Star Wars: The Last Jedi

It has been long enough. Have you come to a consensus over how you would rate and compare this movie with the other Star Wars films? What about comparing it to the one-time spinoff movies, Rogue One and Solo? What are aspects that you've liked and disliked? Which are scenes that you were dissatisfied with, yet with certain changes, could have been salvaged? Finally, what was the deal with "Book Burner" Yoda?

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10% good.

compared to the other Star Wars movies:
unironically 0/10

just as a movie:
one point for special effects
one point for some decent shots/cinematography

>Finally, what was the deal with "Book Burner" Yoda?
It was obviously a meta-commentary about the rise of the Internet and the fall of print. Notice that it was electricity that burned the books. As it is the electronic medium that is destroying publications today. The green puppet is obviously a reference to the popular internet meme Crazy Frog of whom the old white man, a symbol of the boomer generation, is scared of. This scene of Rian's work echoes ancient hero's myths such as Zeus bringing lightning to slay the older generation

Its easily the worst installment. not even close. its like a 5.5/10 movie. Everything is trash the only part I kinda liked was the throne room fight since it at least had decent choreography

if it wasnt for that scene there wouldnt be a single memorable action sequence

I genuinely find the Holiday Special to be the superior film compared to TLJ.


The Finn/Rose arc is trash and Kelly Marie Tran is a truly awful actress. Yoda also didn't burn any books. They're all on the Falcon.

>the throne room fight since it at least had decent choreography

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>putting any non-OT movie above any OT movie
Why do you fags exist?

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Almost exclusively to rustle the jimmys of autistic Star Wars fans on a Taiwanese spearfishing forum.

It was terrible and poorly envisioned. Rian clearly had a lot of cool scenes in mind but only gave a passing thought to how he gets to them

I mean its not John Woo levels of masterful but its competant

I enjoyed the throne room scenes. It was probably the most competent and old school style scene of the movie. The scenes on that salt planet were interesting, too, and reminded me of the Hoth battle and evacuation.

When thie movie ended I wondered if anything had even changed. I wonder if kylo could just pretend he saved the galaxy from the evil smoke and rule justly. Then I wondered why I even left the house to see that. The fucking casino planet was cancer that reminded me of the worse parts of the prequels. The whole plot line amounted to nothing and I'm pretty sure the fake Chinese bitch was supposed to be commuism. Why the fuck did they stick a sjw bitch as an admiral?

In all honesty I haven't been to the movies since. I pirate everything now.

What kind of raiting is that?

>its competant

I want to lay out what a surprising number of people and even fans dont comprehend about Non Disney Starwars.

Lucas was very good at world building and having a core set of macro concepts that he largely kept intact early on but didnt enforce as hard for people writing books and making games starting in 2000.

He had general ideas about the early prequel stuff when he was making the originals. He also had general things he wanted and needed in the originals, but got assisted along the way. His flaw with making a story like that is that by Episode 3 he was supposed to tie everything up and had a plot weave he didnt know how to untangle.

People also did not like that the prequels were not like the originals in a lot of ways. He had always intended it to be a completely different era but didnt do a great job of transition.

The main flaw with episode 7 is that JJ took episode 4 and its outline, put new characters and added mystery boxes to be used later to add mystery to 8 and 9. They had 0 idea where they were going and didnt care about the world that much, the aliens are all the same sloth turtle grey to tan Muppets. Killing Han was intended to be a tragedy to pull in the fans, but the metaphorical assassination of Lukes character in 8 then his death, along with Carrie fisher dying, shat all over the old characters ever being together again

8 blew up all the mystery boxes, had a philosophy that was antithetical to Ep 1-6. The world was small built around a caravan chase in space.

Naboo, the Hutts, Wookies all had military, we dont see anything other than one system and an extra planet of military assets for the republic. Everyone in the New order is a joke. Hux, Captain in the trash Phasma, the upper half of Snoke, and the man child sith.

Really what is the moral of the point if it ends at Return of the Jedi vs Ep 7 and 8. One is a arc of the fall of a chosen one and Republic, and an arc of Redemption and salvation by his son.

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I've already seen Yea Forums claim TLJ is kino or a pleb filter. It'll only get worse when 9 comes out

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Good ideas. Really bad execution. What they did to Luke was fine if they just showed how badass he was. Right now, He was just a distraction for the Resistance to get away. Wouldn't it have killed them to have Luke use the force to cripple those AT STs or something? The jokes in this films suck too. They're worse than Marvel's and Marvel's quips suck ass.

One thing that I noticed about the jokes is that they went overboard with how many to stuff into this movie. I would have been OK with a handful of them, or maybe slightly more, but it seemed as though they put in around twenty such scenes. The jokes were often too weak, and detracted from how seriously this film could have been taken. It did not achieve the more serious tone that I think it could have benefitted from.

TLJ is a deeply flawed movie and at moments the writing made my blood boil. It either lends itself poorly (the entire B-plot with Finn and Rose) or it's just fucking annoying (Luke). With that being said, the Rey/Kylo Ren stuff is okay. I think I'm more likely to watch TLJ again before I ever rewatch the prequels. I'd rather be vehemently annoyed than plain fucking bored.

The prequels are feeling a little too old for you, yes? I think they had their moments of glory, but for me, Revenge of the Sith was just about equal in rank with the older Star Wars movies. Was it because the Emperor was in it? Maybe, we'll see if The Rise of Skywalker's inclusion of the Emperor props it up as the best of its trilogy.

I like the cast choices, but my biggest grievance is the fact that Lucas isn't the best at directing his actors. For that, I just don't find myself invested in these characters; I don't want to follow a story where I don't care about the characters or what happens to them. Even then, Ewan McGregor and Ian McDiarmid especially do well with what they're given.

Disney Wars don't get ranked with the 6
Disney Wars is a notch below canon

>at least had decent choreography
This is bait, right?

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>Have you come to a consensus over how you would rate and compare this movie with the other Star Wars films?
It's on par with TFA for me. Which is to say I generally liked the cast, I liked the effects work and general production, but the story and most of the dialogue are terrible. The OT remains by far the best movies.

I've seen it too, but I don't believe anyone actually thinks that, they must be baiting.

It's bad, and not canon. Nothing Star Wars about the sequel trilogy. Rogue One is good and Solo is ok.


>just as a movie:
>one point for special effects
>one point for some decent shots/cinematography

agreed, 0/10 star wars tier but gets some points for the modern special effects (which is 100% remnants of lucasfilm and NOT disney)