Cancelled shows that only you remember

Cancelled shows that only you remember.

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Other urls found in this thread:

That show had so much goddamn potential. It was such a fucking disappointment


>muh stronk womyn
>show cancelled

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>all our lectricity dont work no more
>guess we can't use our guns, then

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>no guns
>ok, some guns
>fuck it, lots of guns
> no electricity
>ok, some electricity
>fuck it, lots of electricity
>opps we hired a pervert

they went off the tracks real quick

Ringer - it was on CW and it was pretty decent (maybe up until the last half, but still good). Sad it didn't get renewed.

They used plenty of guns in that show.

I never watched this but I always thought it was a Smallville knock off.

Top this

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There was a law in the world of the show that no one who wasn’t a member of the new government wasn’t allowed own guns.

Admittedly i should have post this one in "shows only you saw".

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Actually the main character was extremely flawed. She was naive at the beginning and got her ass beat. She eventually got better at fighting but as time went on she started to develop a dark side.

>That dark period of television where everyone was trying to rip off lost.

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there were so many. I don't even remember this one, it's in my folder of generic cast pictures from crappy mostly one-season shows. it might've been an alien invasion one like "Invasion".

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Beat me to it.

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that show was really good. shame

It had potential

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>discount store Shannon

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The scene where the black guy commits suicide is unironically kino. It's a shame the actor ended up killing himself in real life too.

I challenge you to prove this show existed at all.

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It was great while it lasted

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Even google brings up some random western these days when you google it

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>the spray-painted nerf guns

pretty sure armor the soldiers were wearing was actually for dirtbiking, too.

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I wanted more of this so badly

Don't be stupid. These aren't even that old and people still remember them. They were cancelled because they were bad.

>it might've been an alien invasion one like "Invasion".

oh, I was thinking of Threshold.

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>as time went on she started to develop a dark side.
No she went from one to the other in the space of a single episode
>this guy was hunting us and wants nothing but for us to be captured and killed, he poses nothing but a threat to us if he escapes, but we can't kill him, that would be wrong
some time later
>that guy has a rifle we need? Let's just fucking kill him and take it, no problemo

makes me wonder. Has there ever been a show where they find that their guns are ineffective so instead of sticking with them for the entire series they stop using them or retool them to actually be effective against what they're fighting. This trope kinda irks me for some reason.

Obviously not a show only you remember

What do you guys think of this show?

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At least this show introduced us to Naomi Scott.

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it was a bit like Workaholics but less reddit and with only one Workaholic

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I swear that post wasn't there a second ago. it went Believe Nothing, Almost Human, Brimstone.

They filmed an episode of this on a heli pad, on top of a building I used to work for back in 2010. I had forgotten the name, based user.

I've met know one who even knows what Charlie Jade is which is a damned shame.

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I've never seen it-was-a-political-hot-potato

Spielberg has produced or executive-produced a lot of cancelled shows.

this one apparently had two (2) seasons.

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Good show but no one watched it unfortunately. This was before streaming and network tv loved to cancelled series early.

unironically kino and the best/only none shit thing to come from British television

Remember when Bruce Wayne was Venom Snake’s autistic shon?

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i don’t know what my problem is because i never even watched kyle xy but like every couple of weeks i just think to myself “hey remember that show kyle xy?”. its implanted in my brain like a tumor

That show was awful. But he also produced Band of Brothers so ...

This one was a bit interesting at least. The survivalist/ warring factions type story reminds me of The 100


2005 kino

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This show had great premise

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I remember watching and enjoying that.

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Also thanks for introducing me to based Armie "box office poison" Hammer.

Come to think of it was this the first of a long line of shows and films that he would herald the doom of

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it is...... hard to explain.

I definitely remember the bath crystals that made albino Jamie Murray have orgasms.

Man, all i remember is the lesbian scene. That was excellent

>nanomachines prevent artificial electricity from being created.... somehow.
>All because the ASSISSTANT US Secretary of Defense wants to nuke Philly and Atlanta and take over the world 12 years after?
>Also Nanomachines achieve sentience and starts making people come to a nothing town in Idaho?
>Also people forget how to make bullets and go back to using black powder muskets and wearing Civil war era clothing.
>Mexico built a wall and won't let Americans through.

