Be on press tour for the culmination of a ten year long story that you just hijacked

>be on press tour for the culmination of a ten year long story that you just hijacked
>lie about doing your own stunts when everyone knows about your incredibly talented qt stunt double
>co-star rolls eyes and jokes like "woah we got the next Tom Cruise over here!"
>go into respect wamen mode and have a meltdown in front of the camera
Why is she such a smug entitled cunt and why is Hemsworth so fucking based?


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Other urls found in this thread:^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1116735031282556928&ref_url=

Brie stomps back to her dressing room to strangle a puppy.

She was livid. Imagine how pissed she was before this off camera and what it was about.

Also probably gushing

stahp pls, i dont want to see her get cast as Cruella Deville

Brie unhinges her lower jaw to swallow an intern.

God I wish that were me

Isn't that her whole character? From what I understand her default personality is frigid cunt. She's not like Anne Hathaway and can be pretty sassy and a bit cunty.

I wish he sucker punched her and they kept the interview going with her slumped on the couch

I don't get why she lied when there's obvious proof that she has a double?

Also the lying was very obvious, her neck scratching etc.

I dont even hate her, I just dont get that move

She was thinking about Stan

Have sex

>Why is she such a smug entitled cunt and why is Hemsworth so fucking based?
she's american and he's australian, simple as

You earned those trips.

Just another unhinged Pentagon stooge raised on jewish fairy tales.

Sucks I'll have to wait a few years to see her run this franchise into the ground. Maybe it will be funnier with time.

Imagine being such an apex chad that you can literally say and do anything and it will basically unironically change society's values right there if caught on camera.

This explains so much shit.

>No, I’ll be the first me, not the next Tom Cruise. Thank you very much.

whos Stan? Sorry Im new to the television and movie scene


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Hello mouse

>russia is paying people to shit on a super hero movie actress
for what purpose?

>What's your kids' favorite superhero?
>Wonder Woman. They haven't seen your film.

Some people can't help but tell little lies to inject themselves into the subject at hand. She really wants to be seen as an equal to the others, and probably would be if she'd just be a little more humble about it like they are. You didn't see Boseman out there preening like he was God's gift to niggers until after his movie was a huge hit.


When you put it like that it does make sense.

Just read her Wikipedia. Upper middle class dickhead with severe delusions of grandeur. Can't really blame her too much tho. Being handed everything on a silver platter will do that.

>Imagine not realizing you've constructed a society that people don't like living in and aren't loyal to anymore and blaming it on some foreign country you spent the 90s looting and pillaging.
If you really have a problem with the Russians, send in your negro-roastie troops and give it a go.


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What does Russia have to do with Brie Larson losing her shit over a joke?

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How can I get the Russians to pay me to shit on comic book movies? I already do it for free.

It's all a rich tapestry.

Reminder Yea Forums, reddit, tumblr and funnyjunk used to spread our influence as a team long ago. Russia is just a copycat of us.

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This. Like brian Williams saying his helicopter was shot at or even the multiple reporters yesterday claiming their hair was singed by flames and cinders from Notre Dame.

Are you retarded?

Goddamn it, Ryan Reynolds. If he had stopped pumping babies in to Blake Lively and used his connections to get her the part of Captain Marvel it would have been fine.

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Is this like a personal attack or something?

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>I do not need to see the pictures of your father-son bonding moments

>Ten year long story you just hijacked

Do Incels actually believe capeshit is real? You retards do know she's an actress right? Not a writer

I get what you're saying for sure, I guess I just don't see the point when there's hard evidence that it's a lie. If she could get away with it I'd understand the lying.

It just makes her look bad

Literally living the dream

she is a self centered whore who has been given everything on a plate all her life. she probably actually belivees she does it all herself. I bet she never even spoke to her double.

why are autists getting riled up about this
it's pretty obvious she was faking being indignant

All in good fun.

Attached: Blank+_67c483d38e5dc7bb8826e614e72ec9f6.jpg (960x777, 80K)

Reminder that Blake Lively dated Leo before Reynolds and then he dumped her for getting old

Who's her stunt double


Source: guy formerly employed at institute
I am one of the several non-russian Yea Forums shitposters who wrote the hooker piss story, and I love telling people my laptop is on the list of "Russian hacker ips" when I ddin't even use a VPN to post on fucking Yea Forums.

