Post your setups
Movie stations
inb4 bench guy
What's up Ivan
Nice view lad
can someone post the picture of the guy that hung his tv from the ceiling
I think my grandparent's house has that exact painting. not memeing
Nice TV from 1995 you poor faggot. You know you can get a 50 inch 4K TV for like 250 bucks, right?
mine is an actual oil painting, so unless the guy painted the same thing twice i doubt it
What the fuck is that
I know that but Iam from a 3rd world country.
250$ are LITERALLY 4 months worth of pay.
Iam glad I have this much, no bully.
You fucking nigger-brained peasant. The pic is from the 90s. Look at the stereo and the rest of the shit. How did your absentee father and dishrag mother raise such a colossal dipshit?
Give me an email to message you with.
You must provide 3 pics of your home as proof that you are the op.
I'll help you set up a paypal or something to gift you $1000. I will mail you my extra blu ray player its region free so you can use it with whatever you people have. Ill throw in a couple movies. Tell me what kind of stuff you like.
I'm dead serious, it's time to be nice.
I can't take a picture of my phone
Are you sure he's the original artist though? One or both could be a reproduction of a more famous piece
Mirrors nigga
Sorry for the mess lol
OK email sent
Probably some sort of footrest
Nice try Commander Sisko, but you aren't fooling me
Kino station reporting in
Do poor people actually think these rooms look good? Chinese ply wood furniture, dust, mismatched rugs and carpet, prison blinds?
And then this poor fag finances a starry ceiling but uses in wall and in ceiling budget speakers? Can I get a yikes?
Might as well play your movie on an iPad and run it through a megaphone. You’d get better sound quality. Not even a pair of mid range bookshelves.
A B&O celestial or Bowers and Wilkins Nautilus next time poor fag.
>center channel above the screen
Oh. I. m. laffin.
Poor people will always be classless no matter how much money they have.
dont trip over that extension bro.
>getting this mad over how people live their lives
That's a comfy sized room desu, not too big, not too small.
Honestly almost half the rooms in these threads usually seem to be something I would never be able to afford in my life. The only way I could really ever see living in a house is if it previously belonged to my parents. I don't think I will ever have a high income.
go on..
You dont need much to make it comfy
Kalorien, Junge
I don't think you do either, I'm not a very materialistic person, but at the same time I just couldn't ever see being able to afford my own house. Like I seriously can't visualize it.
lactose tolerant?
I'm a simple man.
>Ignore the leg
50$ theres a space for a flashlight in it
good summary of the modern male
If you go out your sliding glass door do you fall in a lake?
looks tacky
You seem to have a rather large grasshopper obstructing your view.
We wuz movie theaters
every time i see that keyboard i think its a giant remote
Now this is living
The glare would be like having another window on that side of the wall.
That screen is way too small to be that far away. It would be bad enough for watching 16:9 movies, but imagine watching 2.35:1 movies on it. You might as well be watching it on your phone.
This looks like the living room of a new Mcmansion in a brand new neighborhood
based /living with parents/ Doomer
rust cohle/10
I just died a bit
>not having two sets of curtains on your windows so you can avoid neighbours and light
not based
replace that picture on the wall with a cool movie poster
Woah me too
a mexican dweeb watching anime
Not Mexican and it’s Thundercats bro, not anime
I like it
a fistfucking bench
Can you guys tell I like pop culture
It's time to move out of your parents' house. They're too nice to kick you out.
It's dolomite, baby!
Recently moved, this pretty much my present kino room.
Pic related was my previous one, I'm too fucking lazy to put all that shit up for short-term lease.
Another more direct photo incoming.
Why do you post this so much? No one cares about your shithole faggot. Surprised you're not a tripfag at this point
David Lynch sculpture
>that opening on the ceiling
is this a doom level?
>i got robbed
you're not a streamer faggot
>skipping leg day
>A-framed ceiling
love it
I use the microphone for communications.
Where do you get these vertical monitors from
Very pre-9/11
straighten your pictures you fucking barbarian
turn a widescreen monitor sideways
I wanna get led signs and shit to my walls.
tell the folks at home how short you are
Is this a basement? But you have a patio door. I don't understand what the deal is with the ceiling here.