This show was so fucking stupid it hurts my brain to think I watched it.

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>gone too soon

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It had some TERRIBLE writing and acting. The middle seasons at least made the apocalyptic vibe look believable. And there were a bunch of hotties.

forgot pic

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Ruined by Billy Campbell being unable to speak at the same volume as everyone else on set.

I really liked it up until the final season. And then the final episode was so offensively awful that i made me hate the show as a whole.

Falling Skies was cancelled? I thought it just ended.

It was alright till they did the nano machines bullshit. Blonde girl was hot and even though they tease about making the teen drama thing they never actually go that way, heck i remember them killing the guy even.

I remember this show being ok. Never talked to another person that has seen it.

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How about a show that SHOULD have been cancelled?

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Me, on the right

>That period where everyone wanted to be Elementary

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>the I unironically pirated the whole first season because I wanted to watch it again to see Dinklage
So much potential squandered by CBS being stupid assholes.

Didn't see it till it got on Netflix, but I liked it. Wish they had more time, the way things wrap up in the last few episodes was unsatisfying.

>literal del Taco passion project he turned into a book series because no one would touch the screenplay
>books are successful enough that they decide to """adapt""" them during the height of "we're out of ideas, start filming books" era
>still completely fuck it up in every way imaginable
At least the first season was decent.

Fuck you for making me remember. That's the cancellation that hurt the most in recent years.

absolutely no one remembers this. not even me. and yes that's emma stone next to dylan baker

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Damn. Thought I was the only one to remember that. I like the fact they knew they were cancelled and just went full-on "fuck it" in the finale and pushed her going dark to the maximum.

randomly saw a bit of this show on tv. gus fring was stoically shooting a bunch of people.
it was cringe.

i still don't get why it was suppose to be a sci-fi.

Before Mr Robot this show made me think Carly Chaikin was a shit actress and not hot.

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Vorenus + prime Moon Bloodgood

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>Maths is literal magic

I don't think that Drive ever got a home video release. What a shame.

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>pluralize "math" for no good goddamn reason
>still use the singular form of your verb
Make up your mind eurotrash.
Then by the law of contractions it should be spelled math's.

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This show was incredibly based and it makes me upset that Syfy cancelled it 60% of the way through the story.

It hurt when this was cancelled.

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Odyssey 5
Showtime admitted they canceled it on a cliffhanger for no valid reason except the new network owners didn't like the showrunners.

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Probably the only show that i saw that started it's time loop episode from like loop 10 and not loop 1.

I liked it

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Fucking cliffhangers, why can't seasons be self contained any more? It's stupid to end on one if you're never sure your show will ever be renewed. Shit, even Babylon 5 had the good sense to bookend its seasons despite the overall arc.

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Why do I have such a nostalgic feeling to cancelled shows? Invasion, Reaper, Better of Ted, Pushing Daisies, Dead Like Me, Carnivale, Kings, etc. feels like they all aired at the same time as well.

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Blonde doesn't suit her

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it still makes me sad. i loved it

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>Expecting English to follow rules
Americans never got it, it's been that way since olden times and you just need to learn when there are exceptions to the rule.

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But it found it's way back thanks to based Bezos

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Is that a set from The Room?

suddenly i remmberde this.
I guess it can be considered kino now with the main actor ded.

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This is the greatest show ever made.

Oh and fucking MANTIS with the invisible T Rex ending.

Invisible Man got an ending.

Oh boy, I completely forgot about this. I guess I was so disgusted with how it went after enjoying the first season that my mind just blocked the series entirely.

fuck all innies

I don't understand why people were so upset. I loved this show for the most part, but it was clear it was going to go into some stupid generic sci-fi show that battles some stupid aliens. We didn't need another show like that.

>t.Seething Skinny

>Dead Like Me
>got a straight to video movie to complete the series after the cancellation
>it's so shit I wish they never bothered
Was a strange feeling.