She's mad because he won't fuck her.

go to bed, brie

How does a woman who got her start on United States of Tara with queen of bantz Toni end up such a humourless mole?
Reminds me of her auto-complete interview
She's so self-serious

I also fake being autistic, that's why I purposely don't have a girlfriend.

Uh no user, she literally stormed into the writers' room with D&D's box of crayons and demanded changes

i honestly would love to get paid by russia just for shitposting. i already do it anyway, might as well throw some putin propaganda in there and make bank.


Literally this


The power of the eternal Chad

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When is the last time Yea Forums did a raid?

>Hemsworth makes a gibe
>she responds

Why is this news?

Make me

Yes merely pretending.


I fucking loving all this

>random clickbait article by literally who is news
To actually respond though, she didn't just "respond," she clearly got butthurt about it

2016 #HWNDU

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She's not having fun. She was legitimately upset.

Where's the proof about her having a stunt double who is apparently a QT? I want to see the qt and also be able to prove this shit to marvelfag friends when they call me a hater/sexist for not liking her

This qt. Ingrid Kleinig is her name. She's Australian, Hemsworth was probably cut that Larson was such a cow to one of our people and cut her down a notch.

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She probably knows how pointless it is too, but narcissism is a pretty difficult personality flaw to overcome.

>Also the lying was very obvious, her neck scratching etc.
I noticed that too

I never saw the movie but doesn't she fly? Isnt it a super hero movie? What about cg? I dont get why she'd lie

Formerly suck conspiracies

Oh, well then it's a perfectly understandable reaction.


HURRR Anyone that upsets me is Russia, congratulations retard

>Where's the proof about her having a stunt double who is apparently a QT?

Exactly the same time posted as the answer:

no, Brie Larson actually posesses the power of flight

you're arguing with actual autists who don't understand social cues

Damn lol that was some timing, thanks to for the information.


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>anything involving violated dead bodies
>animal sex
>old people porn

Oh no. We've been found out, comrades.
[_swallows cyanide caspule_]

shes such a smug piece of shit, luckily based hemsworth is physically incapable of giving less fucks

Is it uncommon for a stunt double (for a woman) to be genuinely more attractive than the actress in every single way?

It must really upset Brie that this woman that’s taller, stronger, fitter, and more athletic is also more feminine and attractive than she is.

Is Disney incentivising her to be this insufferable cunt or is Brie a loose cannon?
I don't know what is more embarrassing for them.

Attached: mel.jpg (198x255, 8K)

This. A Brie Larson flew over my house last night and I've spent all morning replacing missing shingles.

нy и чo ты мнe cдeлaeшь? Bce paвнo никoгдa ничeгo нe дoкaжитe.

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Based, thank you OP. We definitely need ten different threads about this twenty-second interaction.

She looks like a more fit, younger and happier version of Brie

The next Huffpost headline will read: "Captain Marvel Cures Shingles!"

what a legend

The 2016 U.S elections.

"There was no stunt woman, I did all the stunts."
"But Brie, what about-"

Which is kind of impressive because she's at least a few years older than her(she started working during the Sydney Olympics which was 2000, Brie would have been 10 at the time, Ingrid was most likely 15-18 if it was wirework, can't find an official age).

Imagine being so desperate for (Yous)

Based Cossacks.

She looks amazing. They should have just cast her instead of Brie.

Why not just cast her instead?
It's not like Larson is a good actress or even that big of a draw.

Holy shit claire going hard on the bantz

I love just how utterly immediate a touch of violence can solve anything involving a woman. The very instant the experience any physical resistance, they give up entirely.


Wait, where can I collect my Rubels for shitting on Disney? Those Karamazov alcoholics owe me years of backpay.

Even if this women couldn't act she would have been a better choice for Captain Marvel.

>that thing on the right
You may not like it, but this is what peak "can I see your manager" looks like.

They only pay in ethyl alcohol and unsold perfume stock.

But does she have an oscar? Yeah, exactly

Chris Hemsworth is based as fuck and is truly /ourguy/. Fuck Brie Larson and Craptain Marvel.

