Legalizing Pedophilia

Well lads, it's already here. The line has been crossed.

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Other urls found in this thread:

literally not what she's arguing

>OP is a complete idiot
What a surprise from a faggot


Okay, this could be epic.

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This'll make someone very happy.

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oh shit

this is what you deserve for calling us racists and homophobes

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Most people don't realize the Nazis were burning books pushing transexual, homosexual, and pedophile behaviors. And guess who the (((authors))) were.

Gee whiz history's a hoot!

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>a mental illness is the same as loving your boyfriend

Once we established transgender behavior as socially acceptable pedophilia is a small step forward.

Think about this clearly we have made it ok to cut your penis off and live life with a gaping hole in your body forever. We've made it ok to kill children. Weve taught our kindergartners about gay sex. We have changed the science books to say there are more than 2 genders. How stupid do you have to be to not see that pedophilia is a very very small step forward compared to that.

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What is she arguing? Looking up articles from the talk, she seems to be arguing for paedophile acceptance in the same way homos and trans have before it became "accepted". Lets also not forget that thing is Dutch and single.

girls peak between 10-12

the most famous nazi war song is about cunny

sure it is moshe

On the heath, there blooms a little flower
and it's called Erika.
Eagerly a hundred thousand little bees,
swarm around Erika.
For her heart is full of sweetness,
a tender scent escapes her blossom-gown.
On the heath, there blooms a little flower
and it's called Erika.

you dumb sperg

As long as they just legalize /ss/ and /ll/ no one will care

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acceptance of pedophiles, yes, the people, not the act of pedophilia. Get them treatment and treat them like humans.

>Let's be mature about pedophilia

Is that an intentional play on words?

Shes spent her entire career fighting sex crimes, why should we listen to you and not her? Every single objection against the video is sheer pathetic mindlessness.


finding girls 3-9 (ie pedophilia) is a genuine sickness. finding pubescent girls attractive is 100% normal

sounds more like wanting a woman in full bloom not some pedo shit you fucking kike

Mfw no hottie teacher ever had sex with me when I was in school
Of course, I was covered in acne. But all clear now.

>the act of pedophilia

>What is she arguing? Looking up articles from the talk
Literally watch the fucking video you fucking brainlet. Jesus christ how retarded are you people? You get outraged over a headline and don't even watch the fucking video to realize it's literally nothing getting upset over. She is not arguing for pedophilia acceptance.

No one cares now really.

do you know that the age of consent was increased from 11-12 to 16-17 by jewish feminist groups?

remember when they said gay marriage wouldn't be a slipperly slope

>gets proven wrong
>deflects with made up bullshit
typical pedo kike

There really is no treatment other than abstaining from sex with children. When that fails, incarceration. The system is already in place. The bitch is arguing for pedo acceptance, just like all the rest, when the real discussion should be if a 12 year old whore signs up for an escort service on purpose, how many years should she recieve in prison? Fix’d.

And how about instead of "looking up articles" you just read the description
>Madeleine argues that this is a public and mental health issue. A shared responsibility for all of us. Let’s acknowledge this problem exists and stop with hate and throwing rocks at offenders’ houses. That is not going to solve this problem! Let’s be a mature society and agree that only when we are open about this topic, people will find the strength to come forward, so we as a society can help.
>She wants to fight one of the most serious crimes: one that concerns the dignity and safety of our children. Madeleine is also working on a PhD exploring child exploitation networks on the Darkweb, not only to connect the world of policing with the scientific world, but more importantly to gather more knowledge about this horrible type of crime, and to hopefully being part of making the world a safer place.

God damn brainlets, kys.

>/pol/s idea of proving someone wrong is just flinging "kike" at them

lmao. go back to your brainlet echochamber

She's trying to differentiate between people who want to have sex with children and people who actually do have sex with children

Hello, Reddit.

I miss old comfy pedo Yea Forums where even I got disgusted.

nu Yea Forums is literally a bunch of satanic panic moms

All you did was post your own interpretation.