I'm 187cm. I used to hit my head on the ceiling a lot but now I don't feel it as much.
maybe his house is built along a hillside
But then the picture would be sideways
surely there's some software trickery one could do
it would be extremely painful
very based setup
nah just go to display settings and you can rotate it
or if your gpu has a standalone utility
there used to be a hotkey in windows to do it but I think they phased it out because it was useless
My gay (happy) little set up
based and crazypilled
its a dormer you fag
i move away from the mic to breath in
Thanks. I knew I fucked up.
the wife-took-everything chic
tv way too small for how far back you are
It was an apartment building made primarily of concrete, which was convenient with the number of shootings at/around my old place.
Always keep this (well both honestly) handy these days, my homeboard is /k/.
tv for ants
Anyone know where to get cheap classical looking paintings to hang on my wall? Something similar to pieces like the raft of medusa or pic related
why does everyone sit so far away from their tv?
The tv isn't small, everything else is just a lot bigger
ey you finna jerk it to some tasty female athletes? my man!
art auctions
You can get some relativly nice looking paintings for dirt cheap.
I personally do not like the frames for older art though, you can always re-frame it pretty cheap.
Below are the sales results for my local auciton. A lot of cool shit
a large printer? just blow that picture up and then frame it.
Get your eyes checked
Here's mine. It's serviceable.
Sure you got enough monitors? You'd wanna go for that 360 degree scope
my eyes are fine. I just like being up in the action
There's a reason why China is crushing us in trade
10/10 microphone
fucking americans i swear
I bought two Meural Digital Canvases (one for portraits and one landscape, though you can go back and forwards one) , and I could not recommend them enough
Each one is capable of holding tens of thousands of famous paintings which rotate through the day, you can even specify the timer.
That said, each one was around $600, but they are one of the best things I've bought in sometime.
They are bottom left in this photo. One of those is an Edward Hopper There are also more affordable digital canvases these days.
I'm British.
If I was ever rich I'd want something like this, but I know I'd never invite anyone over because they would trash the place.
well you're an honourary american with that crass taste. Disgusting.
Oh were you looking for somewhere to buy cheap original classic paintings? Excuse us, we didn't understand the ridiculousness of your request
you're the idiot asking for "cheap" classical art, as if that exists lmao.
Why wouldnt you just put a rotating background on your desktop?
Are you a moron?
Why not just get a rasberry pi or some shit and link it up to a 4k monitor? Are those meme frames even 4k?
You're literally burning dollars
They're printed on silk you double nigger
>Robin Brooks, sea landscape, oil on canvas, 49 x 75cms, framed
>painting that literally sold for ÂŁ30
>omg buying art from before 2005 is impossible
fucking faggots. I worked in an auction for 2 years. You're retards.
that picture quality is too good for the 90s on the average camera
you fucker i took that 3 days ago
>you needed to ask Yea Forums whether or not auctions had cheaper than market value prices
this. is. everyth9ing.
That is super cozy user.
terrible taste
The shittiest of the three televisions here, but the best sound system. Unfortunately the Lego is persistent despite the bastard child of a roommate only being around every other weekend. This is just where I'm sitting at the moment, watching Chopped.
excuse the shitty TV stand
Super comfy, I like it.
lel i literally just picked a random painting from the sale results from my local auction
This sold for ÂŁ35
The point is that you can get genuine paintings for dirt cheap if you know where to look. A print will never has the same impact as a real painting in your home.
I can forgive everything except for the lemon gatorade, what the actual fuck man
I'm normally on my computer when home, like right now. Also Meural provides all the paintings freely with purchase, a simple process to download them. Must admit it isn't 4K, but I don't really need that to be satisfied.
Fortunately I apparently have money to waste, even if I don't agree it was a waste.
>implying there's a better flavor
Nice, clean, aesthetic.
>digital canvas
it's just a screen bro?
very welfare chic
Orange is the best, but lemon lime is strong choice. I normally have one of each during my work day because I'm sweating my ass off. Fruit punch is the worst of the 3 OGs.
he's at least 7 stories up, whatever neighbour is going to come by his window isn't going to be stopped by mere curtains
Are you a serial killer? You looking for an apprentice?
Do you not see the muppets outside his window? And the thousands of sniper spots?
Thank you, although the only one on government assistance is the bastard kid and her mom.
would get incredibly drunk in / 10
that like a vaulted ceiling?
where are your victims' body parts?
never liked Orange as much. Fruit Punch is absolute shit. Think the jizz colored one is pretty dope.
the secret is to cut them up into different parts, put them in suitcases, and then dump the suitcases into the ocean at the mouth of the bay as the tide is going out.
why does everyone thing I'm a serial killer!?
story of my life tbphwyf
Inb4 someone doxes you based on that numberplate
>why does everyone thing I'm a serial killer!?
