How does Yea Forums rank them?
2 > 3 > 1
How does Yea Forums rank them?
After all the memorable future stuff at the beginning of part 2, it gets pretty boring.
1 > 2 >> 3
I don't like 3
Why don't they use the two Delorean's they have to go back to 1985 in part III? That movie should have been Marty going to doc and ten minutes later they take the two Deloreans and make one working one and head home.
Their need was gasoline. When storing vehicles long term, the first thing you would do is drain fluids from the lines and tank.
Surely Doc Brown saved some of the gas he took out of the Delorean'
If anything he likely used it in his smithy shop, but even if he had you don't want to use eight month old gas when a Delorean already struggles to get to 88 with decent fuel.
Could Marty (without Docs knowledge) sneak off and put a note on the stored Delorean saying (hey bring a can of gas). Then I assume the gas would appear using BTTF time rules.
If Doc sealed the Delorean, Marty could risk damaging it and causing an unresolvable paradox.
2 may be the most overrated sequel ever
It shits all over 1 and isnt even good
They're all tied
1 for the incest qt 50's mom
2 for the Jetson's future and dystopian 80's
3 for the comfy old west hoedown and qt 1880's Irish immigrant waifu
Jaden Smith will be the new Marty McFly
The guy who owns it says he will never let them do another move
Now I don't blame people for mistakenly thinking 2 > 3. It's very tempting, especially since I don't like Wild West settings.
So lets break it down giving 2 the benefit of the doubt and starting with the setting.
At the beginning of part 2 we're in a neat 2015 future, but if that's what you love about the movie, you'll end up disappointed because we really only spend enough time there to date the movie with it's future predictions before shifting to alternate 80's. A dystopian setting that I don't imagine most people think of when they think BttF. But hey, maybe you love the unique feel and commentary of the dark '85. Well too bad, because we're off to rehash the exact same 50's set from part 1 again.
If I could label Bttf2 with any one word, it would have to be "inconsistency". This goes much further than in inconsistent setting.
Right from the start of the film, we pick up where part 1 left off, with Doc Brown's return to warn Marty and Jennifer, and take them with him. This must be serious, after we know how much this man values the preservation of the timeline. Sure, he did get learn some flexibility with Marty's note, but that turned out to be a matter of life and death. So what is it now? Their son getting arrested.
Really? As it turns out Marty's first guess of "do our kids turn out to be assholes?" isn't far off the mark.
So instead of trying any less extreme solution, like maybe better parenting, the Doc takes the both of them to the future.
And why bring Jennifer along because "it concerns her too" just to knock her out and leave her behind as soon as they get there. Her presence does nothing but threaten the existence of the entire universe, as Doc Brown himself later explains. This is not the same Emmit Brown we know from part 1. Sure, some of his new attitude could be attributed to character development, but not this complete 180 degree turn in decision making.
1 > 3 > 2
Both Zemeckis and Bob Gale have said that they won't allow another Back to the Future movie to be made while they are still alive and kicking. There is good chance that Jaden is middle aged by the time both of 'em are dead.
I agree that 2 is overrated and all the good parts are in the beginning, but you need to space out your post. Make it easier to read.
Now while all this is happening, Biff steals the Delorean and changes history.
Lets stop and ask why he returns to the same time he left.
When Marty changes history in Bttf1, he returns to a new future.
Now I know there's a deleted scene that attempts to solve this, but scenes that didn't end up in the movie don't count, and it doesn't completely fix everything anyway.
Why Doc and Marty travel backwards into an altered past. Why do they expect fixing Biff's changes will break them from their timeline?
Now, if I just spend this whole time talking shit about part 2 it won't prove anything, so lets move to 3.
BttF 3 is a movie about the best character in the franchise. Doctor Emmett Brown.
Marty works well as the everyman that the audience can relate and have super-science explained at, but Doc Brown is the man who invented time travel.
This is a motherfucker who was conning Lybian terrorists over a WMD deal. No one can read what I just typed and tell me honestly that they don't want to know more about this man.
Part 3 shifting the focus to his actions, his desires, and his love story, with Marty more just along for the ride now than before, is great.
And if anyone still needs any more evidence after that, Part 1 and 3 give us sexy Mcfly relatives for Marty to wake up to, while Part 2 gives us J. Fox in drag instead.
>Lets stop and ask why he returns to the same time he left.
>When Marty changes history in Bttf1, he returns to a new future.
I'm not sure what you're getting at here. The future would just change around them without them noticing because they didn't interact with anybody in that time. Perfectly consistant with what Doc says would happen to Jennifer later.