Is this what Americans care about? Capeshit feminism? North Korea needs to nuke this fucking shithole already.
I wish anyone that uses the clap emoji dies a painful death
Hemsworth is an incel?
She's not wrong. Chris certainly lives up to the example.
clapback? we niggers now!
all us non-autist can tell this is banter
have sex
Was that supposed to be good? She just came across as an entitled bitch
See this is why the roasties are seething extra today. Hemsworth, a level 100 super Chad is also visibly sick of her shit on camera. They can't just call people incels anymore when brie is called out for being a sour cunt
it's an open secret in hollywood
What did she say? I don't want to look at her or hear her.
super defensive . she was not made for the limelight. should have stuck to her indie films
She sounds genuinely angry though
If it was banter she'd have said something actually funny
They are bantering you mongrel.
Its fucking banter, he literally said she stole their hearts later on and they clearly tease each other with the "strongest avenger" thing
Is that sort of text supposed to be read like if the poster was clapping continuously while they are saying it, or as if they clapped once between each word?
Clapping with each word
Black people do it irl
like this
stronges avenger is her hairline but I think it'll reach a breaking point soon
>Hemsworth, a level 100 super Chad
Jesus. I haven't seen such inability to differentiate character from actor since the American Sniper fiasco.
Chris is tubocute buttercup. You'd never guess who the outgoing extrovert chads are.
keep wasting your time giving this bitch free publicity, you fucking retards
That's because he's been married 8 years though
Heard throughout our super polity
Legends of girls’ carnal frivolity
Spreading and splaying just like they’re mops
Pussy butchery for their vaginal chops
Capitalism’s feminism gets blame’s full brunt
Yet ladies stymie their bedding with nary a grunt
“Experimentation! Self love!” such girls do claim
Requesting innocence from any and all blame
Then to her next pumping of priapistic cream
All drilling and adoration, the girl’s life’s a dream
No matter the cervical or fallopian mire
She’ll permit only strange cocks, “Please, its dire!”
The gorings torque her flower to the maw of snapper
So most men instead choose her less beefed braaper
Her eggs grew forelorn of all worldly hope
The amities with herpetic warts to cope
O’ did her flower’s beef jut out and sprout
Spooking from her cunninliguists the shrillest shout
“Eat my beef, faggot, and taste my Nuva-ring”
Say the harlots that hasten to a pussy eating fling
But stay secret about their innard’s pooling spunk
Self righteously dripping on that pussy-licking punk
Along with remnants tucked in her labial wrinkles
Those bestial semenal Africanized sprinkles
Terraforming her cunt until fertility was murky
Ghostly howls sneak from her vajay-jay-jerky
Sisters in sluttiness teach esoteric stretches
While milky Khazars whisper useful kvetches
Training their beef to endure all phallic wrought
Kegeling and queefing until pussy guts are taut
Training for the future devoid of coital blunder
Modern women embody warm holed plunder
And so it has been since soiled romps in the bog
To those acrobatic interracial sex circuses of Prague
We thank our progenitor, filthiest Gaia
Then she's really bad at conveying sarcasm, which is no surprise because her on screen acting is just as frigid
Kek why does every feminist get justed like this
Is God trying to tell them something?
>Hemsworth is an incel
How does this make any sense?
He's virgin, everybody in the industry knows
His "kids" with his wife are actually Michael Cera's seed
yikes fellas, why can't americunts handle aussie bants?
>brie unable to handle the bants without her going "nooo im gonna be great!"
American sniper fiasco?
She wouldn't be so uppity if she didn't absolutely have virgins seething and posting threads like this. Good job reactionary babies and good on op for doing his daily duty of batting the hive.
She's autistic. Autistic people can't comprehend bants and will take it seriously.
>chad hemsworth casually triggering footjungle with a smirk
Based as fuck.
Clearly though, she's less popular among the marvel gang than she is here, holy fuck. Even the goddamned liberal nigger hates her.
Lol at people calling Hemsworth a chad, he’s not even attractive. Dude is way out of Brie’s league. He should stay in his lane
My younger sister did the first thing once because she's a living breathing shitpost. I used to think they'd clap between each word before then.
Still pretty sure some do.
She has terrible banter typical of that of an middle upper class American snob
T. Aussie
>I'm still stronger than you
>mmm your not tho
Briecels btfo
Why do Americans on twitter do the whole clapping hands emoji thing?
lmao the look on thors face was priceless
Based Chris
When niggers argue they like to clap their hands and Twitter is ruled by niggers.
