How did audiences in the 1950s not complain about a mainstream tv show depicting a Latino man being married to a white...

How did audiences in the 1950s not complain about a mainstream tv show depicting a Latino man being married to a white woman?

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Probably because there was no one trying to shove it down their throat and no "AND THAT'S A GOOD THING" fuckery

Because the media didn't tel them it was bad like some do now.

No one liked Lucy all her shows were fucking shit

>No one liked Lucy all her shows were fucking shit

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no social media, no late stage democracy conditions, whites still comfy majority, and they found the show funny. If there were complaints how would they even hear and track it.

point to an example

She wasn't white

To be fair, the network was trying very hard to get another actor to play the husband but she wanted her real life husband in the role. She also mandated that jokes not be mean spirited or stereotypical about his Cuban ancestry.

Maybe people just perceived him the way they would look at an Italian or a Spaniard. The States were probably like 90% white at the time and they had no spic point of reference? Sans his funny accent, his skin is fair and it’s not like he was portrayed any differently because he was Cuban. He could be passed off as a dark featured European.

It wasn't a threat at the time. Nobody guessed America would drop to 50% whiteness in 70 years

How could you hate Ricky

Cuba was cool before the revolution, a literal gangsters paradise.

based Lucy

Cubans have always been considered white.

I watched a documentary on it years ago. There was a big controversy about it but Lucille stuck to her guns and didn't budge so the compromise was that they had to be depicted sleeping in separate beds.

I think nobody really cares except if they are black. Racism is based on behavior and blacks act the worse so people hate them the most. People are like meh with other races.

Latinos are basically white

Lucy was funny, she can do whatever she wants.


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The original pozzed show

The men were literally on the other side of the country fighting a war and women were just learning about gender inequalities and rights. Nobody had time to watch some hippy dodad comedy show.

>Latinos are basically white
Only a small portion of latinos would qualify as truly white. Most who claim to be white are lying outright and some other are a tossup.

Pic related is an example. The original poster claimed he had a white American mom and a brown Mexican dad. Not white.

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There wasnt any Latinos on tv back then. Every one was black and white.

In the 50s Cuban = ethnic white.
All the ones who left were the elite/upper middle class/middle class ones with majority Spanish ancestry.

He wasn't latin, he was cuban. Cuba used to be white.

Everyone is black or white on old TV shows. We didn't have color TV yet so no one knew he wasn't white

He was a White Cuban. Wasn’t like she was marrying a full on Indian-blooded Mexican.

>I Love Lucy is an American television sitcom that originally ran on CBS from October 15, 1951, to May 6, 1957
Based retarded brainlet

>cuba used to be white
u foken wot m9?

Retard revisionist alert; I Love Lucy was the top show in the United States for 4 years.

still is. whitest country in either north or south america

t. Spic mutt

It was funny and didn't feel forced

Because he was a white Cuban. Matters would have been very different if he'd been a darkie.

Also what said. Don't forget that Cuba was a U.S. possession for a time after the Spanish-American War, and there was a close relationship even after it became independent. And it wasn't like Puerto Rico, either: pre-revolution Cuba was one of the jewels of the Caribbean, on par with, or even outranking Jamaica, the Bahamas, and the Virgin Islands. Havana was one of the most glamorous cities in the Americas.

because he was white?

Because Cubans are based

And then the commies ruined it

This was before the Cuban missile crisis, nobody gave a shit.

This was the beginning of the jews race mixing propaganda on television.

He looks pretty white to me

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What he means is that during WW2 and Korea while Johnny was bleeding in a ditch his best gal was getting ZOOT SUITED.
When the yankee men came home it was only natural to view these studs, these mesoamerican gods, as the rightful claimants of white women.

Batista ruined it. The Castro brothers were based. I’m named after one (or I share a name with one).

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latin music / mambo was hugely popular in the early 50s, it even made it to post-war japan.

this also was before cuba turned into a communist shit hole. Latin / south america as a whole was regarded more as something interesting and cool.

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This. He was also well dressed and proper, not like the hordes of disgusting fat goblinas and drunk rapey machismo spic hombres we have shitting up what little decency we have left.

This, even in the 80's Cubans were cool as fuck.
Most are still extremely anti-commie after leaving Cuba.


Batista was a crook, to be sure, but you have to be blind if you can't see that the cure has proved worse than the disease.

No one gives a shit even now. Cuban Americans aren't like other Latinos. Just look at Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio.


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Yeah, we still like Cubans. I think they're the only Latin race that votes conservative in the country.

>Inb4 "muh natural Hispanic conservative values!

