Unironically, how are movie theaters still a thing in 2019?

Unironically, how are movie theaters still a thing in 2019?

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could it be because people are still going there and spend good money for mobies and overpriced popcorn?

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incels go there to be lonely together

Imagine people going to watch a movie in a huge screen with great audio

Societal conditioning. People are taught that the movie theater is where you go to experience a film. Its like church. Everyone can get their own bible, read it in their own home and understand. But you're taught that you must go to church and hear sermons. That it must be presented to you in a grand spectacle of rituals. The same with film. You must arrive at the appointed time. Pay your tithe to the refreshment and snack bar. Silence your electronics and be adherent to the previews. Also, no crab legs you heathen.


Because they generate a fuck ton of revenue?

it might have made sense when the average tv was like 32 inches. but now you can get a great 75 inch tv for some change

I went to the theatre last Friday with a terrible cold. I wonder how many people I infected.

Protectionism, you can't see a movie in your home when it comes out

Films as sports, they're events you need to see

People go out on dates with actual real life females there!

>it might have made sense when the average tv was like 16 inches. but now you can get a great 32 inch tv for some change

I like rituals. I look at my laminated snack menu, I make popcorn, I darken my living room, I sink into my big red sofa, I turn my projector on. What I don't like are other people chatting and typing on their phones and taking my armrest and bumping into my backrest. Bless the technical theater experience, FUCK the social theater experience.

I just like the big screens you daft cunt

Can't you? I thought sites like amazon /youtube etc let you rent the movies while stil in theaters? Or can you only rent them once they're out of theaters?

>Films as sports, they're events you need to see
What makes you believe that? Why do you NEED to watch a movie or a sports game?

I hate when people do that. Like fucking, eating or drinking outside. Yeah, like i care to drive for the experience of paying more

Unironically, how are sport stadiums still a thing in 2019?
Unironically, how are music concerts still a thing in 2019?
You're absolutely fucking brain dead fren

I wanna say he's american. But the obsession with sports is fucking anywhere. Just a simple minded fool

>He doesn't have a 120" projector and Dolby Digital surround sound

I honestly don't know why concerts are still a thing. Music always sounds like fucking garbage live, and long term the volume ruins your ears.

Good place to get blown.