You find yourself in this situation, what do?

You find yourself in this situation, what do?

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Clarify which guy I am OP

Get on a plane and leave the US

Ask the farmer for some fresh milk obviously.

Call Landa an incel

Realize I'm fucked, my daughters are fucked, my home and neighbors and way of life are fucked, so I buy time with casual conversation while internally accepting my fate and deciding the optimal moment to strike a death blow, knowing that in death at least this monster won't get another chance to derive pleasure from harming the innocent ever again, the will to act

enjoy a nice conversation over beer

Immediately offer up my family and the refugees in return for my own life

probably the same stuff this dude did.
and then try to help the resistance to feel less guilty.

Give him out the Jews and their jewelry hidden in a hollow trunk behind my house while politely asking if they're hiring.

Light my pipe and start ranting about kikes

>*hits massive pipe*
>you got daughters, huh?
>think about this logically...

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shoot the frenchman

What happens to peoples daughters if you live in farmland and soldiers come around? Not like russian subhuman soldiers, but maybe european soldiers

Me? I'd personally say something to distract him, like, "hey look over there." then as he's distracted I vault over the table and incapacitate him with a series of palm strikes to the trachea and sternum. as he's spitting up blood I whistle to call up the Jew Squad beneath the floorboards to destroy the remaining nazis. then later while I'm cleaning up the blood I'll say a cool quote like "third reich? more like third yikes". I'll need some time to come up with a cool quote

Check under the floorboards for Jews.

Turn around 360 degrees and walk away

Lea was top tier in this movie

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Kill the men and rape the women. Then kill the women as well for being jews.

If you turn 360 degrees you are essentially spinning around once which means you are back to your original standing position you fucking moron

German soldiers were issued condoms prior to Op. Barbarossa but also strictly forbidden from fraternizing with local women so who knows.

Soviet propaganda promoted the idea that any Russian woman who fell into German hands was immediately gang raped and then pushed under the tracks of a tank, they had a widely distributed poster with a picture of a pretty young girl with her hands bound and a caption to this effect (propaganda that probably contributed to the mass rapes by the Red Army in Germany) whilst German propaganda presented the Wehrmacht as the model of professional behaviour and martial chivalry who treated all civilians with respect and courtesy.

Reality was probably somewhere in between, German leadership officially condemned any molestation of Russian civilians (with the exception of Jews, Communist party members or partisans) but likely didn't concern itself with any reports that reached them of rapes or abuse unless it was so egregious it threatened discipline or could potentially reach the ears of the wider world.

For their part, a lot of German soldiers complained in diaries or letters that Russian women were ugly as sin and riddled with lice.

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on Barbarossa you had many different countries and cultures participate on the german side. Romanian soldiers in Wehrmacht uniforms and shit, they had a different code than let's say finnish or german troops.

Report every jew i know and help Landa with finding more jews, i mean, i want to make the world a better place.

>bait upon bait to bait

>Colonel Landa, with all due respect, these Jews are mine. I have captured them myself, even though they still think I'm hiding them. Did you know that I feel up the Jew girls from this family, Colonel? Every night I tell them to change their clothes for new ones so the Germans can't smell them down there, and I feel them up while they undress. One time I even captured a sense of one of the vaginas. I can't know for sure which, for it is very dark in that cave, but it was certainly not a penis from the father or the grandfather. My point is Colonel, go capture your own Jews, but don't steal these. Or maybe kill the grandfather if you must, he scammed me out of cow dung once