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It was it or the Expanse and people chose to save the Expanse

I still rewatch these

New Amsterdam
First Wave

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yeah...somewhere I remember I saw a series about alien parasites fighting humans.
people is just retarded.
the series was going nowhere as you say.

Johnny Zero was the closest we will get to a live action Cowboy Bebop in spirit

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But yet they renewed Killjoys beyond Dark Matter

damn this one was actually good for the first few episodes then it just shat the bed.

No it didnt.

this one was actually really nice, especially the first five episodes, good plot and decent characters, then they got cancelled and had to close shop in like 2 episodes, shame

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also this one had a good premise, season one was alright but season two wasted so much potential and it was a dread to watch, thank god they cancelled it

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Terriers, aired on FX in like 2010?

I thought it was going to be the next FX hit, great cast, interesting plot, catchy intro, but no one fucking watched it.

They had a top tier premise and absolutely squandered it with people drama. Didn't help that a door had more personality than the main character. By episode 5 I was already ready to quit

uhm,this is a really strange one.
it really ended exactly when it had to.
but still it was a cancellation.

Oh, yes.
>Especially the leather outfits.

>one no one truly rememebers
10-8: Officers on Duty

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The reasoning for no guns was fucking idiotic.

>Hey, we’ve got this show with a popular character, let’s make a spin-off about three literal whos!

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Especially weird since the introduced guns back in almost immediately.

>Hey, Jack Bauer still needs a happy ending. Let’s shift the focus to some random black guy!

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Hey i watched all four episodes of that before they canceled it!

Tim Roth is so fucking based on this. Carried the show pretty hard, without him is generic shit

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Is skyline cancelled?

whats that one about


Dude it still has reaction images that get posted to this day

wait, thats cancelled?!

This is the only show in this thread I genuinely miss. So much potential

Yes but Amazon picked it back up. Prepare for last season Scrubs tier

What was the reasoning?

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scrubs tier?

>Righty pulling a Sam Jackson

Re-watched this on Kodi a couple of years back. God I miss this show.

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this was actually a great show, shame they cancelled it

Remember the knock off that literally a came a few years after.

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Tell me what is?

I wish this would be rebooted. Also did anyone else like the series Falling Skies?

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Remember that era when they were trying to make shitty superhero shows that weren’t based on actual comics.

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ahh right that's where I had seen jaime alexander from before

not sure if I finished that show

also Dollhouse

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Fuck damnit, I really liked that show

I don't know man, I liked that shit

this one started out alright and it gave us that creepy monkey with a baby doll on its head gif

Oh fuck I remember seeing trailers for that.

Enjoyed this show but they played the episodes in random order


My penis is an innie

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Dollhouse was a great show that should have immediately been taken out of Whedon's hands and given someone with talent

back when FX didn't automatically give everything three seasons minimum

>Tomorrow people
>No black
What did the mean by this?

damn used to jerk it to the daughter from this

the dumbest fucking thing

i remember taping my belly button and going 'look ma im kyle x y'

I only saw a few episodes, seemed like it was written by a horny 13 year old, where there were non horny 13 year old parts, and horny 13 year old parts.

Dark Angel

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Ay imao kino

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I don't remember any details at all but I do remember enjoying it

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>whats that one about
OG Resident Evil the series. At least first season felt like live action RE that we never got.

i enjoyed this a lot. didnt understand shit though

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But Castle was canceled.

oops posted the wrong one :)

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>Dark Angel
Mein schwarzer Freund

the middle guy looks lost


Remember Defying Gravity? It was amazing and thank God it was cancelled after only one season because the creator posted the entire series outline on the internet after it was cancelled and it would have been awful

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She cute

>I wish this would be rebooted
user it was the reboot all along

i always thought that joe scarborough from MSNBC was in this show based on this promo image

Grounded for Life

I remember jerking off to both the mom and the daughter.