Comment section :
> She's right, she won't be the next Tom Cruise, because people actually like Tom Cruise, even after he came out as a whackaloon Scientologist.
> Just when you thought Brie couldn't get any less likable... The arrogance, the defensiveness, the sense of entitlement, the elitism, the blindness to her own privilege, the sexism, the ignorance, the brattiness, the snarkiness... I think this woman might very well win for most unlikable jerk in Hollywood of her generation.
> So the woman with the charisma of a welfare queen got upset? What a shock!
> Besides feminazi shes a vain insufferable twit, No surprise here.
> Brie "Assless" Larson
kek.. Yeah, she seems like a shit tier woman no one wants to be around or even fuck

what was he thinking in that moment?

Attached: chris.jpg (625x598, 129K)

fucking BASED

Let's see Brie do "happy" better than then if she's such an amazing actress.

>...her slumped on the couch

Oh the things I would do to a knocked out Brie

Attached: Don't worry, it's me Casper.jpg (1024x557, 152K)

The Man playing Old Nick should have won Best Actor. He did an amazing job pretending that he (or anyone) was attracted to Brie Larson and was willing to kidnap her.

can someone greentext

>his favorite superhero is wonder woman
>tells brie to her face he hasn't watched her movie

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But seriously, isn't her pretending to have done her own stunts an example of a woman screwing over another woman to try and get ahead?
Like, I might even call it sexism. You'd think there'd be more of an uproar about this

Brie won an Oscar a few months before they cast her, I'd guess they were thinking that she'd bring some artistic credibility to the franchise given that none of their actors are likely to win one any time soon.
Except for:
Anthony Hopkins, Jeff Bridges, Natalie Portman, Ben Kingsley, Robert Redford (for Directing), Tommy Lee Jones, Gwyneth Paltrow, Benicio del Toro, William Hurt and
Michael Douglas.

And dozens of nominations, in fact nearly all the Avengers have an Oscar Nom somewhere in their history.

Лaхтa, пepвый пoнeдeльник мecяцa, 68 этaж

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I mean, that’s all it is. That’s really why she got so pissed off. She’s jealous of that woman for being better than her.

>Do *clap* not *clap* come *clap* at *clap* her. *clap*

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Just goes to show how worthless the award is desu.

cover her with a tarp first, surely

>when you nutted but she still complaining

The best possible reaction is to treat her like a small child and just laugh, like Chris did. It undermines them much more because it shows you cannot take them seriously, when that is literally all they want.

Based Leo

Well there you have it.

is there a video?

I'll be there.

If I were Thor I'd call a lightning strike down on her.
Maybe if I say Shazam loud enough it might work, she's Captain Marvel right? It could turn her into someone less entitled. Yeah, I'm going to just shout Shazam, see if that works. Wait, no... she might get more powerful. Better not risk it Helmsy, just keep up the banter and mail her some of your underpants after the premier.

>"You're a loose canon, Cody. A loose canon!"

They are bantering you mongrel.

Attached: nYPkv-gf_400x400.jpg (240x240, 10K)

Shit, should have Greentexted that.

she looks way better than captain fungus, no wonder she hates her

Pretty much. Double down on being condescending. And I’m not saying that sarcastically

Leo is Level 900 Ultra Chad. Never ceases to amaze me how many women he's pumped in their prime.

And RDJ and Ruffalo

>C: I do all my stunts!
>B: That's the thing, I do all my stunts because that's what I thought that's what everyone did
>Chris rolls his eyes
>C: We've got the next Tom Cruise over here?
>B: No, I'll be the first me not the next Tom Cruise thank you veeeeeeeery much
>C: Wow.

>Brie "Assless" Larson

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but only white male puppies

I call that foreplay, baby!

Her response is not bantering. She thinks she gets caught in a lie and gets autistically defensive.

She probably doesn't hate her, she just forgets she exists because to remember it is to remember her own shortcomings as a performer.
Because they aren't team-mates in Larsons head, she's a star and everyone else is just in orbit around her.

>Brie larson
>get the peroxide for her toe fungus


No way, I wanna see where I'm drilling holes.

It be nice to have afterward tho, to help dispose of the body.

learn how to read body language and visual cues you dipshit

No, because fitness is directly correlated to attractiveness (generally). Actresses have this idea that they should be thin for the sake of it and not athletic or "bulky".

>Her response is not bantering. She thinks she gets caught in a lie and gets autistically defensive.
Ah, who can tell with uptight women like her?

>mfw she's unironically as cunty irl as pol/tv/ said
>mfw the memes were true

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You have been autistically autistic.
Shitting up the board with dozens upon dozens of (daily mind you) threads about these literal whos.
Have sex.


