I'm sorry you were too much of a pussy to actually do it.
only pussies commit suicide, zoomer
Someone called me a retard in another thread and now I'm considering suicide.
>so pathetic you'd off yourself because of a character someone else wrote
Consider suicide again.
Have sex
was I the only one that liked her?
That's a shame, because it's not such a big deal. It's a shitty character they've written for her. She was fine when it was book Sansa.
Kevin Smith called me retarded once. ;_;
Shit, I don't want to be called a zoomer. I guess I have to agree with this guy then.
Yes, you better
>hey user, you're retarded
she is a qt
who the fuck HASN'T considered suicide? fucking god dam normies think you're special and everyone gives a fuck about you
Did Dr Phil bully her?
Bruh he ascended. Fukin levitating while eating cheese and cleaning a car window
Who do you think would be best recast?
she's lying for attention. typical woman
I honestly feel bad for actors given shitty roles. It's not their fault their writers are hack fruads; they have to work with their material to the best of their ability, and sometimes, you just can't fix a shattered script. Really, a lot of the times, the actors are perfectly fine and capable of decent acting.
Pic unrelated
holy moly
who the fuck nibbles from a block of cheddar while walking about day to day?
based dr phil
You should have came up with a witty comeback!
I legit thought he was sniffing a sponge
suicide is better than watching GoT
always keep an emergency block of cheddar around in case i'm feelin low on the ol energy
>white males are the top suiciders in americuh
I don't. They signed up for the roles and make millions of dollars a year.
Now that’s not very smart
How do I KMS Game of Thrones style?
>there are people who consider online harassment a legitimate way to vent their autism over a shlocky show
>there are people who consider suicide over mean tweets
I don't understand the world.
everyone gets depressed sometimes.
everyone gets shit on for their work sometimes.
everyone has phases where everything seems to go wrong.
everyone has personal problems.
normal people just deal with it like adults or at least suffer in silence.
i fucking hate people crying about their shitty lifes as if anyone cares.
want to off yourself because some retards dont like the show you are on? fine. do it, dont talk about it. if you want to throw your life away because some people you have never met dont like you you dont deserve it anyway.
but probably she talks about book Sansa/season 1-4 Sansa, u fucking retard. She was annoying as fuck there.
That's retarded. Nobody shit on her performance. Her character is an insufferable cunt and she plays her well.
good gravy imagine having to deal with this princess.
Did she tried to kill herself with food?
Branposting gave her PTSD
It was beautiful
I still haven't seen a single episode of this show
I don't understand all the people these days that can't handle insults. Growing up with the internet they should have tougher skin. They probably just say these things for attention
is that a fucking cheese?
Apologize for what. I criticize her for being a fat fuck on Dark Phoenix
The character in the books is meant to be annoying. She wasn't the smug wannabe lilfunger she is now
Man she had like a 6 month run before everyone got bored of her shtick.
Jesus Christ people are so addicted to twitter that they use it to make complaints to businesses? Or he wanted it to be public to use his fans to pressure them?
I always say go with your first instinct.
It's a little of column A and a little if column B. The social media generation is soft as a result of never facing any true hardships. And the best way to get attention is to play the victim.
>Or he wanted it to be public to use his fans to pressure them?
That one. Kevin Smith is a hack fraud.
lol what a gigantic faggot.
And I haven't seen Dexter, Lost or The Sapranos.
Why are women so weak, yet pretend to be so strong?
She's a lot more successful than you, so maybe you should suicide with her retard.
Her problem isn't being pathetic, it's mental illness.
no that was Dany
food and aneurysms
>She said: "I tried to hang myself many times, but after I kicked the chair my feet would just touch the ground, never could find a ceiling as high as I needed, bloody hell "
>only pussies commit suicide, zoomer
that's not true at all
as you get older, you generally understand the desire to suicide yourself
it's only young "got your whole life ahead of you, brah" people who don't understand and get angry at the idea of suicide
South west was right, he almost died from being a fat fuck
Its the shitty writers, not her the actor
Fuck off Boomer. We don't have to stick around just because your social security won't be fulfilled if we don't. You built the game to play so ahead in your favor that the only move for zoomers is to no longer play it.
damn your good
See pic related. Whites in general are the only reason suicide is a top 10 cause of death in Murca. Other races are able to live with the pain but not whites, wonder why that is.
While her character clearly draw the short stick on the writting side she isn´t really a good actress. Saw her in X men and she was quite bad. To be fair though that´s the case of most of the main cast. GoT supporting cast was good but the main cast has always been more about the looks than the talent. Emilia is in a similar position except she is more charming. Still, they can always get better at their craft.