A "little blooming flower" would be a pubescent or adolescent, not an adult woman. Fenales don't "bloom" at 18.

if the shoe fits you dumb fucking heeb

Can it be cured or is that just a meme?

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You're getting rekt here bro

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Books banned by the NSDAP: 1500

Books banned by the Federal Republic of Germany: 30,000

>slippery slope fallacy based on reading a headline
Nigga u dumb

The problem here is, to quote her directly, pedophilic interest. People have interests, but we're not fucking animals as we define them. We are humans and don't just run on impulse.
Acknowledging and then allowing people to even talk about pedophilia is plain acceptance. That's wrong and those that support this way of thinking are just plain moral grandstanding. If you're so fucked you act on the impulse to do anything sexual in nature with a child, you've proven you aren't a human and deserve all the hate and vitriol you get. If retarded doctors with degenerate views want to perform tests on individuals, then take the fucks that have touched children and go to town on them.

Probably about as well as homosexuality can be cured.

It's not a fallacy. It's an agenda.

you're boring, go back

It's more complex than that and sends the socially sensitive into a tailspin.

>sexuality is genetic! You can't hold that against someone!
>what about pedophiles
> t-that's not important...people can love who they love! Don't be on the wrong side of history!
>what about pedophiles

If we accept them, then that means sexuality isn't genetic and we should be able to pick and choose whose sexualities we modify. If we reject them, then that's discrimination and somehow morally wrong.

as opposed to the other faggots interpretation? fuck off you stupid faggot

>thinking Erika is about pedophilia
wew lad that is some S tier projection

So you meant to say the act of child molestation/rape.
Maybe someone that made a career out of fighting sex crime knows better about how to fight sex crime than you do.

The fact that everyone gets so upset over pedophilia compared to things like murder or abortion give me the impression that they all have pedophilic traits and are trying to delude themselves.

Paedophilia is never going to go away. It's not the same thing as child molestation. Paedophiles can't help it and may have been abused themselves as children. It's better for the well-being of children and society as a whole if these people are able to seek treatment to help them deal with their attraction in healthy ways and to avoid entering risky situations.

I remember when /pol/ users used to actually have witty and entertaining takes on things instead of "waaaahWAAHHWWAAAAAH DA JEWYJEWY JEWYKIKIES "

>muh /pol/ boogieman

I don't care about peadophiles, I just want them to decriminalize loli so I can jerk in peace

Is that back when you use to call them all stormfags for calling out the jews?
or does this whole "witty and entertaining takes on things" take place between then and now?

>Paedophiles can't help it
Yes they can. The mentally challenged can't help it, and their ranks are filled with pedos, yet it's not acceptable for them either. There is no excuse for molesting kids. Period.

th-there were just a lot of books on trannies in 30's germany
the nazis did nothing wrong there is nothing wrong with burning books /pol/ told me so and 1 million boomers can't be wrong

>allowing people to even talk about pedophilia is plain acceptance
What the fuck is this retarded logic? Do you think that talking about murder is murder acceptance too?

Pedophilia seems a lot less nature and more nurture than homosexuality. Also the vast majority of actual child molesters are not actually pedophiles in the clinical sense, in which case their behavior can probably be modified with much greater ease than true pedophiles.

I'm not the same guy, but yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what he meant. The sociologists and mental health professionals are divided on whether or not pedophilia is an orientation like homosexuality and therefore cannot be treated and instead must just be diagnosed and contained, or if it's a result of childhood trauma and therefore can be treated.

Long story short, either way, there needs to be a better way for pedophiles to be able to seek treatment without thinking that they'll be arrested for thought crimes. Ones that do touch kids need to be actually arrested.

Are you even reading the posts you reply to?

>Also the vast majority of actual child molesters are not actually pedophiles in the clinical sense

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How compelling. Im sorry getting proven wrong has sent you into such an impotent rage.