>meme paintings
>a bit messy
>danny devito
clearly an eccentric fellow and that's a good thing
The best gatorade is purple you faggs
Gas Pomeranians and ALL other lap dogs!
I know Multi Millionaires that don't have that nice of fucking kino rooms and they have huge houses
Pet Simulator 1.0
>they don't drink the Frost Gatorades
never gonna make it bros
It's a big kinostation.
seems like a hassle
Why are there two lamps next to each other?
what is the bottom pic? did he actually write POOP :) ?
I have a similar setup, pretty based
Ecuadorian Embassy Staff have stated several times that Assange smeared shit on their walls, he just might not be that creative.
I watch kino through my ps2
>all he had to do was take regular showers and NOT smear shit on the walls
What Ikea furniture model is that black one?
i built this myself for the tv room. the little hatch on the left is where i store donuts lol
>32 inch tv
>5+ meters of distance
lmao you fucking retard
>PS1, PS2 and Dreamcast
this is comfy kino
very impressive. did you design it too?
those skateboard wheels?
>the little hatch on the left is where i store donuts lol
God bless America
thanks for the recs anons. just moved to a new spot and im a sucker for those kind of paintings
Now I just need a valid credit card number and we'll be all set.
which Marvel movie is this?
but how do you know where the donut goes?
If I lived in the same country as you I'd buy that one. Too much tax and fret.
> Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Pretty b'd & rp'd
You should try plugging that TV in
I fucking have all of your drawings saved. This room reveal did not disappoint.
Can I have a rare one?
tv too high
>the little hatch on the left is where i store donuts lol
Post feet
why are you living like it's 2003
>He doesn't live and laugh too
How did you upload this picture after that nuke went off outside your window?
>Ambilight TV
The plebs will never know this joy
Still a work in progress but I like it
This looks amazing for some pints and bants but where does the kino viewing come in? Also perhaps needs a coffee table for some Munchkin or other game of your choosing.
Owning furniture and belongings is for peasants and soys. 11/10
Tv is too big
Idk if you already did it but. You should do a paulie one next.
>Can I have a rare one?
here's the most recent one I started
i started a paulie one with extra paint one day and now idk where the fuck it is. Thinking of definitely doing the index pinky point too though
You can literally feel by the look of this picture that someone smokes indoors here.
oh fuck, that's Baba!
Looks more like John Turturro than McConahuehue
fucking kys you attention whore now you're STARTING threads with your lame ass grandma's living room.
fuck you avatarfag
are you on /ic/?
Do you speed paint?
>TV right next to a light source
>Perpendicular to the couch
>even if it was in front, too low to lean back and sit comfortably
I know
Used to be on /ic/ but now I keep getting banned for ban evasion even though I'm not evading bans. Jannies don't like me.
And yeah I'm like ADHD painting generally, I jump around to multiple painting as colors get made and junk. And then normally leave them looking all retarded and unfinished for months before working on them again.
I always thought it was him in that reaction image
>Jannies don't like me
Man, /ic/ is weird. I guess they just don't like it when people upload their own art.
> And then normally leave them looking all retarded and unfinished for months before working on them again.
We are on the same wavelength. This is how I work on my drawings and paintings. Everything's in varying states of unfinished.
Your work is much better than mine, though. I can tell youre more consistent than me.
I like it!
Man, you're doing God's work but the collection desperately needs an *AHEM* Pepe too. Also
>K I N O
I bet you painted him / her like a dozen times already.
sick reference bro
looks comfy in a cluttery hobbit kind of way
i had a recliner down here but moved it upstairs. id like to get a couch or sectional but no truck. i dont know how much ikea charges for delivery but im thinking it might be cheaper to just rent a truck
Thats his dog
Except for the basedmilk I like this one, looks super comfy
watching movies at grandmas house is DOPE
you are my hero
rug and chair ruin it
When I got my couch they delivered it for free, but I didn't get it from ikea.
Might as well put your tv on the ceiling you psychopath
Based Christfag and adult cartoon watcher
The state of yuropoors
based retard
First aesthetic house yet and everyone hates it? It’s not even expensive. It’s a feminine theme but Atleast it’s cohérent and comfy
>huge painting of nigger
>tiny tv
Finally a decent stereo. How do these people even hear dialogue on flat screens?