Anyone who has been around someone who is mentally ill knows that they will constantly say that anything they dislike around them makes them want to kill themselves. She's probably just mentally destroyed from all the drugs/ television star lifestyle and needs to find some kind of justification for her suicidality that isn't directly related to her own wrongdoings.
Where did his feet go?
this whole meme here just made me hate kevin smith and like southwest as much as a corporation probably could
Kevin Spacey called me a fucking slut who wanted it.
Middle aged men don't even know who the fuck she is.
t. middle aged man
Me too, I like it though
> she isn´t really a good actress.
You sure?
She comes across as an enormous bitch in the series but when you see her interviewed she seems really chilled out. She isn't even a trendy SJW.
Being rich doesn't magically make you unable to be a pathetic loser, you pathetic loser.
I'm pretty sure every person who has lived up until their teens has thought about offing themselves.
>To be fair though that´s the case of most of the main cast
Kit Harington has made me very aware in watching a tv show his dogshit acting completely ruins the immersion.
Then you get scenes with Littlefinger available Varys and it draws you back in again before Emilia Clarke pulls you back out with her primary school play level of acting.
corporations are the bad gu---
Not him but she can only play two things, wooden bitch and whiny bitch. Anything else she fails at. Doesn't help that she can fake an American accent for shit. Failed in X-Men, same thing in Josie, same thing in that time travel shit she made.
Looks like she faced a buffet
>Childhood is "considering suicide" because some people didn't like your work
>Adulthood is accepting the fact that it's statistically impossible to please everyone, and just doing what you want to do to the best of your ability
Severe gyno
Yea white people have it so easy in America. They just get birthed into six figures management positions. Why would they be sad?
Because they posses the abstract thought required to get depressed and kill yourself. It's hard to kys when your most advanced thought is "ooga booga me want Jordans and fried chicken".
It's why Japs and Koreans kill themselves at a higher rate than Americans despite them not having an easy way to off themselves.
what a fat bitch
Its a trap , here he is at a trap party in jew york
This is what it's like to be famous in the age of social media. Never get famous, bros.
Me neither actually
what a fucking pussy
>the title is in the image three times
she said it was because people called her fat:
>“The character that I play on my show is called Sansa, and people used to say, ‘Damn, Sansa gained 10 lbs’ or ‘Damn, Sansa needs to lose 10 lbs or ‘Sansa got fat.’ It was just a lot of weight comments, or I would have spotty skin, because I was a teenager, and that’s normal, and I used to get a lot of comments about my skin and my weight and how I wasn’t a good actress,” she recalled. “I would just believe it. I would say, ‘Yeah, I am spotty. I am fat. I am a bad actress.’ I would just believe it. I would get [the costume department] to tighten my corset a lot. I just got very, very self-conscious.”
>Turner also told Dr. Phil that she didn’t have a desire to socialize during breaks on set and she felt “withdrawn” from the outside world. “I had no motivation to do anything or go out. Even with my best friends, I wouldn’t want to see them, I wouldn’t want to go out and eat with them,” she admitted. “I just would cry and cry and cry over just getting changed and putting on clothes and be like, ‘I can’t do this. I can’t go outside. I have nothing that I want to do.’”
>“I didn’t tell my parents until less than a year ago when they started seeing my therapist’s bills coming through and that’s when I told them,” Turner said, noting that she’s now in a much happier headspace. “I feel much better. I’ve been going therapy at CAST Centers, actually. I’m on medication and I love myself now, or more than I used to, I think.”
Wtf I love suicide now
>Never get famous, bros.
Boomers and GenXers have been saying that for ages but Echos and Zoomers didn't listen. They didn't think about tbe downsides of attention.
Do a flip faggot
How wrong you are but I leave you to your misery.
she said as she tweeted atop her pile of $100 bills
So is that why they made Arya say Sansa is the smartest person she knows? So Sophie can feel good about herself in real life? That's kind of sad. The character Sansa was a stupid bitch for most of the show, then she grew a brain in the later seasons. She is far from the smartest.
Why do women pretend to be powerful feminists but then are unable to deal with any sort of criticism in a healthy, mature manner?
>I’m on medication and I love myself now, or more than I used to, I think.”
wtf i love drugs now
Did I miss something, did people make fat Sansa jokes? I only saw fat Danny jokes. People said she was stupid and annoying more than anything else.
>im om (((medication)))
the poor lass
what a privileged cunt
Joffrey's actor stopped acting because of muh feelings
That's it? 10 fucking pounds? Something that with a moderate amount of effort can be taken care of? That's why you want to kill yourself.
