Today, in my film studies class, some girl didn't know who Shelley Winters was when the professor brought her up

Today, in my film studies class, some girl didn't know who Shelley Winters was when the professor brought her up.

I couldn't help myself. I sighed really loudly and literally facepalmed and just embarrassed the holy shit out of her. It was hilarious.

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you sound like an asshole

I don't know who Shelley Winters is.

literally who?

keep me posted

>thinking taking a film course is anything to ever brag about
>Thinking this story makes him look good in any ways shape or form
unironically have sex

>Going to film school
Don't act like you're really better than anyone in that class

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>i care about what some girl think


this is the capeshit board, friend
we dont talk about poetry or whatever that is

she was too busy going to films

wow... so you know the chick from Lolita? I am sure that is because you are an intellectual and not a cucked social nobody who has never got laid.

I am sure your thought your act of sighing and face palming yourself is special... but no.

Nobody else had context to your actions so you were just some weirdo doing an erotic sigh at the name 'Shelley Winters' and then facepalming while everyone else was paying attention.

You achieved the ultimate goal of humiliating yourself in class and on Yea Forums.

>my film studies class

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>falling for this copypasta
you are all newfags

OP, doing that doesn’t make you a horrible person, but you can expect a medium amount of karma from the universe for sure— for acting like a know it all

Oh hey it’s this thread again


>user hears that some girls doesn't know what this Shelley Winters is
>Goes full ACKSHUALLY mode and explains really loud who that is
>Nobody cares, a few students sigh at user's interruption
>The girl looks at him with a mix of disgust an pity
>The teacher tries to silence him, but he knows it's useless so he let him finish
>user uses weird words like "roastie" and call women "females" for some reason
>Some other students can't contain their laughter
>"Hey look at user, he's like the The Penguin from Batman Returns!"
>Everyone explodes into laughter, the girl sits there with a look of half worry and half disgust
>user just remains there trying his best to appear unphased by the comment
>Class ends
>He goes to a bathroom stall and brings out his phone, tears in his eyes
>Makes this thread to tell a bunch of anonymous users how much of an alpha he was for calling out some random woman for not knowing who Shelley Winters is

Fucking idiot

newfags leave

I saw this post on Yea Forums based

>not knowing about the counter pasta


"Film studies" class.

What a fucking waste if your'e not trolling. You'll just end up paying a bunch of kikes to teach you shit you won't be able to do because the studios run by committee these days as they're all in it for the shekels and propaganda.

real original post there zoomer do you have any more hot takes?

How are people falling for this?

>if your'e not trolling

kys newshitter

based thread exposing newfags

fys seething child


it's a shitty pasta

This. You are definitely an ass-hole. Also no one a knows who Shelley Winters is or was