Hey min. my names Korg, this ere's Miek. I'm made of rocks, as you can see, but don't let that intimidate ya...

Hey min. my names Korg, this ere's Miek. I'm made of rocks, as you can see, but don't let that intimidate ya. You don't need to be afraid, unless you're made of scissors! Just a little rock, paper, scissors joke for ya.

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Why was he the best part of Thor 3? Waititi is a legend.

>Thor...wanna use a big wooden fork?"
>Yeah, not really useful unless you’re fighting off three vampires that were huddled together

Krg was the best comic relief in any capeshit movie

>what if jokes weren't funny
>say no more!

This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes…

I just realized that's a call back to What we do in the shadows.

I read this in his voice.

>I read this in his voice.

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imagine setting the bar of soiboiism this low

Any amount of fun is basedboy.

Korg is great though, best thing capeshit has done.

>mfw autistic cape shitters hated this movie because it wasn't serious enough

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>imagine setting the bar of soiboiism this low

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Korg & Miek spin-off when?

ruh roh

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We laugh at you low-bar fucks.

>is a cape shitter
>thinks he is in any position to judge

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I am. I'm judging you right now, dumbfuck. Enjoy your toilet humor and jerkoff jokes. It's all you'll ever understand.

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>some fat neckbeard is judging me

oh noes!


Maybe if Walkietalkie hadn't blown his budget on not one, but two full-time CGI characters, most of this piece of shit wouldn't have looked YouTube-tier.

Oh, and "What We do in the Shadows" was funny the first time I saw it. Forty years ago when it was "The Munsters." Find a more original class of hack.

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>forty years ago
Dude no wonder you didn't like the movie, your old ass should be watching WW2 documentaries instead.

I didn't like it because it was made for dumbfucks like you.

Based and Miekpilled

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Or maybe...just maybe it wasn't made for you?

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You're right. I grew out of low-effort shit like this when I was about 15. You should have too.

You were forced to grow out of it because your ass was about to get drafted.

>I was going to start a revolution but I didn't print enough PAMPHLETS
>And the only people who showed up are my mum and her boyfriend Greg(?)... and I hate Greg
Comic relief, yes. But the first part is way way too intelligent for kids or adult marvel fans to catch. I am the only person who can properly appreciate that quip

Yeah. Funny how facing actual challenges breeds men instead of infantilized estronauts such as yourself.

Let's face it, the most challenging thing for you was leaving your mom's basement after she died of natural causes 30 years ago when you were 45

Imagine being this zog pilled


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Let's face it. You like low-effort shit because it's all you're smart enough to handle, and you're massively defensive about it.

>”I faced actual challenges”, said the 65-year old neckbeard boomer, on Yea Forums

>I can't even into math

playing ps4...hmmmmmm

This whole movie was like a Flight of the Conchords two-parter but people have super powers. It was great, one of the only films among the pile of corporate schlock Marvel has shat out onto the veritable chest of the moviegoing public that was enjoyable to watch.

I hope insulting younger people has made you feel better about yourself.

I thought older people were supposed to be wise and shit, yet you clearly lack self awareness.

Spider-man confirmed to never leave

everything in this movie was an idea of a joke without actually being a joke.

the funniest parts of the movie involved this guy just going ham for no reason in the background

I was happy Miek lived.

How do you even make a serious Thor?

Is that you Snyder?