You know what go ahead. If you're this miserable that some internet comment saying you look like you gained 10 pounds is enough to send you over the edge, just take the plunge and end it. Because if you're that fucking broken about it, you are not able to handle the difficulties of being alive.
I genuinely don't consider the opinions fat people have on anything
Digits confirm.
>ooga ooga
this really was the best app. shame it's gone.
Turns out she's a good fucking actor, she is bitching in real life too.
Trips of truth
he stopped acting cause retards kept insulting him on the street and all the job offers he got were for villain roles and since his family already had money anyways he said "fuck it I'll just make my dream come true instead and become a teacher"
>I’ve been going therapy at CAST Centers, actually
I don't get how people can say this when dying is like the #1 fear humans have.
>I’m on medication and I love myself now
so she's now putting chemicals into her body instead of just losing 10 pounds
>muh chemicals
You know that Vitamin C is a chemical too?
Who the fuck doesn't consider committing suicide at the slightest shit every now and then? Sometimes I consider committing suicide because a coworker is passive aggresive with me. Bitch doesn't know the difference between a "nice thought" and actually intentions, but I wouldn't expect her to given the depth of her acting.
Go take your valium fagboi
Why is losing 10-15 pounds such an unsurmountable task for people? You can literally lose 10 pounds in a few weeks by doing nothing more than cutting back on sodas and caramel swirl mocha iced coffees.
Maybe. But at least he didn't act like stupid melodramatic cunt about the whole thing.
But he was a good (better than her anyway) actor
Women are really impressionable. This must be why they get so pissy about criticism and “media representation.”
>Sophie Turner Said She Considered Suicide After 'Game Of Thrones' Criticism
Sophie Turner Said She Considered Suicide After 'Game Of Thrones' Criticism
He probably still got insulted even after retiring... but i can understand the job offers part even tho he could just accept or deny them..
Why is it that guys who are famous for playing villains are almost always based?
It’s a lie, friendo. They’re as weak as they’ve always been, it’s just that men in the US play along with their delusions now.
Fucking celebrities being able to afford expensive facial hair growing technology like this, yet my side/neckburns don't even touch what little hair I can grow on my chin.
it's shopped you goober
Actually here is the real reason
i don't have to understand it. i just have to save it
The how do American Indians comit more suicide than Asians in the US?
>I wouldn’t want to go out and eat with them
That's bullshit. Have you seen her chins?
Is that why she turned skelly?
What's going on?
What criticism?
Its already two actors talking about it.
Why are his legs so skinny?
Why does god grant us youth and beauty just so we can watch ourselves slowly wither away?
So we can appreciate something while it lasts and know when to ditch it and get a younger model
Yes, good goy, kill yourselves hehe...
They spend a greater percentage of their lives drunk.
It's shopped you absolute brainlet
Is Sophie asking for it?
wait a second I recognize that cheese
This is the new technique to try and avoid shit reviews. Whine about how much people harass the actors, and the critics will be kinder to them to btfo the incels being mean to celebs.
Imagine being a celebrity and spending your free time responding to literal whos on twitter instead of doing absolutely anything else.
Firewater takes a toll
>wants to become famous
>can't take criticism even tho it's attached to being an artist
might as well go back to your dad's ballz bitch
literally every person on this planet considers suicide at one point or another. this doesn't make you special, unique, or significantly fucked up in any way. i'd go as far as to say you're not normal if you haven't
>you will never be such a good actor that you get personally offended your character is attacked
She is a method actor bois
>repeating the same sentence over and over
no wonder retards in the west are so easily brainwashed.
>considered suicide
She should've game an thrones.
How is she a pathetic loser? She's rich, famous, and fit. She's achieved more of her goals probably than everyone in your family.
>repeating the same sentence over and over
no wonder retards in the west are so easily brainwashed.
You're wrong, buddy. Natives have been the highest for decades. Too much Listerine.
Smartest suicide I know
>repeating the same sentence over and over
no wonder retards in the west are so easily brainwashed
Dont care if she kills herself or not.
Okay not decades but a decade.
send her to the Ranch.
Based retard.
She had to one up Emilia.
>killing yourself over capeshit
Nah she's a cunt who lies in interviews blatantly
>How is she a pathetic loser?
… because she considered suicide over a character someone else wrote.
>normal people just deal with it like adults or at least suffer in silence
What fucking world do you live in?
Normals AND robots can never seem to shut the fuck up
who cares? She’s a lesbian it’s not like she’s ever going to be worth anything
the only tell is having 'total'. the graph maker has downs for that shitty graph and you have downs for using it in an argument without explaining what an 'age adjusted suicide rate' is.
Fuck that cunt. She's a piece of shit and devotees are far worse.
