Boys, I've been going over the list of releasing and there's something mighty curious. What the hell is an MCU...

>Boys, I've been going over the list of releasing and there's something mighty curious. What the hell is an MCU? What ever happened to our movies like Swiss Family Robinson or Treasure Island? Don't tell me kids these days don't like Davy Crockett...

Attached: Walt has had it with your shit.jpg (693x574, 44K)

Oh dear god save us from the Jews, Walt!

>Why are there so many fucking coons in my movies?

>Walt what if your children's movies were made for 30 year old "men"

Sit down, Walt, it'll be a while...

Walt would have been #MeToo'd by now

what did they mean by this?

Attached: its over goys.jpg (4000x1675, 165K)

>Why do they all look the same? How could they ruin such simple designs?!

Fuck you, walt. This is the world you helped create

>>Boys, I've been going over the list of releasing and there's something mighty curious. What the hell is an MCU?

A way too make billions of dollars by releasing the same movie thrice a year over multiple decades. You're gonna love it.

Fuck you.
Walt just did cartoons and comfy family films.

Walt wouldn't have wanted this.

Walt had hardly any more artistic integrity than anyone running his company since.

>Swiss Family Robinson
That tree house was so damn cool.

No, fuck you asshole. Walt was hated by anyone close to him. I bet his family also hated him.

Why was Walt so based, bros?

He was always a business guy so I'm sure he'd be glad his company now runs 25% of Hollywood but I can't imagine he'd be happy with the "live action" remakes of cartoon movies

They were just jealous of him.

t. NerdBlogger

>SIMPP stands for the Society of Independent Motion Picture Producers — an organization that was formed by Charlie Chaplin, Walt Disney, Samuel Goldwyn, Alexander Korda, Mary Pickford, David O. Selznick, Walter Wanger, John Huston and Orson Welles.
>SIMPP was formed by filmmakers who opposed movie monopolization. They wanted to curtail the growing power of the major Hollywood movie studios (Paramount, MGM, Warner Bros., Twentieth Century-Fox, and RKO), which not only owned the largest film factories in the world, but also controlled the largest theater chains in all parts of the United States. SIMPP assisted the government in its antitrust case against the major studios until it became illegal for the film studios to own movie theater chains.

Walt hated monopolies as strange as it may seem.

I imagine he would be fucking devastated hand drawn animation is reduced to quick buck flash shit

I'm sure Walt didn't give two flying fucks if they loved or hated him. Just as long as they feared him.

>And why for the love of God are we not making any money from Song of the South?

>Song of the South
It's not even really all that racist.

Still mad its not on Disney+

He would be proud of the success, the money, the reach, the influence, culture, etc. He'd be especially proud of the Disney Renaissance. What he wouldn't be proud of would be countless poor business decisions, quality control dropping, re-making everything instead of doing new ideas, all the SJW cultural Marxist/feminist propaganda, and the fact his company is over-run by money-hungry, culture/art/science/innovation-indifferent Jews.

This and this:

He would be devastated to see hand-drawn animation not getting the respect, attention, and treatment it deserves, especially since that what the Walt Disney Company was born on and what put them on the map in the first place.

This is the saddest of all

^ ^

What a fucking waste.
