little incest

Better than canon TLJ.

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Incels living rent free in people's minds in 2019

It's evidence that you have no value to women

He fucked, sucked, sneeded and chucked several of his female apprentices

he fucked his sister, didn't he

How can you be a charismatic hero if you can't even get laid.

Go to Twitter and search incel, incel.

>falling for the sex meme


>it only counts if you didnt pay for it
i didn't, my dad did, am i a virgin still?

>Young girl abandoned in a violent planet
You know she has been raped more times than she changes clothes.

lmaoing at your misinformation

Just like the term Mary Sue which originated from a female's self-insert character in her Star Trek fanfic, the term incel originates from a lonely female's blog post where she bitches about not being able to get dicked and declaring herself involuntarily celibate and blaming society for it. Look it up, faggot.

are you just being sarcastic or do you really have that much distortion in your mind?

>implying le food ration guy hasnt forced her to pee and shit into his mouth on several occations for extra rations

So that's how they get to life as NEETs... Living rent free... Wow, powerful.

Redpilled (a pill made by two trannies)
You're a tranny.

>he created his own backstory
Yeah, right. Let me guess: Luke gets to fuck and marry some hot redhead. Hell, lets add another layer of fanfic and say she was actually part of the Empire.

Mark is delusional. Luke didn't fuck anyone but himself and decided to live on some island to suck alien testicles. That's the canon Disney gave us.

So it was retarded and out of character, designed to totally shit on his legacy, got it.

Save hex.

He could've bought an alien hooker at Mos Eisley before ANH.

The only insightful answer. These movies were made to push a narrative nothing else. If they had capitalist pursuits they wouldnt have alienated the main demographic interested in star wars.

There are forums and post online about women wanting to fuck dogs than wanting to fuck virgins.

>believing this meme
How far we've fallen this yuga

>drinking milk is emasculating

No but Luke can use the force pull out method

You know he plowed Rey 's holes and filled them with his jedi seed

I'm sorry your life didn't work out, user.

>he buys into the female cope everything is about people wanting in their pants
Frigid works. Women hate it and I've no interest in fucking them

They realize their mistake in losing theirs to some dude who offered them weed or booze in exchange and want to drag everyone to their level.

>You know he plowed Rey 's holes and filled them with his jedi seed
Do you think he was formerly a virgin before he sucked and fucked her?

You tryna tell me this nigga got that sweet force choke power and he ain't ever raped a bitch. Come tha fuck on.

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This is the worst attempt at fitting in I've seen

But I'm engaged and didnt fuck in high school how can this be. Enjoy having all your relationships fail cause you dont understand how they work

just end it all alr. I've had enough of this clown world and of women and their shitty memes

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Been happily married for almost 20 years now. Marrying someone before you try them out still seems unwise. Best of luck to you, though.

>destroyed the empire
>thousands maybe even millions of rebel humanoid rebel groupies
What do you think

>all women are the same
>all men are the same

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who fucking who is literally the only thing women talk about

Elliot says hi

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>most women are the same
>most men are the same
Normies gonna normie, npcs gonna npc

That evil looking gook is a biological landmine.

Hole validation. It keeps them as gate keepers.

Laser condoms. It gets ugly when they malfunction.

He's telling you to do the opposite of that.

no, congrats son

>Frigid works. Women hate it
And I'm sure they pine over guys just insulted them...
>I've no interest in fucking them
>"S-S-Screw women! I don't wanna fuck them anyway!"
It's nice to have a cop out to the problem, I guess.

This is most of y’all.

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Freddy Got Fingered

There is nothing wrong with saving yourself for marriage user...don't listen to thots and degenerates, their souls are already lost

>designed to totally shit on his legacy
People shit on their own legacies all the time
That's life, dude.

This, virgin men are pathetic.

begone chapofaggot

>the first pair of tits some poor kid saw were attached to an alien sea lion that Luke slurps the milk from

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Wouldnt most Jedi die virgins because of the Jedi rules?

Or was Yoda like "You can pump and dump, just don't move in with her/him"

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cat was out of the bag after anakin and padme

Yoda was a furry

What comes in a “virginity kit”?