Watch those edges buddy.

Now I know why there are cucks. A Chad like Hemsworth being so based, I wouldn't even get mad if he fucked my gf/wife cause he's a total bro.

fucking hate that word

I was gonna say the same thing.

Some girls are just awkward at flirting, bantering, quipping, etc. Brie checks all those boxes. She's just weird.


Chris is bantering. She is clearly taking everything personally

I can't stand all the people saying she was "joking". I might believe it out of context, but you can see it in her face that it was a near-involuntary reaction of disgust and vitriol. Never mind all the other footage of her talking like an entitled cunt that generally backs up the notion that this is simply her demeanor. I mean, if it WAS actually a joke, she fucking sucks at joking.

I guess the only female stunt workers I’ve seen are on the opposite side where they sacrifice good looks for muscles and whatnot.

damn she skipped mommyfu mode and went right to hag

I know you're joking, but feminists actually think bickering at each other like passive agressive grannies qualifies as witty banter

She's such an unlikable bitch

damn you just know the angrier they are irl the more submissive they are in bed.


Well I got a jimmy joke bout yo momma that you might not like...

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>Oh the things I would do to a knocked out Brie

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How long before MCU replaces her? Shes a PR nightmare

women can't banter, they can only flirt

Cringe cuck

>that shitskin

I never said she had a good sense of banter. But you people are insisting that she more or less wanted to kill Chris on this press tour which is ridiculous.
Any slightly self aware person in their position would contain their dislike for someone even if it's genuine. All I see here is awkward banter.

The "veeeery" is the tell in this case. Think of how a normal human sarcastically/jokingly says "thank you very much". Compare it to the way she says it. She is indignant, not sarcastic.

Come on you fucking autists, can't you see they're both playing and joking ?

Are you kidding? She's a PR dream.
Everyone else on the cast is either smart and charming or is Dave Bautista. She drives traffic by being utterly useless at these things, people talk about her.
Nobody is talking about Zachary Levi

>cor blimey, what a cunt


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Tbf, how could any mortal man stop pumping babies into that?

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>producer says


>PR nightmare
I dunno. Seems like (((the media))) is pretty good at twisting her negative outburst into liberal pandering schlock so far.

I can see how Hemsworth is joking. Her, not so much. Someone should also post the one where she starts going on about how her and Chris aren't going to be friends, and Don Cheadle just starts shaking his head with exasperation and the interview awkwardly cuts away in the middle of her remark because she probably proceeded to completely put her foot in her mouth after that.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1116735031282556928&ref_url=

>“I just assumed everybody did their own stunts, but it turns out they don’t,”

Why would you just assume that? Everyone knows about stunt doubles. EVERYONE.

So since we had an actor doing most of their own stunts, that they weren't as good as a professional where that's their 9-5 job

Can you try and rephrase that using proper English?

give her a break, she's an idiot

She's humblebragging blatantly, in fact this was the part of the interview I found the most irritation
By saying she just "assumes everyone does their own stunts" she's indirectly putting down her fellow actors for not doing their own stunts. Of course she must know this, as she's not new to hollywood and is fully aware of stunt doubles (she has one herself).


she's just terrible all the way through

Inability to decipher bad grammar is a sign of autism.

And don't forget she took a job away from a female stunt professional who are undoubtedly less-frequently employed than their male counterparts, and probably get paid way less than what Brie took home for being on set.

I think her stepping over someone who gets paid less money to do something more dangerous what she does, and then acting like a cunt and bragging about how awesome she is for doing it is pretty much the best snapshot of who Brie Larson is as a person.


She's really cunty.

So both the fans and the cast hate Brie Larson.

How do we solve this situation?

fuck she's amazing

>tries to come off as badass by saying she does her own stunts
>everyone knows she doesn’t
>makes herself look retarded and outs herself as a liar by saying she assumes everyone does own stunts
>puts down coworkers
>coworker next to her hears all this
>calls her out for being a dumbass and a liar by treating her like the child she is
>proves him right by throwing mini tantrum

How is it possible for one woman to be this ducking stupid?

Kekked and chekked.

I can’t wait for her to crash and burn. I truly hope she does. Let’s see what kind of bank she does when she’s not riding the coattails of a story that’s been ten years in the making.

