Just saw the early access version. Tony Stark sacrifices himself to bring back his friends , which works. He's the only one who dies other than Thanos
Endgame Spoilers
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Black Widow died too
anyone need a mirror for the leak?
Me please
can we get links with sound?
I still can't believe they also "killed off" the Hulk and now Bruce Banner is just a nerdy cuckboi
mirrored leak, download before takedown
How do you download vimeo videos?
>Born: November 22, 1984
She died five years ago
did you see post credits? pepper is pregnant
Who's the father?
its stark. the stark name will live on
She got resurrected after Banner's reverse snap.
larp in hell faggot
Nice try, faggot but Stark gives a hug to Peter after he is revived.
Accurate and under-rated.
its been a while since i got genuinely tricked by this.
*tips fedora*
Thanks, fellow redditor!
Yea Forums here.
Y'all are all guilble children
Fuck of Yea Forumstard stop stealing our shit