Unknown. It's probably similar to (true) homosexuality in the mind. However, pedophilia is looked down upon because children cannot consent with full understanding of the situation. I would argue that most people have thoughts of sex with younger people just by an evolutionary standpoint, but the action is outdated and frowned upon due to the rise of civilization. So think about whatever you want, just don't fucking do it.

No it obviously can't be cured. It's a sexual attraction, can get gays to stop being attracted to dick? No. All you can do is help pedos to not actually act on their urges and help kids, which is why she's acting for "pedo acceptance" so that pedos won't be as afraid to admit their pedos and seek help.

>Acknowledging and then allowing people to even talk about pedophilia is plain acceptance.
You're retarded and this is exactly what she's talking about. Pedos will never seek help because if they do people will hate and ostracize them forever, so they don't get help. Less pedos getting help means more children being abused. That's why she's saying talk about pedophilia in a mature manner, so that pedos will be less afraid to seek help and less children will be abused.


We're not talking any child molesters. We're talking about people who are sexually attracted to children but haven't acted on it.

this. and it always happens to be around pubescent girls just proving they are inherently sexually attractive. if something was so inherently unnatural it wouldn't garner such a strong response.

nobody thinks when you post a picture of a coconut that you have a latent desire to chop it up and shove it up your ass.
but post a completely non sexual image of a 12 year old girl and get met with death threats and abuses of implied desire to rape. why? because they subconsciously notice that desire in themselves that a 12 year old can be attractive. and they have to project it as aggressively as possible to signal they are of no threat to the tribe's values

I can guess that rightists are going to dishonestly say she's promoting pedophilia for presenting the mainstream scientific view.

they really are just so dull

/pol/ are literal jew-worshippers now that their president is
at least the post-2016 normies who took over the board are

sick argument kiddo

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It's just a matter of time before they act on it though.
The only good cure for kidfuckers is a bullet through the brain, and I'm very willing to administer it.

Not what I meant and that's my fault for poor choice of words.
Offering help instead of forcing it is acceptance. And no, murder is different entirely.

Here's a little fact for you, democrats:
Pedophilia is not a crime.
Deal with it.

arguing with awkward retards who have already made up their minds doesn't interest me much

your autism is boring now, go back to /pol/ and come back when you're entertaining again

Projecting much?

The key here being "haven't acted on it." If they've made it this far without acting, they can continue on. And if they can't they get punished for it. What more deterrent do you need than a guarantee to ruin your life and possible death?

That's retard talk and you know it

t. compensating ashamed closeted pedo

Explain why talking about pedophilia is acceptance but talking about murder isn't.

It should be.

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why are non cunnyseurs so filled with rage?

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Pedophilia almost certainly has a wide area of contributing causes and multiple factors could very well be involved in each individual case.

Some pedophiles are certainly easier to treat and more willing to honestly undergo treatment than others.

About to drive me to the point of killing, none of you fucking faggots will ever do anything.

the fuck are you talking about? every 90IQ joe blow would agree with your caveman calls to violence over things you can't understand

Pastebin truth about pedophilia:

False equivalency.

Because pedophiles destroy the only pure innocence left in this world out of their sick desires to stick their dick somewhere where it doesn't belong

Because murder has context. Fucking a kid does not. You are never in a position to fuck a child unless you put yourself there. Killing someone can happen anytime anywhere despite planning and your best efforts to avoid it.

So you just expect people to live with bottled up frustration instead of offering them help so they can have a happy life?

>If they've made it this far without acting, they can continue on.
lol what? That makes no sense at all. You never know how far a pedo can make it, which is why you want to help them before they can't take it anymore.

And are you saying we shouldn't help pedos because they will punished for acting on it (if they get caught)? What is that logic, why wouldn't you want to help them not act on it in the first place so that less children get abused?

convinced 90% of these /pol/ posts are bots. all their posts are comprised of a pool of words about 20 large

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Child molester is not the definition of pedophile in any dictionary. A loser that molests a child because he couldnt score with adult women is factually not a pedophile by any standard other than the peanut gallery's opinion. Do you molest your hand because you're attracted to it?