She needs to do the following
1. Shut her fucking gob
That's it

oh fuck I’ve been found out


Attached: britshit 7.jpg (720x784, 41K)

Capeshit is beneath this goddess

>everyone missing the beta Hemsworth stuttering over saying Tom Cruise



See how she grabs her lobe like that when saying she does her own stunts
That's a taletell sign

She doesn't get to decide these things. The directors and stunt coordinators and several other people in the chain decide these things.

It’s what *real* privilege looks like. It doesn’t have a race. It doesn’t have a sex. It only has a color and that color is green.

Hemsworth knows the bitch can't even surf

I have never loathed an actress so much in my entire life.

>Or is Dave Bautista

It’s still pure gold.

this bitch needs some ROUGH fucking

Oi m8, you do need a license to post on Yea Forums as it has pornographic content.

I'm going to have to ask you to provide your license and registration, Sir. Please don't make a fuss.

Attached: big lad.jpg (378x750, 33K)

It’s actually blue, not green.

Attached: 49124C95-A083-4E7A-820E-0751BC81E97C.png (1200x873, 17K)

Pay your internet license.


Attached: t.png (285x445, 110K)

I'm American and cannot refute that fact.

b-but Yea Forums told me otherwise!

i checked who she follows on instagram, it seems like there was a phase where she was really into black history. What does this mean?

Attached: 7AF548CC-27E7-4D19-9607-B7C963D9716A.jpg (828x1613, 393K)

>black girl nerds

I'd fuck her ROUGH if you catch my drift

>i checked who she follows on instagram
>What does this mean?
That you should take a break from the 4chans

Have sex stalker.





Holy shit that bicycle stunt off the cliff.

All the uninterrupted stunt training takes looked really good. I wish movies just left that flow in the film instead cutting it up to hell.

She's a total qt too.

Oi sir, that appears to be an invalid loicense you 'ave there, im going to need you to step out of yer cah and follow me

I didn't think anyone could top Jennifer Lawrence, but at least she kind of vanished from Hollywood around the time she started to really become a cunt. Brie is just getting started and she's already 10 times the abrasive bitch.

Because it doesn't matter how old they are, they stay children forever. Give em a smack and they suddenly go passive, just like any naughty child.

>not even the top of Disney employees have seen CM
What did he mean by this?

She clearly hates him, Just compare her acting roles to this and then compare it to the one where she shouts him down, One is a lot more realistic and believable

I only follow the one true king Stannis Baratheon. Fuck off.

Dilate tranny.
>stalker calls non stalker stalker
Are we on some C. Nolan type shit?

Attached: elf laff.png (261x212, 61K)

Lawrence tried to seem quirky and interesting, but just came off as I likable and bitchy.
The difference with Larson is that she’s trying to come off as somehow empowered and oppressed at the same time. She comes off as a bitch, not just bitchy.

How is one more realistic to the other? It's literally two people interacting at length in a single interview.

Based cute sticc
I'm gonna say it why didn't this qt just play cm instead? I bet mcu/Disney are seriously regreting hiring that stupid brie toefunguson over this mega tall charismatic cute Amazon

>stunt does doing 99% of what she's doing
Then why not hire a stunt double for the job?

Did she just completely hit the wall after Scott Pilgrim? I remember being attracted to her in that.

Alri das it, lemme jus nip this pint before i knock you the fock out nobead!

jennifer lawrence got respect back when she refused to say anything bad about harv because she knows she owes her career to him. she was also more stupid than anything, brie larson is just a cunt.way worse

what an uptight cunt. I swear she either has some mental problem or its just feminism taking its course

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She's still covering it pretty well with her makeup, but she already knows, she sees herself in the mirror each morning, and thinks to herself how it's all white males fault, then caulks a mile of foundation over her wrinkled and zit covered visage

>>stalker calls non stalker tranny
>tranny calls out non tranny tranny when calling out a tranny


she can swallow my manjuice if you know what I mean

I could never make myself watch that movie long enough to see her in it.

>Follows JLaw as the big cunty actress after Lawrence's career fizzled down after the Weinstein thing.
>Lawrence in turn picked up the crown from Katherine Heigl.

I guess there can be only one at a time.

More specifically a Californian raised by Canadian "homeopathic healers".
She might literally be the worst person.

I hate when my fellow midwesterners get lumped in with the trash people on the coasts.

