ITT: Unappreciated kino

ITT: Unappreciated kino

Attached: peoplevslarryflynt.jpg (304x445, 31K)

Reminder that Flynt's actual attorney in the case was Herald Fahringer, who had previously defended child pornography before the supreme court.

Reminder child porn was legal until 1977.

it was pretty good, really sad parts too

Reminder there is nothing wrong with youth erotica.

Attached: 1555448032862.jpg (2474x2904, 750K)

>civil rights attorney defends the rights of the bad people that the government uses to justify taking away everyones
wow, amazing work, user. Looking forward to your analysis on the wetness of water next.

Lmaoing at the plebs who think the film is about freedom of speech.

Herald fahrenger was a great lawyer. I believe he was also the lawyer in the Pilsbury Doughboy case, without which America wouldnt have the right to parody, so Fuck (You)

What do you think it's about? Me, I think it's more about the disconnect between the modern world and religion, or maybe just conservatism. Sure, the movie ends with a SCOTUS decision, but the only reason it got to SCOTUS was because of Falwell's remarks about AIDS. Most of the movie is about freedom, not just freedom of speech.

Care to explain?

>normalizing degeneracy
Break the conditioning. Alternatively, kill yourself.


It's been scientifically proven that porn not only fucks up your pleasure center and turns your brain into mush, but it also twists your perception of sex itself, ruins your ability to hold proper relationships with females and can alter your sexual preferences. Not to mention it's being used to normalize all kinds of stuff, from pedophilia to mass migration. Spoiler: you won't find any studies supporting this on Google or leftist academia.

nah, hookup culture does that

porn just gets you off faster

There's a very simple experiment with minimal requirements that you can conduct yourself to find out if what I posted is true. All you need a room to be by yourself. Go there. Close the door. Think of a sexy girl/guy or a sexual experience you had in the past. Did you get hard? If not, I've got bad news for you. If your imagination alone can't get you off, then you're in trouble and porn is to blame.

Not the same user, but I literally just fapped earlier using nothing but my imagination and I watch a ton of porn. This user is full of shit.

>tfw there's actual real-life porn shills on Yea Forums

I've seen it all.

>It's been scientifically proven
>you won't find any studies
must be that new kind of science on the internet that you just take at face value


No, it's just the kind of scientific studies Google doesn't allow and leftist academia is suppressing.

>Enjoying movies based on irl morality
Just makes the movie more interesting

Stop abusing yourself.