Therapy so they lose the temptation completely? Finding some sort of healthy sexual release for them? Seems like setting up to fail if we just tell them to sit on their hands. Look at what happened to gay people.

Pedophilia is legal you stupid fuck. Read a goddamn dictionary.

Christ is the capeshit rotting your brain /tv?

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Testimonies showing the capacity and need of children for erotic involvement

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so much self righteousness for a place filled to the brim with lolicon fags and loli porn

Its not acceptable behavior, but being mentally challgened to the degree that you cant tell right from wrong is an absolutely legitimate excusing factor.

Is there some inherent need to help someone who can't control their desires? It's better for the collective to just put the fucker down quickly than to leave them free to fuck children and ruin their lives.

lmao what that makes literally no sense at all.
Murder has context? Literally what does that even mean.

>You are never in a position to fuck a child unless you put yourself there.
So that's why you can't talk about pedophilia and help pedos get help to never put themselves in that position? You're so stupid, what is that logic?

>If you hate people who want to fuck children you're a Marvel fanboy
You know there's a german word, "Feindbild", I'd suggest you look it up and think hard about what you're doing right now

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>Killing someone can happen anytime anywhere despite planning and your best efforts to avoid it.
Are you talking about accidental killings? Because murder implies intention.

about time

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You cannot force medical treatment on someone. What you can do is offer it as an alternative to a lengthy prison sentence, which is what multiple states already do.

Loli has been banned for ages, not our fault that some of you creeps remained

>Is there some inherent need to help someone
Yes, that is called being a decent person. Which you clearly aren't.

Too bad you never will, rendering your impotent revenge fantasy shitpost meaningless.

>Is there some inherent need to help someone who can't control their desires?
So is it better to not help them so that more of them abuse children?

>It's better for the collective to just put the fucker down quickly than to leave them free to fuck children and ruin their lives.
Too bad you will never know who a pedo is until after they hurt children though with you logic. With your logic a pedo would never seek help and more children will be abused you fucking brainlet.


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God, I want to Lift her up with one hand and crush her Neck with a violent shake.

How is frustration because you can't fuck a kid the same as frustration because you're an alcoholic? You offer people help for things that cause problems. Wanting to fuck a child is not a problem until you decide "I'm going to fuck a child".
>What is that logic
How do you stop someone from committing rape and murder? Why must child fuckers get special treatment? If you can't resist a simple urge to not fuck a kid, you deserve a bullet, not help.

>letting pedophiles fuck kids
>being a decent person
(Obviously I mean actual pedophiles 14+ is perfectly acceptable)

Hope you're joking.


so many angry people. you need to let love into your heart :3

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People are occasionally willing to kill despite the same deterence. At some point deterence doesnt work. Ideally we should be working with potential non offenders so that they dont even need to be detered in the first place.

Ok, s either you are completely retarded or are intentionaly acting like one. Either way I'm not wasting my time with you anymore.

The entire point of helping them is so they don't fuck kids dumbass


>Because murder implies intention
>get ito a blind rage over a heated argument, strike the person, they die
That's murder but it has context.
>groom a kid with the intent to fuck them, then fuck them
What's the context for that? How do you treat someone for that, especially if they don't want help?
>What you can do is offer it as an alternative to a lengthy prison sentence, which is what multiple states already do.
Which is what I advocate. They couldn't control themselves so they get punished.
>So that's why you can't talk about pedophilia and help pedos get help
What help can you give them? If they feel they've fallen so far they need help to not fuck a child, despite being raised and knowing in their gut that fucking kids is wrong, they still want to do it. With no logical reason. There's no help for people like that and they don't deserve any formal help or acceptance. It's not a disease it's a fucking choice.

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I'm not joking. The deaths threats in the youtube comments herald the collapse of Western Civilization.

