Star Wars Trailer Reaction Cuck

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this faggot is getting shilled nonstop

Someone post the blacked version

I'm not giving you views

Please post this

>separate beds

t. cucks

that guy is getting laid and has a wife unlike you, basedcuck. stay seething

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Any retard can marry a retarded hog, retard.

reminder you can drag youtube links into mpv/VLC media player to avoid giving views.
If you don't have either of those, watch it on

Never click on any youtube video posted here, it's always shilling regardless of whether it's a corporation or a small time youtuber.
Fuck youtube, fuck e-celebs and fuck Yea Forums.

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He's clearly in a hotel room.

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Why would anyone do this?

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So what, you don't book rooms with separate beds if you're not going to be using them

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White people be OBSESSED

He is trending on twitter because of Yea Forums. He was a literal nobody until Yea Forums started making threads about him 4 days ago lol

Have sex.

I've done that plenty of times.

I've seen people like this before in real life, by that I mean the grey face and wierd red lips combo. Is this a sign of some illness?

How much do you want to fuck this faggot since you keep posting him?

Lol girls on twitter say they would date guy like him.....

Why are cuckservative randos shittting on this guy in particular? It wasn't even that cringy of a reaction, I've seen far worse.

Besides, the guy's married. Also Mark Hamill is standing up for him

Sure you have. "room with 2 beds for me my wife and her boyfriend"

He's taken

based shill

I am. With you.

Oh my goodness~

I don't have a wife or even a girlfriend. I've just gotten a room with two beds before.

>he’s married
Two beds and at the spa

Cut my dick into pieces
This is my last resort
No breeding
Don't give a fuck if I cut my cock, bleeding
This is my last resort

Why does this keep getting posted? Its fucking fake.
>le clown world XD

Literally nothing wrong with this, are you this insecure you wouldnt let your wife to go to a fucking spa at the resort?



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You're talking to a guy on the board obsessed with some dude named Tyrone.

To non-incels "the spa" means an actual spa, not a video shoot.

whuh? She doesn't get BLACKED? Then how am I supposed to get off?

>It's a "Yea Forums makes someone they hate famous" episode

it ridiculous to be so into something so trivial

Because it’s fucking ridiculous, that’s why

>not using the dark theme
you're just as bad as him

You're a bigger cuck than this faggot. No one wants to watch your shitty movie where you kick the easy target around for a bit. Go suck more cock.

This will be the high point of his career. Think about how depressing that is.

Based Yea Forums making soi cucks famous

Shieeeeeeeet. I didn't even know kiketube had a dark theme. Thanks fren.

Look at all the support he's getting! They're clearly better than us

someone post the blacked webm.


>imagine not being passionate about anything
>imagine being repressed and bitter
>imagine being constantly unhappy and mocking those who dare to be happy
>imagine spending your time on a laotian berry picking enthusiasts forum shitting on other people

i hope you have sex

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>"omg i'm a thot and i would totally bang this passionate guy"
>"hi babe i'm a star wars nerd in real life"
>"ew get away from me creep"
>bangs chad again

>passionate & clearly enjoying
But it comes off more as him hamming it up for the camera in order to get views on youtube.

>Hamil telling you basement scrawny pale virgins to lay off the retard.

Breddy fuckin based

That's it. I've figured it out. I'm going to make one of these videos and I'm going to get Yea Forums to ridicule me and call me onions. Then it'll go viral on Twitter and hot chicks will have sex with me to virtue signal. This is my own personal Oceans 11. I've cracked the code.

>imagine shedding tears of joy to the trailer of disneys space pewpew part 9
>imagine defending it on a burmese basking weaving bitmap postic board
quick hate fuck hookup?

Remember to open your mouth really wide and shout.

I don't think you understand how YouTube views work. It has nothing to do with clicking play on a video on their website, it's how many times that video is requested from the server. And yes, requesting the video via a source other than YouTube website will still give the video views (like ddg "watch here" option, a video downloader, or VLC)

Nice try nigger. Go shill your shitty channel elsewhere or better yet kys

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a 1000 years ago this guy wouldn't even be a slave, he'd ferment in a bog somewhere never to be found

Is that a popped pimple or a birthmark on his face? Either way it's repulsive like your mom OWNED NIGGER!


Notch made billions shilling his shit on Yea Forums, it actually does work

>Daisy Ridley Movie 2019
Has Star Wars fallen this far

Your favorite!

How do you think Alec Guinness would have responded to him?

We need another world war

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"I warned you all." and then cringe away

this, also he's clearly overacting for views (like all of them)

YouTube ai should delete ugly faces. I don't want to see inbred nasty looking creeps when I go online.


I guess Mark Hamill is face smashing, amirite?

turn off the webcam, then

this is art lmao


Because he broke his face. Good joke, everybody laughs.

You guys will eventually meme him onto national television and he might actually get to meet celebrities and get money out of this

man, I feel bad for this guy.
How do you lack so much self awareness? How do you grow up to be 30 or 40+ in this cold world being that much of a complete retard?
It's just sad.

I bet this dude is a redditor

more like cold sore
from his wife's bf

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this is exactly what he wants

Probably a high carb low fat plant diet


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>Someone over age 30 has an emotional breakdown over a movie being "the end of the saga"
>When just 15 years ago, in the same series, another movie was also advertised as "the end of the saga"
The encouragement of completely emotionally stunted adults is weird

Who gives a you retarded faggot. Grow up.

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>Can't even type seven words without a typo and two kinds of slurs.
Come on now, at least try.

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this is the best one

My god you guys actually use the world cuck and onions unironically
consider suicide you retarded mutts

This dude will be on Ellen before the end of the week.


You guys just got this guy thousands in free merch and a pass to the premiere. Is that what you wanted to do?

>shows up on Ellen
>they talk about the evils of Yea Forums and how toxic cyberbullying is
>Yea Forums becomes even more taboo than it already is
Wow Yea Forums, you guys truly are retarded. Good to know the guy you bullied now will get fame for this.

Yes, cucks have to look after each other

man up you faggoy

false flag operation from streamable


Be nice

if by taboo you mean normie-overrun then yeah, sure

Don't blame Yea Forums for this, blame the people who saw it here and started spreading it around twitter so they can get upvotes and internet points

Yes, I love him.


>Yea Forums becomes even more taboo than it already is
That’s a good thing

the bearded guy making weird faces to mario music is worse

Have sex

White people be obsessed with black cocks, YIKES

cunnyfag version if anyone interested

This guy is disgusting to look at, but at least now I can put a face to all the 'have sex' posters

He's not having sex either.


have autism

He should make a reaction video of himself reading Hamill's tweet about him.

Is that Toby from the Office narrating the video?

Kinda sounds like it, he made a bunch the other day. (switch edition) (shill edition)

All of them here

I don't care.

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>shilling your own videos on Yea Forums
fuck off