Is it to reinforce a point? Seems like a childish way to do so if true
He banters. I don't think she does.
Even Twitter is rolling their eyes at this bitchfit.
It's a pavement monkey thing
Almost all the replies in the thread are people either laughing at her or complaining that she's an insufferable cunt. Only like a half dozen fangirl roasties or white knights with MCU avatars going YASSS QUEENS SLAY.
The absolute STATE of capeshit.
>Entertainment Tonight
The fact that people on either side give two shits about this is embarrassing enough on it's own.
Just these past few days there have already been 10 threads identical to this.
This is literal mental illness.
Its not legal to beat white women to death yet.
Some say her foot fungus grew 3 sizes in that moment encompassing her entire foot and the stench was overpowering to the point where everyone vomited
Chris hemsworth delerious from the fumes and spores immediately tried to cure her of her aliment by pissing on her feet.
It worked initially but the fungus had since grown even larger and more intelligent detecting the threat
What happened next nobody expected the fungus attacked his boomerang dick.
Hemsworth unphased but still quite delerious and now extremely confused pissed so hard everybody got splashback (a faint dayum white boi could be heard from someone who looked alot like r Kelly in the distance)
The fungus ultimately relented and died but turned its malace and intelligence inward killing its host to the point where a brain scanner machine would not have detected brain activity and the assuming her persona as if nothing had ever happened.
Hemsworth put his 15" boomerschlongdingodonga back in his pants not noticing the women reporters In the surrounding piss splash zone are incredibly horny
All of this was agreed to never be shown to the public and brie was forced into retirement following the release of end war where she was the most hated character of all time.
Later on the sentient foot fungus in her brain would eventually come out of hiding as a trans fungus human hybrid and write an award winning book which was adapted into a play and then a movie titled
Brie and me: from foot to cheese
Thor is stronger.
>Brie PR shilling pushing the 'its just banter bro' angle
Fuck you, and fuck your insecure narcissist client, her plastic tits are shit too.
Is it niggers or dumb white girls trying to emulate niggers?
>shills are a thing on Yea Forums
I'm just annoyed by the countless shitposts you faggots make. If she was being an over reacting bitch, you're literally the same thing multiplied by 20.
Go have sex, preferably not with the same gender.
she seemed to really believe she's the strongest avenger and got upset when he said nah
>shills mad as fuck
Are you the same dickheads that were hired tospam It Follows? I hope so.
I loved fucking with those guys.
shill here, she just keeps pushing us into these undefensible positions, what are we supposed to do? You bet people already called her agent multiple times and told her to please stop, but she does it anyway again and again and again
It's traction hairloss
Look at how tight her hair is pulled back
bitch needs her ass eaten
It’s obviously just banter but she has such little charisma that she comes off abrasive.
>I'm autistic and I can't tell when someone isn't being serious, so it's their fault.
Based honest shill did you like my fungus fiction?
How can he make a mockery of a serious question?
Can we please start spamming brie with photos of her shitty hairline?
I doubt even the people who praised Hellboy were shills, let alone someone who is logically annoyed at a bunch of children who have simultaneously put pussy on a pedestal and are afraid of it.
Grow a fucking pair and stop getting your panties twisted every time a female says something that doesn't correspond with your own belief system.
Women's vaginas literally dry up and recoil when you fall for their shit test like a newbie basedboy.
Literally both.
The banter is pretty one-sided then. Hemsworth is enjoying himself because it is so damn easy to push her buttons and she gets genuinely defensive every time he gives her a compliment or suggests something that there is even a 1% she doesn't agree with. She HAS to she absolutely MUST make her opinion on the matter known with absolute vitriol.
She thinks she's Captain Feminist and had absolutely MUST win every argument even when no arguments are being made. Very in-character, Brie.
yeah nah yeah I like me the fucking flying dog fuck obama
I appreciate your honesty, but we are diametrically opposed, and regardless of what you shill I shall fight you day and night until the pain of exhaustion throbs in my very soul.
No, this is what their (((leaders))) want to coax them into caring about. The transformation is far from complete.
It is not a serious question, it was just a pitch so they could virtue signal.
Of course that nigger likes a murdering terrorist mandela.
now say that without crying, goy
I believe it's pronounced "Manduhla"
Because he's Australian and that was probably a genuine answer, unlike the previous two who just gave their answers for brownie points out of social currency.
>shillfag just keeps getting madder
How much do you get paid, honestly?
And so your company did the PR for Hellboy?
No wonder it was a fucking flop wew.
>comeback for a compliment
So much this
We need to purge our country of those people. I'm not even kidding
You find me a way to belittle incels and get paid and I'll praise you as the next coming of Christ.