>At some point deterence doesnt work.
It's been working fine so far for pedophiles though. Why does it need to change? If it ain't broke don't fix it.

She argues, that the current culture makes it impossible for non-acting pedophiles to seek help they need because of the stigma, which makes it likelier that they will act out at some point.
She has a good point there, as many people are not willing to seek help when they are constantly afraid that there will be ramifications despite they haven't done anything illegal yet.

>right wing racists hate pedophilia
>this is hypocrisy
The delusions of pedophiles never cease to amaze me.

not finna watch
does she say that pedos who haven't acted on it should be given help instead of being immediately lynched, or is she saying that it should actually be allowed

>Apply both hands to their side
>Lift her up
>Tell her to only do stuff like this with her mom
>Keep two feet distance from her at all times after this

There should be a campaign to raise awareness. I mean we're just assuming that people just inherently know it's wrong to fuck kids. Put up some billboards, have public TV messages. "Don't fuck kids it's wrong. if you feel like you want to fuck kids, go to the psychiatrist"

>Why must child fuckers get special treatment?
???????????????????????????????????? How the fuck does arguing to help pedos not rape kids mean you can't help would be rapists or murders not rape or murder? If people are pedophiles help them not rape kids. If someone has rape or murder urges they should be allowed to get help too.

But no, let's just keep it your way, don't help anyone and then kill them when they fuck up. Just ever mind all the innocent people who could have had harmed prevented to them if people could seek help before they hurt someone.

>help them not rape kids.
By putting them in jail

>A campaign for the obvious




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there are two types of men

pedophiles and liars

That's a shitton of money, just shoot them

Kids will shit on the floor if you let them. The same argument could be used against potty training. But in this case children shouldn't be trained because it limits your sexual access to them.

>What help can you give them?
I don't know, I'm not a psychologist or a therapist and neither are you, but if real psychologists and therapists say they can help them I trust them more than you who has no idea what he's talking and says there's no help they can get so they therefore deserve no help.

most people ITT don't even care about the subject you just want a modern day witchhunt to excuse your bloodlust.

>By putting them in jail
Then pedos will never seek help and more children will be abused than if they could seek help. Literal retard.

Pedos, rapists, and murderers don't deserve help. They deserve punishment. It's their victims that need and deserve help.

>panicking about a TEDx speech

get a job and have sex

Yet going to a psychiatrist/psychologist and discussing the urges isn't illegal or frowned upon, atleast in my country. It's something you handle behind closed doors, between you and the Dr. It needs no formal acceptance or institute to catalogue and provide help for them, anymore than they already have.
You are the densest, dumbest cunt ive ever had the displeasure of talking to. They have options. All rapists, murderers, pedos. They choose not to seek it. Like the other user said, you can't force someone to get help, so when they fuck up, they open the doors for the gubment to force them to try and change. You just want it to be out in the open so kiddie diddlers can feel vindicated and proud that they're weak sacks that deserve death. Fucking kill yourself you pathetic, sjw larping dog.

Yeah. I'm calling bullshit on that.


Test everyone with pictures of kids and a setup that detects arousal, idk some kind of sensor on your dick. If you get aroused at the CP, then you get put in an isocube and mentally reprogrammed until such time as you have become safe to release

Bend over.

>tens of thousands of children get molested every year
>rofl no problem here
The point is to prevent there from being a problem.
>How do you stop someone from committing rape
People are less likely to commit antisocial acts when they feel invested in society for starters. We need to find a way to keep potential offenders invested in society, not just scare them.

>but if real psychologists and therapists say they can help them
1. Literally one psych. and she doesn't think she can help them, she thinks they deserve a platform and special treatment.

Bloodlust against the enemies of civilization is healthy.

it's 100% legit
if you have parental consent and/or a judge that agrees to it you can marry a kid in america

amerifats are retarded

Enjoy your isocube.

Have fun in prison.

What if it's a very sexy child though?
Or you get a random boner in that exact momentt?