She can put my erect penis into her mouth and swallow my semen ejaculate if you understand what I'm implying

I think all that dilating has gone to your head Mr/Mrs Tranny Trannyson.

You gotta treat women with love and respect user.

That's something Chris Incelworth doesn't understand.

Attached: tumblr_inline_p7gcx0lDFK1rvco8p_500.gif (500x239, 499K)

I think he's the reason for the Chris brown beating

>linking to a DCincel Trumptard blog
So, OP is a faggot

I hope her face never gets ripped off

Attached: moot.png (404x238, 47K)

>next Tom Cruise
Yeah, well when she finishes a take while running on a broken ankle, let us know, Hollywood.

>Chris comes out next day and proposes marriage to Brie Larson
Just imagine the potential shit show for a second.


I mean, you're answering your own question. Memes aside, the articles on the clickbait site OP links to are written like the author has the emotional intelligence of a plantain

As one of your fellow Midwesterners, the Midwest deserves shat on too--to a lesser degree-- but shat on nonetheless.

Well Larson literally mentioned being fucked by black dick on social media at one point.

>implying up wouldn't fuck a plantain if it had a decent enough vagina

Wow what the fuck we've got the friggin fbi ova ere?

Attached: bigrat.png (522x280, 90K)

Nailed it.

>uses incel unironically with 0 evidence
>thinks Trump has something to do with this
Mate... back to plebbit with you

Apparently Brie has always been something of a cunt and it's only intensified since she gained a big head grin getting the Capt. Marvel role.

As long as other actors are still willing to work with her and the movies make money they'll continue to feed her bitchyness

That despite the crumbling west, thankfully white men still aren't stupid enough to fuck her

fug I'm not even into blondes very much and I'm in love

She deserves a good long dry bareback ass fuck.

she's the first lady movie in marvel but she's still a white lady so she's limited to how woke she can be at maximum
that's why she did her "white dudes" rant about critics


Go on...

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I saw her first.

Attached: ezgif-4-1a200a64b39b.gif (166x185, 1.22M)

So innocent...

Fair enough.

When male get horny then flaccid penis gets hard and female mouth of brie stimulates penis to release sperm semen ejaculation, then female swallow and man smile :) if you catch my dorifto

Not as innocent as you think user.

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based mafia poster

Those tits are fake, aren't they?

Yeah this was afterwards, after she got her tit job

she was born as a boy, everything is fake

Attached: boyorgirl..jpg (140x158, 3K)

lol those tits dont match up

These people's "stunts" are literally cgi shit with flying and doing 60 feet jumps, who are they fooling

That does imply a deep seated sense of inadequacy. Which blossomed, thanks to feminism, into a fully blooming cunt.

yes but I still like them

very fake

Kinda like my dick blossomed into a fully blooming dick lol

>liking silicate filled cysts

I've always had trouble understanding feminists and stronk women who get plastic surgery to enhance their breasts. It feels counterintuitive in a way.

I don't favor them over the natural kind but I'm not exactly in a position to be picky either.

Do all MidWesterners like to razz the sensitive city boys ?

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I love that she has fake tits.
It tinges every bit of her female empowerment mouth vomit.

That said, they're pretty nice.

So you're saying you have a tulip blossm instead of a mushroom head? Or is this a reassignment surgery reference?

i thought that was a joke since the shit she does is "fly through a ship and look down on the ground 5km beneath her", how would actors do CGI stunt work

only Winter Soldier had genuine stunt work because people didnt have powers

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Im just saying that my fairly average penis (8") got erect when I saw the picture of a nude woman

When did he tell her he hadn't seen her movie?

Good edit

Feminists are like preachers who foccus too much on gays, they're just hags go love a good rape fantasy

A feminist singer in brazil this week was found out to be a prostitute and was searching for underage girls to prostitute themselves for rich guys

It's all a shit test and overcompensation

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>hose her feet down with a gallon of tough actin' tinactin

And pictures is all you'll ever see of a woman. Even your mother abandoned you.

for what it's worth I hate me too

This. I was kinda laughing at this. They were dancing and one solid wack made them stop. Im not saying that I would do any better but...
What the fuck were they expecting?
If you dont want to get hurt, don't fight

It's easy and gives them something they've always envied. Just imagine if getting a bigger cock was that easy of a surgery, every dude with a few thousand dollars to spare would be packing an elephant trunk.

Are you a female willing to have the sex?