Regular females dont care.
Whores that listen to nigger faggot shit really care because sex is their only value and are completely worthless beyond that.
If you are a man and dont give a shit about them( i.e. act like they are the Best Porn Girl of the year winner, the complete center of the sexual universe, recognize me peasant. etc)
They resent you because you are somehow resistant to their amazing existence... obviously you are a virgin, deficient in sexual orientation blah blah.
All you need to do is not worry about them. If there is a female you like talk to her abit till her bullshit front drops .
Women are children

Epic response

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When Luke first meets Yoda, Yoda acts like a deranged animal that scavenges Luke's equipment and nibbles on anything that looks edible. Later we find out this is merely Yoda testing Luke's patience. In TLJ they try to emulate this interaction with silly scenes like Luke chucking the saber over his shoulder and the milk thing, but it falls flat on its face because it's not a charade as it was with Yoda. They are just making Luke look bad, which comes to a head with Rey intimidating him.

The only thing that stands out in this awkwardly-toned garbage heap of a movie is that it's a Luke Skywalker character assassination. This is delivered along with the message of destroying the past (despite the movie hinging on rehashed characters and settings). It's very deliberate, so what exactly is supposed to be the intended outcome if not extreme frustration from longtime fans? Only sois would clap and cheer at their revered idols being dragged through the mud and used as a punchline to a series of bad jokes.

Women hate purity.

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It's actually.
>all is individuals
>all is the same
It's called Fundamental Attribution Error.

Reminder that his last name in drafts was at first (chocolate) starkiller

Blue milk boy was getting deep in the outer rim on the daily

Christians trying to somehow push semi-intelligent thoughts through their indoctrination filters always come off as so cringe. It's like watching a savant baboon paint a perfect Picasso. Good job I guess, but you could've used something other than your dung.

Yes. The left and the right of the political spectrum are both divorced halves of a balance, which is why they both underperform. If you have a desperate need for a religion, fit it into the Tao; considering that's literally what the Tao is.

But it's not about suffering or love. Christian sadomasochism is so aggravating...

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He definitely fucked the milky alien at least once

Have children, cat lady

>Tfw not a virgin

lets laugh at the incels

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Yeah, its all your amazing powers of resilience and mental fortitude "saving" your virginity all these years.

>i dont like christians

>that picture is talking about dualism, its just like taoism!

>i dont like christians

great input champ


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>Abandon your history, people and faith and partake in an ideology wholly abandoned by its own creators in favor of communism.

>As long as it did not originate in Europe its okay otherwise stop being so stupid! Europe and its history and cultures that birthed the modern world are not worth our time now except for irrational and baseless ridicule in favour of any other non white ideology.

I will pray for you and your eternal soul.

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>implying Yoda cares about Jedi lore and rules

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thanks user, i´m not a virgin but just a regular tfw no gf person

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Not really. Virgins are subhuman trash who fail at the most basic condition of being human. Jedis, however, transcend Humanity, or at the very least push theirs to the limit.

>all these girls who sleep with neurotypicals are fucking whores
>I can't have sex because all those roasties want a chad who isn't autistic

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Equating the value of something to it originating from you is simply egoism.

that guys right though if you're 5'9 its over

>that reddit spacing

>the hatred of the concept of "incel" isn't that you're a virgin
cope for redditor nice guys

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there are iq studies that show that women are generally more similar than different, whereas with men its the opposite

look up the bell curves for men and women compared to see what i mean.

its funny too because men prefer generally distinct women and women generally preffer indistinct yet dominant males

>be me
>work out my whole life
>socialize regularly
>have good hygene
>am told i am a 7/10 in terms of faceial appearance
>never ever ever had gf

>It's nice to have a cop out to the problem, I guess
what problem?

are you insinuating that men have to get laid?

that girl on the couch was a HUGE BITCH to Luke in all these deleted scenes!!!!

is this a joke?

men on average lose their virginity at age 13

being a virgin over that age means you lack masculinity

all women are whores


How do you think he sleeps at night knowing he ruined one of the most iconic, beloved, and inspirational characters in cinema history?

It's easy to make a
comment, but if the man has any soul at all, he should feel at least an ounce of uncertainty about his decision to take Luke in that direction. It's not an exaggeration to say that generations of children grew up watching the original Star Wars trilogy in the decades since its release. Few movies had such a massive cultural impact as Star Wars, and Luke was at the center of it.

I'm sure Rian Johnson got paid handsomely for his work on Episode VIII, and I am also sure that he has surrounded himself with a bunch of far-left "yes men" who reassure him of everything he did, but he has to know that effectively destroyed a character that meant so much to so many people for such a long time. There's no way he doesn't know. I just wonder how he deals with it.

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Luke was fucking Camie over in Toshi Station but that part was cut from the movie.

Attached: Koo Stark-Camie Star Wars.jpg (700x475, 39K)

Good. I hope look banged and knocked tons of women.