>a very sexy child

the ancient greeks used to have a cultural custom of bumming young boys

Yet sociopaths are perfectly apt at fitting in and going unnoticed. That's why they're so dangerous. And yes 10s of thousands of kids are molested, out of how many humans on the planet? A fucking minuscule drop user. The system we have in place could be better sure, but it's working fine as it is. If you've got it up your bum to change the world and stop the pedos by curing them (lol) go right a fucking head.

Still they failed given how degenerates parade through berlin and other cities each year.
insert webm of one fag putting whole forearm up another's ass in plain view during one of those.

>Pedos, rapists, and murderers don't deserve help.
Yes, great logic. Let's not help would be child sexual abusers, rapists, and murderers and prevent more people from being harmed. Let's not help them at all so that more people can get harmed and we have more victims! Very high IQ opinion my friend.

>You are the densest, dumbest cunt ive ever had the displeasure of talking to. They have options. All rapists, murderers, pedos. They choose not to seek it.
>If you can't resist a simple urge to not fuck a kid, you deserve a bullet, not help.
Ah yes, they have tons of options and they will obviously seek those options out with people like you around.
>You just want it to be out in the open so kiddie diddlers can feel vindicated and proud that they're weak sacks that deserve death.
Nah, I'm just saying rather than virtue signal because you're ashamed and overcompensating for being a closeted pedo, maybe just be a bit more mature and realize a pedo can't help being the way they are and say "hey I think it's a good thing you want to get help" rather than say "hey I think you should get shot in the head" because no one will seek help with the latter.

That doesn't stop people from having unfounded gears about going to professional help.
The way pedophilia is discussed now makes it look like any deviant thought from the norm will get you prosecuted.
The there's the question of "what if people find out and why", which is even greater obstacle, as that will mean wrecking your career and other relations.

>one psych
There are hundred or even thousands of professionals involved in sex offender treatment plans.

You are clueless and embarrassing yourself. You do not k ow what you are talkong about. You are stating things that are factually false. Stop talking.

uh oh. looks like everyone's going to jail

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What about legal adults that look very youthful because they are short/petite whatever?

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>Implying wanting to fuck children shouldn't wreck your career and relationships
There are some things you just don't do user.

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>ywn know the feeling of losing your virginity to your hot school teacher

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Vomitting through my eyes.

If you are attracted to that particular female, then isocube. Don't fucking ask about midgets either idk

wtf i love hitler now

is /ss/ degenerate too?
or the rule only applies to vanilla lolicon?

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t. Convicted pedophile

Are you just acting stupid or actually stupid?

What's the left side number, percentage of boner?

What's wrong with Maisie?!

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Okay well dont come crying when someone rapes your child because they were too afraid to get treatment and let their desires get the better of them.

>yea but then I get to kill him though!
Revenge fantasy that doesnt occur in 99.999~% of cases and also doesnt solve the problem of your kid being raped.

>legalizing pedophilia
>the woman behind legalizing it is white

pure coincidence...

>Ah yes, they have tons of options and they will obviously seek those options out with people like you around.
Because it's legal for me to stalk people, to get their personal information from their Dr and to kill them if and when I find them, yeah. If I had a problem like this, i'd go to a psych and I wouldn't talk about it to anyone else because it concerns nobody else. This is all rich coming from the faggot that wants to diddle kids and get a pat on the back for it. You'll slip up sooner or later and you'll remember me laughing at you. HAHAHAHA.
So what's the plan then? What needs to change for them to seek help?
But we're talking about the chick in op, unless you can give me a list of names of other Drs who support this.

>People are to afraid to get treatment, so they'll rape children instead,knowing they will be put to death, because they fear treatment more than death.



most people who commit paedophilia acts of child rape aren't even paedophiles just psychopaths. I find little girls cute and alluring but I wouldn't fucking rape one.
the instance of actual child rape is extremely low. the idea that anyone who has had a sexual thought about an underage girl being a potential candidate to kidnap, rape and dump the body of an 8 year old girl somewhere is beyond ludicrous

pedophilia isn't an action, why would it be illegal

t. deflecting pedophile
If you have sexual thoughts about children you have no place in our society, no matter if you act on them or not

define child

>a pedo can't help being the way they are
What does this mean? If you're sexually attracted to kids, and if it's biological (it's not) as the good Dr in op says, but have never acted on it, and never will, does that make one a pedophile?

