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Itt scenes women will NEVER understand
Hudson Ross
Evan Carter
Any of them.
Adam Brown
Ash's Pokémon ordered by win rate in official league sanctioned battles (AKA the only ones that matter):
1. Infernape
2. Kingler
3. Greninja
4. Krookodile
5. Charizard
6. Snorlax
7. Gible
8. Scraggy
9. Corphish
10. Pikachu
11. Glalie
12. Squirtle
13. Swellow
14. Bulbasaur
15. Quilava
16. Buizel
17. Pignite
18. Sceptile
19. Hawlucha
20. Staraptor
21. Bayleef
22. Noctowl
23. Donphan
24. Leavanny
25. Gliscor
26. Unfezzant
27. Goodra
28. Muk
29. Talonflame
30. Torterra
31. Oshawatt
32. Heracross
33. Palpitoad
34. Tauros
35. Boldore
36. Noivern
37. Torkoal
38. Snivy
39. Totodile
So Bulbasaur is slightly less useful than Squirtle, but consider it has been in more battles and stuck with Ash for longer. I imagine that there's a slight bit of resentment from the proud Pokémon that it never got to test its skills against Squirtle, and sees Squirtle as taking the easy way out. Calm indignation, but respect for the other fighter and one of Ash's original party. Sort of like a Vegeta and Goku situation
Adam Morgan
why don’t they evolve?
Matthew Rivera
Bulbasaur is still to this day the de facto leader of Ash's Pokemon at Oak's.
Jayden James
Does Ash ever visit his old pokemon
does he just catch them, move to a new region, then leave them to rot in his PC?
Aaron Davis
Probably the same reason ash hasn't aged a day
Wyatt Sullivan
I grew out of Pokemon after just a year or two. It fascinates me that there are men my age still obsessed with it.
Benjamin Martinez
but some of his pokémon evolve yet his two early caught seasoned boys with tons of xp don’t
David Parker
It is. Bulbasaur's protective but assertive nature that it used to wrangle the Pokémon in the Hidden Village is put to great use at Oak's lab.
In the earlier seasons Ash would occasionally switch out which Pokémon he was using on hand at any given time. As he progresses through the region and earns all the badges, he would then visit Oak's lab to prepare and choose the best possible team to challenge the Pokémon League. He's done this every single region, however in Kalos he decided to only use the Pokémon he caught in that region with the exception of Pikachu for some reason. As for Alola it doesn't center around Ash traveling the region looking for badges, we have no idea what's going to happen in the end. Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charizard do return to Ash's side more often than any other Pokémon though. He called on Bulbasaur to settle a dispute in a fairly recent episode
Aaron Ross
>ash STILL has a bulbasaur and a squirtle instead of their final evolutions
why doesnt nintendo allows for progression?
Jackson Gutierrez
I wish those two evolved along with charmander. Total homies in base form, then absolute chillin between chameleon ivysaur and wartortle. Ash is a pleb
Hudson Hughes
Bulbasaur in specific does not want to evolve out of pride. Squirtle is the only Pokémon out of Ash's original 6 that has neither evolved, nor gotten the opportunity to evolve and refused.
Lucas Anderson
Jeremiah Foster
what would their team be?
Isaiah James
Based Kingler my favourit pokemans
Tyler Gutierrez
I miss handdrawn backgrounds in animation
Levi Garcia
Leo Harris
Gen 3 was the last good pokemon fight me nigger
Logan Long
Jaxson Martinez
>greninja gets a bullshit hyper-form based on the power of friendship
>still has a lower win percentage than a mere crab
name a bigger jobber in media
Juan Rodriguez
made me wonder, how do games justify the fact that starters are never found in the wild?
what about the anime, are there wild starters? I remember the squirtle squad but that wasn't really a wild appearance
Hudson Cox
currently Sneedsel
Zachary Powell
Caleb Thomas
Nothing to fight about. You are completely right
Eli Davis
Really the whole series, but this scene specifically from End of Evangelion
Leo Stewart
It took him years to finally evolve his cyndaquil
Grayson Long
They generally like to focus on 1 "cool" fully evolved Pokemon for Ash while filling up the cast with as many unevolved cutemons as possible. I guess the idea is that cool things become less cool if they have to share the spotlight, while more cute things means more plushies for people to collect.
Carter Bailey
Both have stated that they're simply exceedingly rare.
Wyatt Powell
Lets make the Ash dream team:
>Infernape - Fire/Fighting (Charizard is also an option but fighting is more useful than flying)
>Greninja/Kingler - Water or whatever it feels like being/ Water
>Krookodile - Ground/Dark
>Pikachu - Electric
>Swellow - Normal/Flying
>Bulbasaur - Grass/Poison