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Had some nice ways of exploring nostalgia.
I remember a few things, like a 9 year old girl disappears in the 1960s or whatever, shows up in present day with the rest of the 4400, while other girls "her age" talk about boy bands she's all about frank sinatra.
One guy disappeared as a 17 year old only a couple of years ago, and now his younger brother is older than him, and this young girl who had a crush on him is of an appropriate age.

im going down 2005's cancelled TV because that's pretty much the last year I really watched TV. here's another

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tried watching that because Sam, but it sucked.

Currently watching this on Amazon
>tfw ywn be a based Nietzschean

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so many memories.

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>The Cape

seriously? you actually like it? i barely remember it.


fuck me this takes me back to when I used to fap to this pre-internet when I was a horny teen

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SAME. I never watched the show, all I fucking know about it is that the guy has no belly button, but one day I was watching one of those shitty cooking shows and I instantly recognized Kyle XY as a participant. The show must have had a hell of an advertising campaign.

>There wasn't not an illegal (not) law in the world of the show that ((-1)no one who wasn’t not not a member of the new government wasn’t not) not allowed own guns.
fixed for clarity

Nice, I'm really glad someone else actually watched this kino

The Phantom

>you actually like it?
It's okay, it's very hit and miss, some episodes are kino but season 3 sucks so far.
Took a break to watch Farscape.

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same here. I can almost smell a different time

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>not 16th

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I loved this show and especially the blondie I wanted to be balls deep in her constantly

Stole my damn pic. I watched that shit when Hulu first started.
This show was weird. It truly felt like the writers were just throwing everything at you and hoping you would piece together a good show on your own.
This show was fucking awesome. I swear it had Babylon 5 potential with the various factions vying for power and none being the "good guys." Too bad being tied into an MMO and lack of leader vision killed it. Da-tek Tarr was GOAT.
Couldn't get past two epsiodes of that show, and I usually give a show a season if I decide to watch it just to see if it goes anywhere.
Well remembered. Green-haired girl was waifued all over the place, and everyone - of course - thought One was a terrible douche.
Are you kidding? That's a remake. Watch the old series, it's great.
Blacklist is still a thing? Didn't Spader leave? Why would you keep watching without Spader?

Well fuck, all my good picks have been taken. How far back are we going with this?

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Remember when Wizard of Oz fell for “le dark and edgy” meme?

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>We want the Friends audience

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>Didn't Spader leave?
Still there.

Used to fap to Sabrina and Xena too
It's how I sort my shit out it, needs to be finished desu but it's hard to find decent pics of his chair

Came here to post this

I loved watching this on E4, had so much potential.

Farscape is based, I recommend it to anyone who's nostalgic for that 1999-early 00s TV era.

The most kino game show to ever exist... too bad it was a lawyer's wet dream. I've rewatched it so many times. FUCK why do all the good kinos die young?

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Redpilled: The Show

Is it me or do a lot of cop shows get canned on Fox?

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Fuck. I've skipped it for like two seasons, ever since the bullshit with his daughter's daughter or whatever. it worth going back?

I don't know if it's worth binging, but as one episode a week it's still good.

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This was fine tho.

>Black politician gets brought down by whitey.
It wouldn't be made today.

I prefer it to most trek shows

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Season 9 Scrubs

das heiß stark pigmentierter gebietsfremder

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Farscape is fucking based.

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yes hello

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Ich möchte sexuelle Beziehungen mit Max aus dieser Fernsehsendung haben. Es wäre sehr angenehm und ihre Gene sind perfekt. Unsere Kinder wären wirklich übermenschlich.

>Mein schwarzer Freund
My black friend
>das heiß stark pigmentierter gebietsfremder
the hot heavily pigmented alien
I want to have sexual relations with Max from this TV show. It would be very pleasant and her genes are perfect. Our children would be really superhuman.

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wtf is this shit

>Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie sprechen nur eine einzige Sprache

Came into this thread specifically to see if someone posted this.

Best not to think about it

this was kino

My whole family loved this show, but the network killed it by moving its time slot several times.

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The potato on the left looks like she has an endemic goiter.

Thread started out as funny but it’s kind of depressing thinking about the millions that get put into shows that end up being wasted to produce all these failures. Think of all the wasted potential and ruined careers.