You shut your whore mouth, I loved that dog.
god fucking damnit how far do you think brie and dons heads are up their own asses? fucking hell that is scary. these people perceive themselves as gods
also nelson mandela being paraded as a hero is more asinine than picking a magical flying dog
Mandela is a hero
>her plastic tits are shit too.
let's see'em
by what metric? he condoned the torture and execution of civilians via terrorist tactics and is directly or indirectly responsible for the deaths of 100s of people
he destabilized a country for the sake of a people who never historically inhabited it
Mandela was probably killed in prison and replaced with a double
How the fuck does anyone give a shit about Michelle Obama, let alone consider her a quote real life superhero? My settis: Simo Häyhä
What ass?
>he destabilized a country for the sake of a people who never historically inhabited it
You mean, apart from everyone else?
That's right, you can't fight back (not that you'd be any good at it), you have to get busy shilling!
this. she has a negative ass, a black hole ass, it would eat you.
if thats her than yes
Yikes. What a cunt move.
Being Chad is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.
In a way yes. It is their way of trying to make their weak argument seem stronger, more complex, and more important than it is.
You know what, she's ten times more fuckable than the unlikable cunt in CM, and she's not even my type.
>to Brie: "You are the most amazing person on this couch... besides Don"
How can people still deny that he hates her ass?
Besides the Khoe-San who aren't integrated into society. It logically follows then that those who established a functioning state on an area with no sizable indigenous population first have a right to that state
How is this a btfo if Chris put her in her place?
Lmao can’t handle banter
We could elevate the level of film and television if we just stopped talking about Disney products. Let the shills shill to each other while we move on from being led like children to the latest focus group claptrap.
Who is with me?
I take the No Disney Pledge!
Say it!
her butthole
> Works well with others
>that dig at her Narcissistic tendencies
/ourguy/ Hemsworth has got her shit figured out lads.
Seriously what the fuck is her problem
How would that help?
She wasn't hugged enough as a child, or was hugged a bit too much.
big ol' egg-sized pill of third wave feminism
Or maybe her dad pulled a nigger on the family, one of the three
I love australians so fucking much.
If it wasn't such a shithole of a continent I'd move there.
She looks like Funvee material. Really jovial and fun-loving.
Has someone made a Chrome extension that replaces the clap emoji with farts yet?
The irony is furthered by the fact that Hemsworth plays an actual god, yet is more chill and down to Earth than either.
10/10 bro, would sit down with a pair of Stubbies with.
Is her IRL gimmick to get infamy is to be a huge bitch at all times? I wonder why so many others are like her. How do you wake up in the morning, look at yourself in the mirror and say "Yeah, I'm gonna start some shit today!". What a pathetic cunt.
to be a woman is to live life on the defense
>Clapping after each word like you're chanting some satanic incantation or explaining obvious things in a passive aggressive manner.
Sums up modern left pretty well.
((((Their guys))))
>Black Panther guy
A Man Torn Between Worlds
You should put Portman in the (((their guys))) section. She is the Nemesis of Hershlag.
Why is she dressed like she's on trial?
Pratt's a mentally ill loser
wtf is a clapback
based chris picking an actual hero
Why are they all pointing at Renner?
Hemsworth is a fucking MADMAN.
What a fucking bro.
And fuck Cheadle and Larson for being up their own asses and going straight for the politics.
do you think anyone gives a solitary shit about this?
the answer is no whatever kind of retard you are
>Serious question
>Which person who isn't a superhero do you construe as being a super hero?
Grow the fug up
NiceGiman-jutsu, gaijin sama
I know a woman who works in comedy development at Netflix that had two meetings with Brie Larson last year. It's not just incels who hate Larson. Pretty much everyone who has to interact with her fucking hates her guts. She's rude, condescending, holier-than-thou, and just has a bad personality in general. Apparently she doesn't understand sarcasm, she has no interest in music or comedy, and she gives people shitty looks when they keep talking after she tries to interrupt them.
It's insane that such a main star of movies this major comes across SO bitchy. She's even worse than Jennifer Lawrence.
>Pratt's a mentally ill loser
I think you're being a bitter cunt and just wanna point out that he's marrying Katherine Schwarzenegger. Imagine actually having Arnie as your father in law.
why are you spamming "giman-jutsu" all over Yea Forums? You are literally the only result on google
Goddamn it, Chris, you're starting to become my favorite Chris.
based Chris
None of the other Avengers cast like her. At all, thats how much of a cunt she is.
