Okay this is epic

Okay this is epic

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I'm shocked that I can read a fan theory and think "that's fucking retarded" but also "eh, it's better than anything Kathleen Kennedy has shat out"

Did you ever hear of the diner of Dexter Jettster? I thought not. It’s not a story vegetarians would tell you. It’s a chef legend. Dexter Jettster was a fry cook of Coruscant, so talented and experienced he could use a griddle to grill ground beef to create amazing sliders… He had such a knowledge of the kitchen that he could even keep the patrons he cared about from dieting. The griddle in the kitchen is a pathway to many recipes most consider to be unhealthy. He became so based… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his diner, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his line cooks everything he knew, then they opened another burger joint across the street. Ironic. He could keep others in business, but not himself.

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Darth Plagueis is Darth Vader but worse, right? Not a star wars guy

Does she do anything other than get the thing made?

that's pretty epic and very cool. He magicked the force into making him return to life through his bloodline and now he just doesn't have his memories but it was all part of the plan since his loyal servant Sheev will magcik back his memories. That is so fucking cool

>he was a good friend.

It is implied he was the master of Darth Sidious (Sheev). He apparently had a technique to avoid death and bring the dead back to life. Ironically he was killed by his student after he taught him everything he knew.

> He had such a knowledge of the kitchen that he could even keep the patrons he cared about from dieting

>whacky new hero is actually the baddy

so its exactly what they were going to do with jar jar but with a nog instead

And Hux is actually Nom Anor in disguise.

I don't care about any of these people.
There is no point.

Kylo ren is darth plagues, and Rey is actually a clone of palpatine. the entire 9 episode arch of star wars is actually a very complex gay love story. In the end their love overcomes the dark side and they live happily ever after.


Ffs sith names are fucking retarded. They should jusy say fuck it and have like darth absolutecunt etc

How about darth icky

fucking kek

Darth Mandingo the BBC.

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Plagueis and Vader have nothing in common

Plagueis is more like the Star Wars version of George Soros

darth fucking madlad

Now they can't say Reylo is problematic anymore.

Darth Chad coming thru

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What does the theory say?

That's too creative and continuous to be real. The most Disney wars is more interested in Dice than actual characters

anakin is darth plagueis and palpatines son, they were gay but created a child through combining their love and the force. plagueis died through this which caused palpatine to fall to the dark side, though he'll be redeemed in ep 9.

Star Wars is not a fucking soap opera, it's a space opera.

Who cares. Star wars is dead. Who's trying to save it?

Eh, Rey is more likely to be reincarnated Plagueis in the unlikely event that actually happened. It would be basically Kotor except even more obnoxious.

My fan theory is better. Sheev is Darth Plagious, and murdered Darth Sidious and took over the name to get a better reputation. He murdered Sidious who was actually Snoke. Snoke heard Sidious died and said now's my time, so he comes back as just snoke, but isn't a master he's just a fucking apprentice. Sheev was always the master, and smoke had planned to reserect sheev to prove to him once and for all he was powerful, but died when he was betrayed. Now Kylo will resurrect sheev who is really Plagious only to be killed by killed by Ben and Rey Keynobi.

Excuse my messy spelling, I'm a phone faggot.

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>darth plagueis
>darth maul
>darth sidious

How the fuck does that work? Did he get pissed off for not having an evil name?

Palpatine lives on in a force nexus that gives form to force projections/ghosts caused by powerful force users

The final battle is Kylo vs Snoke.
Then Luke steps in and helps Kylo.
Then Darth Vader steps in and helps Snoke.
Then as all seems lost Anakin comes in and causes Palpatine to manifest.
The three Skywalkers defeat their enemies and free the galaxy of Palpatine's lingering will