Some user pointed out in a GoT thread that Sansa is a great exemple of how much easier it is to make the audience think a character is smart by having others characters saying that all the time or making other arrout them act unusually dumb than actualy showing said character acting smart. There are more exemples of Sansa getting praised than of her doing things worth of praise.
Some user pointed out in a GoT thread that Sansa is a great exemple of how much easier it is to make the audience think...
And the "smart" things she did happened because of her power to make people arround her drop 30 IQ points, like luring CIA into the most obvious trap in history, or teaching a northen blacksmith with a lifetime of experience that metal is cold.
Danny is the same type of character. Nearly everyone completely forgets the game, their own agendas, and become supine exposition-dispensers in her orbit. Tyrion got it the worst, not surprisingly foreshadowed by another "strong female" Olenna Tyrell (although that one was significantly more plausible as a foil). The only exception is when a hearthrob is supposed to seduce her, then he instantly becomes smarter and more competent than she is, because that actually turns women on. If the show were full of realistic men putting her in her place constantly, women would honestly be confused and frustrated by the show. They would not enjoy watching it because it would just remind them of how the world actually is, instead of being the power fantasy that they think they're entitled to because they "the boys get to have THEIR power fantasies".
Smart enough not to trust Cersei. Seems obvious. I guess that makes Tyrion grade A retarded.
>be dumb teenage girl that go with whatever other characters say throughout SIX fucking SEASONS
>suddenly a queen and masterful tactician that commands several clans
nothing out of the ordinary here
I think most of what she has learned is about politics and human nature. But that mostly makes her not trustworthy of anyone after seeing the shitshow at Kings Landing. Other than that I don't think she's learned much.
She studied under Littledick for all those years, one of the best players in the game, who only got caught because Bran is a bullshit sightseer.
Which also makes her 'smarter' since she has her own crystal ball on wheels.
Given the state of this board, you'd be doing everyone a favor.
Honestly, even tho the show isn't portaying her as smart, I don't find her annoying with how she acts now. I mean, could you blame her?
>sees her own father get decapitated
>physically and mentally abused by some inbred faggot and his bitter mother
>lied to by Baelish
>raped by psycho faggot Ramsay
At least she has legitimate reasons to be snarky, dismissive etc, given her previous shitty life experience. Daenerys on the other hand has been literally "winning" ever since season 1. Everything went her way with literally 0 effort. Biggest examples of this is how she got the Unsullied or how a couple of her underlings BTFOed a whole city.
She is alive though. And did manage to outwit Littlefinger in the end. I think that's the point Arya was trying to get across.
The writers have just done a huge disservice to most of the female characters in the last two seasons. Arya, Sansa, Dany, they're all smug as fuck and it's super irritating. Hard to see past that for any good shit they've done.
Besides the viewers, who has suffered the most out of everyone?
>outwit Littlefinger
Littlefinger outwitted himself when he decided to stay in Winterfell even though he knew that Bran could fucking see EVERYTHING he ever did.
What kind of dumbass decides to stay and scheme when there's someone that can literally see him scheming? That's what I'm talking about. It's the worst kind of outwitting. Where they just write the villain to be dumber than the heroes. That's not outwitting. That's just being smarter, there's a difference.
Except for the part where she trusted Cersei over her own father and got him killed because she is a fucking moron?
>And did manage to outwit Littlefinger in the end
Like OP said, they had yo turn him into a retard to set up that
So it's not even so much as she out smarted them as she was over dumbed.
Except we seen exactly 0% of whatever offscreen study time she had
>I think most of what she has learned is about politics and human nature.
And don't say Little Finger because that was her brother.
Little Finger
BUT SHE DIDN"T DO THAT. Her brother did!
I think her portrayal is spot on. She's a teenager who just took a community college 101 course and now thinks she knows everything and everyone but her is stupid.
It wasn't even outwitting. It was ambushing him with a kangaroo court filled with people that would be loyal to her simply because of her last name and who have an inherent hatred for Southern Lords.
She could have ordered him killed for parting his hair wrong and they would have done it gladly.
>shouldn't they be covering these in leather?
>we are metalworkers my lady, the tanners will be adding that to them later.
i hope all the people bitching about Sansa never read Dune, That shit was literally “everyone is smart and schemey because we say so” the book,
Dany at least is no black and white character and has flaws. Sansa and Arya are literally perfect. Sansa 200 IQ smartass, Arya best fuking fighter and killah in westeros.
>raped by Ramsey
But she wasn't raped. She married him and he just consummated their wedding. She just thought she could marry him for advantage and not have to fuck him.
Which was just one of her miscalculations.
littlefinger has always schemed. He wouldn't be able to help himself. Once Bran showed up, his only real choice is to stop scheming, something he cannot do.
Sansa doesn't seem to trust anybody anymore, except those she grew up with. Shes not being shown as intelligent, but paranoid and cynical as fuck.
why would she say that?
season 7 script disagrees
>Isaac Hempstead Wright reveals a Bran-Sansa scene cut from the finale
yep people are stupid
GoT ratings sky rockets after it got shit in season 4
I'd say Olenna Tyrell was probably one of the few female characters that was effectively and believably a real "strong female".