I'm particularly neutral on Brie, but she btfo Chris real hard here.
I'd be cool with Cali getting nuked.
it could have been banter, and it was probably meant that way by Chris
but she sounds genuinely angry
God, she just seems like such an unpleasant person to be around. I bet the entire cast fucking hates her.
she would need an ass to eat in the first place, bitch is has just a tail bone and nothing else
this picture has soooo many implications outside of context
I don't know what the proper context is though, so I can only assume that is something filthy
>Hemsworth not already being your favorite
I think this guy is the least insecure person I've ever seen.
Imagine doing this many mental gymnastics just to confirm your worldview.
who's moot
White chicks dont give head
it's like slowing. down. every. single. word. because. the. person. I'm. talking. to. is. so. stupid, but instead of just slowing down and changing tone of voice, they clap their hands in your face as close as they can get without touching you
literal autist kun can't tell how offended she was and the anger in her voice
My wife disagrees
Also, your mom
>My wife
lmao cuck
Brie Larson Deserves slavery
I can also vouch for this, user's wife gives excellent head.
She deserves to be gagged, beaten and murdered - but she wants to be culturally enriched so chances are she'd enjoy it.
>Interviewer: "How was it like having Brie there for the first time?"
>Brie (emphatically): "Wow, what a great question!"
>Cheadle: "Which one is Brie?"
>Hemsworth (sarcastically): "Wow, what a great question."
Chris is overtaking Steve Irwin as my favorite Australian.
What are you talking about? I would say 95% of them do. They would probably spit on it too.
Is it possible to learn this power?
but do they fuck dogs?
>Renner: "She's a slut"
Truly the problematic fave
>accuses people of putting pussy on a pedestal
>"stop complaining about [female celebrity] or pussies won't fuck you"
marvel should just change the actor like they did with rhodey
>make a billion dollars
>be the face of sjw virtue signaling
>still be angry and smug and look for things to piss you off
Is she the most unlikeable actress of all time?
Is she autistic or something? Wow.
>serious question
what exactly did michelle obama do besides have test tube babies and tell people to eat healthy
As an american i can confirm. Everything is either politics, race or gender. Its literally everything and everywhere. Its like someone spiked the water supply and everyone is on something. Its beyond annoying and stupid.
Its all planned [for PR], not actual banter.
i'd say most likeable for making an autist fume
>She just came across as an entitled bitch
Thats considerd strong being a strong proud woman in nu America.
Hopefully there will be a thermonuclear exchange and 3 billion people can cease existence relatively painlessly.
Imagine having such a fragile ego that you cannot take some good natured ribbing from cast mates and you feel the need to "clap back"
its supposed to read like a nigger
Brie Larson deserves Stoning
we willl we will rock you
I loathe brie larson but she used to have a nice rack
to be fair eating healthy in the US is worthy of praise.
The text is red so it means moot is a janitor.
When you look at chicks in capeshit you should think of them like the marble statues of rome of old and greece. Basically useless objects that look nice.
not without a jawline
When will Ausbros wake up and claim their birthright as the next master race?
finally, a voice of reason.
theyre fake
>or pussies won't fuck you
You can't deny the negative effect this has had on some of the people on the board. Ironically enough, yes, you have to demystify women in order to get better with them.
I can guarantee you getting laid will resolve most of the problems you have with your mental image of women.
At the very least, contain this to one thread the next time you want to complain and obsess about (again) a literal who.
This is meant for film and tv discussion, not autistic screeching.
>my kids are 24 and 22
>hey i'm around that age
I guess 29 is close to 24, but I feel like you wouldn't bring that up unless you didn't want to be 30
As long as they look nice
>your husband fucks off
>"What's the next best course of action I should take in order to provide for my two daughters who have been hurt by this experience?"
>"I know!"
>"I'll move to California and whore my daughter out to Hollywood!"
>"I am such a good parent."
you are right
he should have said Osama bin Laden
That faggot has already been forgotten and is rotting inside a prison cell.
The real Chads claim victory through success, despite the fact that this new world wants to cuck them over.
Now, more than any other period in history, the white man needs to act as a role model of success, not overcome by emotion like that bloke.
Chad doesn't imply arsehole
you know when you're in argument with some hysteric bitch and they're screaming really loudly to get their point across? for black women that's still not enough noise so they start clapping while they speak also just to generate as much volume as possible
that they do
>Move to Hollywood because your 7 year old daughter wants to be an actor and you're a single mom with 2 daughters, little cash and that's about that.
Just more sappy "being a mom is the hardest job there is".
>different dates