Hmm, that Hitler guy, maybe he wasn't so evil bad and crazy after all...

your pedophile urges are sticking out if you think this is about a little girl
wish I had teachers like this, i lost my virginity just a month before going full wizard
she doesn't look prepubescent to me, and that's what actual pedos are about. from my reading 8yo is sometimes too old for them.
>too afraid to get treatment
is this why trannies get their dicks chopped off? too afraid to get treatment? you're fucking full of shit from all the anal abuse. got rammed so bad it went up your head.

pedophilia is the attraction alone, whether you do anything as a result doesn't change whether you are a pedophile or not

Any person appearing to be 16 years or under as examined by a licensed physician.

I guess slippery slope ain't a logical fallacy after all...

It was kind of a joke post I hope but to be fair, we know these people exist, we know that people with dangerous mental illnesses exist, people who have these urges are potentially dangerous. Maybe the idea of just waiting for them to do something bad before we do anything about it is not working. The dilemma is a potential dystopia where innocent people who have done nothing wrong are locked up because they might do something wrong. But then again, tigers in zoos are locked up and they haven't mauled anyone yet, but they probably would if they were let out. If we could test people for these dangerous mentalities somehow, it might be a good idea, to identify them at least if not lock them up anyway.

Well then I keep my stance.
If the Dr was talking about hebephilia though, i'd agree with her.

every single comment is literally
>Oh yeah lets let a 90 years old marry a baby, thats fine
normalfags are braindead
literally not at all what she was saying, she wanted pedos to seek help instead, since as it is now they just avoid talking about it at all. she's arguing that this causes them to hide it, and eventually they end up using tor and become obsessed with CP shit
normalfags are so afraid of pedophilia that they think finding a 15 year old attractive when you're 18 makes you pedo, or liking something like minda or fictional lolis that look nothing like real children
also older females with younger males is never treated the same. even when punished or jailed, people won't have the same level of disgust or outrage
throwing someone in jail for doing bad does nothing to help them not do bad when they get out. of course when they become irredeemable, they need to be put down but that should happen if they've done something or if they're too much of a risk
of course the question is if it can't be then the only answer is to make sure they understand to keep it to fantasy, no CP and no rape/molesting or give them the chair or another method of locking them off or putting them down

You are stupid, very stupid

>should I try to get treatment and have my life ruined or should I fuck a kid and have my life ruined?
It is hilariously that you think retard applies to anyone but you.

Yes, pedos are provably willing to risk their lives to fuck children. We see this every day of the week even in just our local news. What pedos are not willing to risk their lives for is getting treatment.
So obviously the solution for anyone not subhumanely retarded like you is to make seeking treatment not run the risk of ruining your life. Treatment can absolutely prevent child rape, we have proven this. Therefor it is our solemn duty to make treatment as widely and easily available as possible for non-offenders.

Looking forward to your next entertaining shitpost.

pedophiles seem to be a strange thing to decide to white knight for? seems like people just want to think the opposite of a common opinion and confuse it with intelligence.

We need a new label for the sheeple normalfags. Normalfags know it's not illegal to have thoughts. Sheeple don't and I blame culture for that.

God, I wish that was me
I mean, the poor kid, haha, it would have been hell smashing his 26 year old teachers pussy, oof, then she blowing and swallowing his cum, hehe
What a tragedy

>Pedos are willing to risk their lifes to fuck children but not to treat themselves.
>Pedos prioritize sex with children over their own wellbeing

Why should I care about these obvious evolutionary deadends? Just fucking kill them

Radical Islam seems like a better alternative