Nice hifi
lmao all those fuckin light up pictures they sell at the stores in malls that sell katanas and anime shit
I shit on everyone in this thread but that is super comfy very nice almost like it better than my house
Too bad about the ugly tiled floor. Get a carpet.
Can't decide if this is tacky or based. Really it just depends on your age.
If you're over 40 this is based.
probably afraid of the dark
I am too
What amp you run? I have an integra myself running JBL 500 series and some professional as well.
Looking to get a B&O set up down the road
It's not aesthetic at all. Basic female millennial kitsch at its worst.
faggot reddior
>Nigger Discipline instead of Trigger Discipline
Shamefur Dispray
No. It has a color scheme and decor. The rest of this shit is poor and hodge podge or messy disorganized plywood furniture.
I hate to say this. You may not like basic bitch style but it is a style. The rest of this is gross. I feel like Hillary Clinton in that poor persons house.
Also, have sex. Girls buy pink shit and stuff that says LOVE and NYC. It’s pleb but it’s coherent
My finger is wrapped around the trigger guard you fucking idiot.
Oh shit
I have sex with a fuckbuddy as well as another man's wife (while hes in the room recording it). That doesnt mean I have to compromise on taste.
Is that a statue of a person trying to eat their own ass?
People usually shit on mine, i don't blame them.
it shouldnt be hard to google game of thrones porn.
stop being lazy fucking faggot cunts
damn thats looks sweet
The colored lightbulbs and the curtains combined make it look like you're a prostitute who takes incalls at her own home
I like your stuff man, is there a way to follow you outside of here? Something to search on google?
>only post with a couple in it
>incels get super jelly
Or the statue john podesta had. The one about the murdered child
Fair enough, at least the bulbs are RGB so I can change them to whatever, they're usually just white.
Hey thats my kino station
i live near you bro. im coming to say hi. (not a psycho btw)
predictable joke. still kinda funny.
>those paintings
The nice thing is why I contribute to these threads (let's see your totally classy abode?), I don't feel a need for external validation. It is comfy for me, and that frankly is all I care about. I'm happy with what I have.
>not at least 2m
>drinking gaytorade
Enjoy your 0 electrolytes and 24g of sugar. Ill be drinking my BodyArmour
who's laughing now
He's a midget and owns a pony. That's the saddle stand.
Living in one building for 7 years probably sucks dick. I probably wouldn't smear shit on the walls but I can understand what would drive someone to do that.
>all these pleb setups
Fucking hideous post-modern apartment. It makes sense your walls would be covered with degenerate art.
>Framing and/or displaying records on the walls
Definition of onions
Do you live on a boat?
Unless you have some sort of mental disorder that causes you to be a shut in I think people really underestimate how being in the same building for that many years with limited human interaction would really you up, but I can't see myself ever losing it that badly.
Its a van
>Dirty ass shoes on the white furniture
You fucking savage
this is like something i'd make in the sims 2
Personal choice I suppose, I hate large houses but I love my small apartment, but a van would drive me insane it's so small.
Nailed it.
for you
Watching "Her" in my bed right now
Pretty comfy
Every fucking pic uploads sideways wtf
it's a textbook example of bad taste good execution
the entire thing is tacky, cliche, outdated and nauseating
that fucking stance
>And the thousands of sniper spots?
based paranoia user
>Ben Gay
no comment
I could never live in an apartment so close to another building
I lived in suburbs and where were houses right behind me that essentially right into my bedroom windows, never opened the blinds the entire year I lived there
Verandah shits are based af
You ever get on google maps street view and realize the immenent need to purge 90% of the hukan population. Look at greece, spain, england. Disgusting.
why the fuck do you like glowy shit so much
do you smoke?
decent thumb btw
This is the kind of couple that says the house is for the woman and the garage is for the man.
as a shut-in (who hasn't smeared shit on the walls) i have to say it does fuck your mind good and proper
and now i have a court date for supposed threats shouted while drunk
don't live in an apartment building if you're a freak kids
>Rich people are so dull they cannot comprehend people doing things that doesn't involve over paying for manufactured exclusivity.
I enhanced your ID. coming for you.
>picture of nigger and stirners
the thread wasn't about posting good setups, fucktard. It is about posting them in general, good or bad. Show us yours Mr. Pretending-To-Be-Retarded
>that guy who just cums on the floor when he has no cum rags
>wearing shoes at home
You look lonely, are you lonely?
Aren't those figures like $100 a pop? Glad to see you have priorities in order.
hot couch room/10
currently watching x-files
decorations is optional. an apartment with a bed is good enough