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Hey, I remember that show. Kind of disappointing. I came here to post Terra Nova though.

>they cancelled this kino and not shitty power rangers

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I remember those. They were actually pretty decent.

It was meh, though.

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Me too, why is this

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it was far from perfect but it was compelling enough that i never missed an ep. same for penny dreadful.

I beat my meat senseless to this middle eastern bird

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Still sad that it never got an ending

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>I don't date coworkers-
what did they mean by this?

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I could easily be convinced that the show doesn't actually exist and the ads for it were some kind of psyop, and I don't even believe in /x/phile conspiracy shit at all. No one I've ever talked to has ever watched the show, but everyone has seen the commercials for it.

Fucking loved this show.

Thank you, we worked really hard on it and it makes me happy to see someone appreciate our efforts. Too bad the suits at Fox didn't feel the same way.

late noughties ptsd

The fuck are they looking at

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I watched it years ago back when netflix was first getting popular, it was okay from what I remember

>is the reason why i started liking asian girls

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that intro

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Vampire Kino

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Which one?

It was good. Season 1 was excellent to be honest. Season 2 and on decided to make Hunt the central focus and put bases as fuck Tyre on the sidelines till he just walked off the series.

Never heard of this show before, but when I saw the QR code in the intro I accurately guessed it being from 2010. I don't know what that means but I wanted to share.

now THIS looks like hot garbage

I remember watching season 2 6AM in the morning on the weekdays before the school

The Famous Jett Jackson.

Class of '96, didn't make it out of '93.

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The plot ripped off a series of books basically, am sure that had something to do with its cancellation

was a good show. have it on disc still

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fucking A

>And the last thing they'll hear before the end will be my name
Nikita is an acceptable waifu but I always liked Alex best

I'm getting a Halle Berry Catwoman vibe from this poster

The Crossing
Terra Nova
Also, pic related, guarantee I'm the only one that remembers this.

I was trying to remember this, but I couldn't remember what it was called, came on around the same time as LOST.

I remember this, only watched I think 2 episodes but it has something to do with a sub being ordered to nuke Pakistan, they disobey orders and take their sub to some Island or some shit.

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Comedy central has so many shitty forgotten tv series that only lasted a season.

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>Also, pic related, guarantee I'm the only one that remembers this.
i thought i vaguely did but i didn't remember kevin hart was on it

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Why do all these series have the most generic looking cast?

Great show.

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The nigs still alive user, look up Courtney B. Vance

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Loved this show. Uncle Eddie was the best.
Loved this one too. Shame they canceled it after like half a season.

And speaking of shows where you could jerk off to the mother and daughter...

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That shit was so cash

I thought it was pretty good, however I will suck up anything post apocalyptic

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This was awful

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Came here to post this. So much potential.

Watched a couple of episodes for Giancarlo, he could have done better than that show tbqh

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Poor Halle. As I always say capeshit. Not.even.once. she hasn't been the same since catwoman.

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What's that one about all the people who win the lottery at the same time, and a meteor hits them at the end of something
I think it was on nbc before lost

Is this based on the british one with Helen Mirren?


This kind of thread is too comfy to just let it die

Loved this show my nigga. The intro song is seared into my brain


>photoshopping his face in because he couldn't stand still

This show radically changed halfway through after a long hiatus and got canceled anyway

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Again, new thread

hayley mcfarland was so cute in this
i remember when castle was airing at the same time and both had cute daughters molly quinn and hayley mcfarland

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Johnny Sequoyah was so cute in this. Can't believe her career has gone nowhere. She was adorable.

it was so damned good. I wish they had ran with it, and had multiple seasons.
I'm from Point Pleasant that its based on. its a fucking shithole, but at least its not seaside.
that give a celeb money and they make a voicemail or something for you site, has him on it.
I loved that show
is that neil from inbetweeners?
I've never had a chance to sit down and watch an entire episode.
the titlet kat dennings
the 80's version was great.

how many season did they do,I remember watching the first few episodes and liking them