This generation is weak
If only we knew how bad her character would get
>whites bragging about committing suicide
holy shit cope lmao
I only know about her because of South Park
*farts into mic*
*audience claps*
looks too much like my buddies gf delete this
>the only way to prove you're not a pussy zoomer is by shooting yourself in the head
I can get on board with this user.
I wish you would step back
From that ledge my friend
You could cut ties with all the lies
That you've been living in
And if you do not want to see me again
I would understand
I would understand
The angry boy a bit too insane
Icing over a secret pain
You know you don't belong
You're the first to fight
You're way too loud
You're the flash of light on a burial shroud
I know something's wrong
Well everyone I know has got a reason
To say, "put the past away"
Wish you would step back
From that ledge my friend
You could cut ties with all the lies
That you've been living in
And if you do not want to see me again
I would understand
I would understand
Well he's on the table and he's gone to code
And I do not think anyone knows
What they're doing here
And your friends have left you
You've been dismissed
I never thought it would come to this
And I, I want you to know
Everyone's got to face down the demons
Maybe today
You could put the past away
I wish you would step back from
That ledge my friend
You could cut ties with all the lies
That you've been living in
And if you do not want to see me again
I would understand, I would understand
I would understand
I would understand
I would understand
Can you put the past away
I wish you would step back
From that ledge my friend
(I would understand)
I wish you would step back
From that ledge my friend
(I would understand)
I wish you would step back
From that ledge my friend
And I would understand
(I wish you would step back
From that ledge my friend)
I would understand
(I wish you would step back
From that ledge my friend)
And I would understand
southerners are soft as shit
Mr Bean is kind of rude
Well, Imagine being super rich, but also a teen/young adult who has probably seen some shit in (((hollywood)))
She probably has no real friends
That isn't a loss, it's called mental illness.
>strong women
Fuck that shit, fat 400-pound fuck taking up 2 passengers' space, making me pay extra for my luggage since he's such an entitled fat piece of fucking shit. Fuck all his future deeds, fuck all his past deeds, he's dead to me.
because living in a country which is now a constant reminder of the death of your race is a great source for depression.
I can't wait until regular straight people shit is normal again.
In a world run by white men free from the kike influence, every tv show would be cast with asian qts, male characters included.
Some people can't handle the bants
All eyes look up to me
High above the filthy streets
Heed no bullhorn when it calls
Watch me fly and die, watch me fall
I'm the boy they can't ignore
For the first time in my life, I'm sure
All the love sent up high to pledge
Won't reach the ledge
Wind blows cold from the west
I smell coffee, I smell doughnuts for the press
A girl that I knew once years ago
Is tryin' to be reached on the phone
I'm the boy she can't ignore
For the first time in my life, I'm sure
All the love sent up high to pledge...
Priest kneels silent, all is still
Policeman reaches from the sill
Watch him try to try his best
There'll be no medal pinned to his chest
I'm the boy they couldn't ignore
For the first time in my life, I'm sure
I'm the boy for the last time in my life
All the love that they pledge
For the last time will not reach the ledge
is that dr phil?
lmao what a kek
jump off a tall building head first
and who are you...
robots only never seem to shut the fuck up on secluded internet forums where they're anonymous. in real life only normies go on about muh depression and anxiety attacks. just look at literally every asmr youtuber
Set yourself on fire
because whites were actually able to create a comfortable living environment for themselves, allowing for their ability of stress management to decline?
Are we really going to still pretend that harsh criticism of any kind to anyone doesn't make the majority of people contemplate suicide? When will attention whores stop acting like the notion of suicide to escape criticism is their personal novelties?
whos the dwarf
First part okay, the part about doing drugs is fucking dumb.
If you're a celebrity use the platform for something good, don't just be a narcissist. Also Oasis sucks
>rich famous actress "considers" suicide
>I consider suicide
>have sex incel
y-you too
What a stupid bitch. There's people out there that would kill their own mother to get the kind of acting gig she was just given on a silver platter. And she just crumples and cries because of a little criticism? Ungrateful stupid weak ignorant cunt. I hope she fucking ODs
>Old adult swim monatge
always a classic
She's a classic limo libtard. They just want endless adulation and appreciation. Her character is terrible. We all heard the rumors how she broke Maise in hotels playing doctor.
Ok but what does Dr Phil have to do with any of that?
He is a Dr
thats not a dwarf, thats a 5'11" man
Why is Dr. Phil in that pic lmao
She constantly re tweets white supremacists stuff and says to stop doing that. She literally spends her free time finding pics with her face that advocate pro-white shit
She is MENTALLY ill. No sane person does that irl.