Fuck off boomers that's a blatant lie and they don't vote or think to that way. They just fuck a lot and have fat kids.

foreigners were exotic before the US was drowning in them

because men still properly beat their women

Anti-miscegenation laws were concerned with preventing negros from mixing with non negros. Dezi was a different ethnicity but he wouldn’t have been considered a different race.

He seemed white.

You are stupid and it made me laugh

He might be referring to the fact that a lot of rich (aka white) Cubans fled during the revolution, so Cuba would then be less white now then it was in the past.

Spic were not a cancer at the time, Cuba was not communist, and they were actually husband and wife so most watchers just shrugged at the premise.

I Love Lucy was really, really good. If the show wasn’t so funny people might’ve made a bigger deal out of it.

Separate beds was enforced by S&P for all shows on all networks at the time; it had nothing to do with Arnaz's ethnicity.

The past was much less racist than anti-white liberals want people to believe.

He was considered an honorary aryan. There were like 4 shows even on TV at the time so he was pretty well liked.


Because Latino/Hispanic isn't a race, it's an ethnicity. Plenty of them are white, white passing, or look like darker skinned/tanned southern Europeans. Pic related is him and is family, 3 hispanics, the kids look white and he looks more like a tanned white person than anything else. People just hate shitskinned mestizos desu.

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I'm latino and fuck no we are not.


lol you dont know shit about lations, im latino and most latinos are very religious which aligns with some conservative values.

Except by second generation they aren't religious anymore and vote left. Even the religious ones vote left for obvious reasons. Though to be fair, a lot of Catholic groups have a historical tendency to vote democrat, it has wavered some due to a lot of democrats embracing abortion, but certain pockets of them still vote blue.

Very religious in what way? You make the sign of the fross a bunch?

plastic mary on the dashboard, duh

WTF, if he isn't tanned as hell he is dark. There are plenty hispanics without that dark olive skin color.

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Plenty of europeans with that skin color too.

Ehh, only in the very southernmost parts. The average spaniard doesnt have that skin tone. Even the average sevillan won't have that skin tome.

He looks whiter than my Italian grandpa. Point is he looks like a tanned/darker skinned southern european, not a shitskinned mestizo which is why people didn't hate him. Hating hispanics/latinos is stupid, only hate the shitskin mestizos.

honestly, he looked like a mix of Anglo and Spaniard.

He was a Spaniard, not like he was a mestizo or anything

They even had a show in the early 1950s entirely starring black people. IMAGINE

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>People just hate shitskinned mestizos desu.

There are white Cubans and non-white Cubans, just as there are white Mexicans and non-white Mexicans. The Latin American countries all make this distinction (pure European colonial stock vs negro vs Indian vs mestizo) themselves, but for some reason, in the U.S. the powers that be have decided that all Hispanics are the same (of course, aside from Cuban Americans, the vast majority of spics here are either mestizos or negros).

The Catholic tendency to vote Democratic also stems from an era (the 19th century) when the Democrats were actually more conservative and it was the Republicans who were progressive. Even once that had changed, JFK, for instance, was still staunchly anti-communist. Everyone got confused as fuck during/after Vatican II, and politics was no exception.

Lots of south Americans are white/white passing too. Something like 53% of hispanics identify as white, although in reality I'm sure only 30-45% are actually white or at least white passing.The main problem is really just Mexico and Puerto Rico. Mexico and Puerto Rico are the 2 biggest importers of hispanics and they are also much more shitskinned and mestizo than South America and Cuba are.

>The main problem is really just Mexico and Puerto Rico.
Central America, too. A lot of the people who come here from Mexico these days actually came to Mexico from Guatemala and points south.

> much more shitskinned and mestizo than South America
Depends on which part of South America. Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, and even Brazil are a lot whiter than Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, or Venezuela.

>Central America, too.
True, I always just think of all of central america a mexico.

Also true. I was pretty surprised to learn that a few of my co-workers were actually Brazilian, I thought they were white until I heard them speak Portuguese and I asked where they were from.

there were movies/tv shows when a latino/asian man was fucking a white woman on screen, mind you, i'm talking about time before virginia v loving

the reality is, white men only care when BLACK MEN fuck their women because they feel inferior to them. that's the reality. they never care when it's latinos or asian fucking them, because the consensus is, whites are still "better" in bed. but not black men. they know that. everyone knows that. it's an open secret. but they will never admit it because it makes them look like sissies. but they know. they know. actions speak louder than words.

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Imagine what a latino looks like. Then look at this picture, and tell me that's what the latino man that you were imagining looks like.

America didn't really like Italians at the time either