It's time to settle this

it's time to settle this

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Generation Kill

Generation Kill

Generation Kill

Band of Brothers is cozier

Deadliest Warrior

idris elba

Settle what? I know nobody who likes The Pacific more.

Bob, no contest

>muh WWII
>muh Greatest Generation
>muh Joos
>muh ebil Nazees
Nah, fuck off. Generation Kill for me.

The one about a Japanese unit and a German one.

Generation kill
Both suck

Pacific has better characters.

I have never seen Band of Brothers or The Pacific.
Generation Kill is the best.

Friendly reminder that the yanks fought for the wrong side


Generation Kill is just Yea Forums being contrarian again

it's nowhere near Bob, neither is the Pacific even though it some great episodes with sledgehammer (5-7 and 9)

BoB is just a heartwarming adventure story that romanticizes nearly all aspects of the war and it even concludes with a fucking narrated baseball game. The Pacific has much more grittiness to it and actually touches on some things that BoB never could. When sledge came home and went hunting with his pops, for instance. Once they were walking through the woods with their rifles at the low ready, he absolutely lost his shit and broke down into tears, and his Dad was there to comfort him and take him home. Then he tries to get into college and the admissions officer pretty much tells him he's a fucking moron and surely the USMC taught him something that could be useful in life, and sledge tells her he learned how to kill japs and was pretty good at it and then 360s and walks away

>romanticizes nearly all aspects of the war
I don't think it does that at all I just think most people are desensitized to viewing it on tv and need more and more graphic horrors to feel the same effect.

>a stoic dick winters standing above a blithering blythe in his foxhole, exposing himself to enemy fire solely to motivate this soldier to pick up his rifle and start firing
In the Pacific, the closest character to Winters gets his brains blown out offscreen.

it were different wars though, americans/japs hated each other a lot more than germans/americans

To be fair everyone in the unit was surprised he survived at all let alone was never seriously wounded. BoB did a terrific job showing the randomness of death in combat so I can forgive a few scenes like that.

how did they get away with it?

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>Muh most aesthetic war

It benefits from focusing on like 3-4 characters instead of like 20, sure
But Easy Company had more memorable characters

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That's the point, BoB is a feelgood story about a single unit and their merry stroll through western Europe. Sure, a few decent lads die along the way but it's nothing some smug banter or some cheesy jokes won't fix. The Pacific doesn't really give you the chance to become attached to any of the characters like that because they die before you get to that point, much like in the real pacific campaign.

the think is... BoB is how Americans want you to remeber the WW2. The Pacific is about what they want you to forget. Or in other way. BoB is Saving Private Ryan after the Omaha beach. Pacific is the Omaha beach but you have to stay around and clean up the bodies. Pacific is very flawed but daring and for every hiccups there is a wholesome moment which stucks with you.


More developed sure, by virtue of focusing on fewer, but they're all insufferable faggots
There's more filler too

>BoB is how Americans want you to remeber the WW2. The Pacific is about what they want you to forget
I don't think you're very informed about the modern attitude towards WW2 in America

Band of Brothers actually follows a war of some significance


When the fuck is the Masters of the Sky or whatever the fuck its called now gonna come out?!

this desu. the only significant battles of the pacific campaign happened in MacArthur's guinea campaign where the Army captured or killed more than 250,000 japs. the island hopping shit was a literal waste of marines and only happened because nimitz was so buttblasted about the idea of not being in command of the overall war effort in the pacific even though he was clearly not qualified for the job.


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Only snafu


eugene sledge storyline > band of brothers > the rest of the pacific

Without a doubt BoB.
But The Pacific is fine too


This. I was a BoB guy until I finally got around to seeing it.

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I can't tell the general "We don't do windows."

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The Pacific was dogshit Band of Brothers all the way.
>Generation Kill fegs
>Comparing modernwarfare story to WW2 story
>But haz no edge
>Fuck off

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Reminder that Germany and Russia were irrelevant to America. America was trading with both China and Japan, but didn't want to supply Japan with oil to fuel its war effort on China. So Japan attacked Pearl Harbor to cripple the fleet with the intention of annexing American oil in the Pacific soon after. At that point, it didn't matter who Japan's allies were, America was out for blood.

BoB has a much better narrative structure

I will not follow that man into combat!

Tempo! Tempo! Tempo!

Are there any movies/series in WW2 that focus on the Brits?

>inb4 Dunkirk

BoB has Tom Hardy
Pacific has Rami Malek


Bridge over the River Kwai




>fighting for the side that attacked you



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also pacific is just
>heheh were MARINES lets fuck with ARMY SOLDIERS
>hahaha banter


BoB is told much better and is a great deal more memorable - particularly the characters. The only things I remember from The Pacific are throwing rocks into a hollowed out head, hip firing a machine gun, and the train at the end.

Yeah Asians don't matter at all especially 50 years from now when the Jews have fucked us all over and the Asians are ruling the world.

until they brought that faggot bald guy in with his "x factors" and ruined the entire show.

The Pacific is boring as hell. No one wants to watch a whole episode devoted to being stuck in mud or people on the homefront falling in love.

Pacific Theater is an interesting untold story but you just can't really tell it on screen outside of the naval/air battles. It's just not that compelling to tell the stories of battles involving a one square mile island that took three weeks to capture because there were 10,000 Japs there dug into every single hole imaginable and they all fought to the death.

Gotta have airstrips to firebomb the Japanese into submission.

Hacksaw Ridge did a great job of throwing you into a terrifying horror movie sequence after luring you into a false sense of security with an hour and a half of sentimentality.