I heard she was a Frisco DYKE


Comicsgate is gay as fuck

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It's a requirement when you live in the patriarchy. it's unfortunately the only way to garner any respect from the CIS straight male heteronormative power structure that we live in

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Based af frogo

reminder she won a oscar through harvey


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Based Claire

"I assumed Hemsworth did his own stunts when he flew in the rainbow bridge to go to other planets"

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we're just different. The people that like to shit on America are more often then not talking about coastal cucks or sister-fucking southerners.
We are forgotten which is fine, but we also end up getting lumped in with people we hate as much as the rest of the west does.

Henlo flyover

jesus fucking christ, don't ever come back to this board

Question, as a non-American. It seems that all of you are either tranny hugging SJW's or inbred low IQ nazies.
Are there actually normal people left in the states?

Fuck off you insensitive fuck, cuckbros are /ourbros/ here

Underrated. people oughta call her out on this more.

>Are there actually normal people left in the states?
Nope, the political divide tore us asunder.
Politics were a mistake.

The further you are from minorities, the better the people tend to be.

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>this is the face of an oscar-winning millionaire actress complaining about privilege in america

>pretty much the best snapshot of who Brie Larson is as a person.
Or alternatively, this actual snapshot of her being a self-centered cunt.

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>implying burgers are smart enough to use computers, nevermind shitpost

'Normal' meaning people that just want to live their lives and enjoy it, without getting up in arms--either way--over the number of blacks/women that are in a movie?
Some of us are still just want to spend time with our families, enjoy the company of friends, drink a little, be entertained, etc. etc.

>me gusta
Wait LMAO, that's not actually a real language is it

didn't they both unfollowed each other on instagram afterwards?

>From MN
>Planing to move to ND in the next few years

I love homogeneity!

Stay blessed user, I feel for you.

Don't hate yourself, friend.

If you're self-aware enough to hate yourself, than you're welcome here any time.

Ahem.. GET.

Lmao fuck off degenerate scum

I love you

If thats your definition of a sticc then call me a Stickman

okay which faggot got it

This. The silent majority of people just don't give a shit. It's a small amount of soapboxing faggots who can't shut up and the nature of the internet and social media makes sure that everyone has to fucking hear it.

I love you too friend, no homo

>we have the most financially successful film franchise on the planet
>who should we get to be the face of it post-Endgame
>how about this insufferable cuntface who is up her own ass 24/7 and constantly looking down her nose at everyone


Some say her foot fungus grew several sizes in that very moment encompassing her entire foot and the stench was overpowering to the point where everyone vomited
Chris hemsworth delerious from the fumes and spores immediately tried to cure her of her aliment by pissing on her feet.
It worked initially but the fungus had since grown even larger and more intelligent detecting the threat
What happened next nobody expected the fungus attacked his boomerang dick.
Hemsworth unphased but still quite delerious and now extremely confused pissed so hard everybody got splashback (a faint dayum white boi could be heard from someone who looked alot like r Kelly in the distance)
The fungus ultimately relented and died but turned its malace and intelligence inward killing its host to the point where a brain scanner machine would not have detected brain activity and the assuming her persona as if nothing had ever happened.
Hemsworth put his 15" boomerschlongdingodonga back in his pants not noticing the women reporters In the surrounding piss splash zone are incredibly horny
All of this was agreed to never be shown to the public and brie was forced into retirement following the release of end war where she was the most hated character of all time.
Later on the sentient foot fungus in her brain would eventually come out of hiding as a trans fungus human hybrid and write an award winning book which was adapted into a play and then a movie titled
Brie and me: from foot to cheese
But this is just what some people say

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The decision was made when TFA was disney's highest grossing film. Clearly that film did so well due to a female lead, thus they needed a female lead for the mcu. The result has been an astounding success

look at her strong jaw, i bet she gives a a mean suck if she puts in some effort.

Lol it's a excellent personified version of Kathleen Kennedy and her satanic Jewish kabal of cackling witches hiding under the guise of femenism don't you think?
You mean a utter fucking flop they had to book empty theatres to keep the ticket sales high so their stock didn't tank before the merger of fox and co
Cheaper to waste a billion on fake sales when you stand to lose billions


She's annoying as fuck but posting this fake ass instagram image that you can find out isn't real with a simple google to her account is retarded. Hate her for her actual bullshit.

please be true