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cringe and bluepilled

When women think of virgins they think of fat autistic weebs. They don't think of a Chad who just hasn't fucked yet. Being a virgin has nothing to do with it

stop being a fag and go make something of yourself

This fucker thinks he's hot shit. Forgets he was forgotten for 25+years. Go watch Corvette Summer- he sucks outside of the Luke character.

>What comes in a “virginity kit”?
You, if you use it correctly.

no he wasn't. she was a huge bitch to look in those scenes

He was a 19 year old redneck with his own car. Why would he have been a virgin on Tatooine?

This. Women swoon over Tim Tebow.

More like ******cummi cunny ******amirite brub?
Any bitch calls you an incel wants you to rape them.
They get some attention without having to share any responsibility.
>pro-tip: don't fall for it.

thats what goes down at toshi station?

>not saving it till marriage

There's nothing wrong wi

"The only value she ever had."

No body likes virgins

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Politicians always do that, and not all politicians are Jewish.

I actually gave an honest answer to a girl who asked me if I was virgin and she instandly blocked me
women are repulsed by virgins. their instincts tell them that their must be something wrong with them if they haven't had sex yet.

space FROG nuns.
so like the least sexy thing ever
just cause men suck

wrong color hair

They can still sniff it, though. You can appear to be totally Chadly but if you have the soul of a beta (which happens eventually if you don't sex women and learn how their brains work), you'll get plenty of chances but will fail to close the deal and will get a lot of friend zones.

Fame trumps everything, though, hence Tim Tebows and such can get away with it.

>"But I was going into Tosche Station to pick up some power converters!

power converters = local slang for prostitute.
Luke has been a costumer since he was like 14

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this is mythological storytelling, not real life. Mere plausibility is not the relevant standard.

None of you mentioned Mara fucking Jade, jesus fuck.
Film only fags should be gassed

cope harder.

This thread is unironically hurtful to read bros

I mean your hypothetical pic related could do all those things and still not get laid. Because he's extremely ugly and deformed. Literally proving his point and the point that most incels are ugly/deformed and thus outcasts/rejected.

And the worst thing is that they're right. We're broken. I feel hollow.

losing that doesn't count for much though and anyone who says different doesn't know what they're talking about. It won't change your life for the better.

Society should allow lonely guys in their 20's to off themselves. It's honestly mercy.

this is the deeper explanation

they are validation vampires and the thing about them that needs the most validation is that thing that bleeds and smells and makes them uncomfortable one week out of every four.

Why does it matter whether or not you're "allowed" you pathetic child? Put a bullet in your head and you're gone. No one can stop you.

That said, instead of killing yourself, just self-improve. Don't be a sad cunt. And this mentality of whether you're "allowed" to do something is exactly what's holding you back.

literally have sex

He just confirmed that Rey isn't Luke's kid.

>participates in all Crusades in Medieval II Total War

Haha, wow I'm actually very curious how you respond to this user right here Is there any doubt that women prefer actual animals to virgins?

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I've been "self-improving" for 6 years now. I only get lonelier and my depression gets only worse. There is no hope for some. I wish suicide wasn't taboo and traumatic for relatives. Even they must know I'm better off dead. For some people there simply is no cure.

Why does everyone hates incels? Keep in mind all the people they've killed deserved it so don't bring that up.

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masturbating doesn't count

yeah I dunno why that particular moment was hated so much when the movie sucked ass anyway. It was kinda funny at least and in line with Yoda's retarded antics.
Did you not see the Yoda scenes?

this is truth

fact is, the girls you think are hot are equally as insecure as you. once you realize this, youll become much more confident

Surely the character who has been shown up by a green midget, knocked out and hung from a cieling, had his hand chopped off then thrown away like trash, had a princess call him a manlet etc, surely this guy is truly above being a put upon hero

Fuck you idiot

Spend more time with your relatives and friends. Even as an introvert, it will help your mental state. Humans are actually designed to be around others constantly. We're also evolved to reproduce in our teens and raise kids as young adults. The modern way of life is bad for our mental health. And sitting in front of a screen alone is one of the worst things someone can do for his sanity.

Doing something as simple as walking in a park with a friend can bring you out of your personal mental hell.

what if I figuratively have sex

Haha no I've plowed my share of women. Have had children and been their father as a man should be. Not with babymama anymore(kids adult now. I was a single dad and it was good. No worries).
Now I'm free and /SIG/, still get some when i want it (not often i want anything and when i do its on my terms. Not because some conniving bitch wants me and gets mad and goes on her fagbook because i must be a virgin or some stupid roastie group think bullshit).
And i know there are alot of women out there that are not into roastie culture and tired of other women being whored by (((them))).
>they were some good friends

Antisocial is literally a curse in Western society