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What did they mean by this?

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Please be considerate to other posters when discussing any leaks or spoilers.

make sure you use spoiler tags

Avengers Endgame; All Snapped Character Return TV Spot

How long till they post this?

official trailers goy

She dykes up her hair and calls herself Carl because of the daddy issues.

This is why you do a worldwide release on the same day instead of staggering the release dates. But now over half the people will get spoiled. I feel no sympathy for anyone here.

Imagine being upset that someone told you about things that happened in a corporate entertainment product they saw before you. This is the absurd world we live in.

Her super saiyan form is called binary.


It's language that literally no one who watches these movies gives a shit about, outside of a handful of trannys with internet hyperactivity.

Why do people care so much?
Why do they get so mad about entertainment?

Well said. It'd be like someone 'spoiling' the taste of a can of coca cola by drinking it before you.

Incels going binary

This is making 3 billion just deal with it

They're still angry that captain marvel was a success and their downfall of Disney narrative isn't working out

Ill see it on Kodi anyway.

Based and kodipilled

So, who dies at the end?

Your dignity

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that won't affect the movie in the slightest. the leak won't even reach most people.
I remember seeing HAN DIES weeks before TFA came out and that didn't matter at all.

Didn’t miek die in Thor Ragnarok? This seems like bullshit based on those leaks from months ago.

Why are people freaking out so much? Except for the Thor thing isn't like most didn't knew that shit was going to happen in the movie. If anything is the context of WHY some of that happens that is missing what is important




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dumbledoor kills snape


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Fellow Burgers. Endgame premieres on the 24th in Europe, meaning we're all going to know the spoilers by the time it opens in the US on the 26th.

A megaphone costs between $10-30 on Amazon.
Why the fuck aren't you planning on driving past movie theaters in your city with the megaphone and spoil the movie for the hordes of manchildren waiting in line?

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Social engineering

People that care about capeshit are not human, and you should be careful around them

A white male assumed her gender

So avengers 1 cap Fights Endgame Cap??
Seems kinda dumb. This gives him the ability to lift the Thor hammer?


based and redpilled

The irony is that being in this forum is social engineering too .

I might actually do this

because the nu-sw crowd doesn't give a shit about Han


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carol hacks into the gauntlet and downloads the infinity stones

In the 2012 run of her comic she’s called “Binary”

>announcing spoilers giving whoever is reading it a chance to bail out
Yea Forums was right once again

>they go to the past
>it's unclear how they get mjolnir
This is your average capeshit fan.

>Allahu Akbar
What did he mean by this?

Makes up for Captain Marvels feet being haram.

I don't care about this shit film with a tranny who has a vocal fry shitting up every delivery she has in a multi billion dollar film

She was called binary in the 1980s xmen comics that she was featured in. Do some fucking research faggot

jesus raimi

Wait a minute. That means ... Let me go to Kodi and watch this now. Thank you Muslim guy who recorded this lol Alley poop Aux cord , or whatever you say

>shitty raccoon quips
>MAJOR Endgame leaks

>Carol goes binary

big yikes

I thought Brie was a trans ally? What the fuck? We aren't in the 20th century anymore. Gender is a spectrum. Not a fucking binary choice you sexist pieces of shit.

Nah. Korg said he died because he stomped on him on the bridge and that he felt guilty so he carried him around, but then he woke up seconds later.

So the mouse is kill now?
Or is this one of these fake leaks where they just show enough to make people interested again?

Who gives a fuck. She sucks dick and eats pussy. That isn't anything ground breaking. I get it. She occasionally eats an asshole. Ok we get it.

Steve steals Thor’s hammer in New York

Mjolnir will hold the power stone. Screencap this.

there where leaks

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and record


I used to have a CB radio mic connected to a loudspeaker behind the grill of my car way back in the day. I went to the premiere of a few big movies like Batman and Star Wars and shit, and drove by real slow saying "Attention, to those in line for Batman/Harry Potter/Star Wars... please enjoy the movie. That is all."

I got a lot of laughs when people realized I wasn't actually spoiling anything, but the last time I did it, some faggot called the cops on me and I got pulled over about a half hour later. The cop told me there were reports of me yelling movie spoilers and threatening people with a megaphone, but he couldn't find the megaphone since it was hidden under the hood and let me go.

How did he gain this ability ?

By being worthy, dumbass

Probably fake leaks to get the media machine rolling.

Sorry I stopped watching after Civil War. He couldn't lift it in Age of Ultron.


You now remember when the last two Harry Potter books got leaked, people drove around bookstores shouting out the spoilers, wearing T-shirts with “SNAPE DIES” on it, and that one guy who hacked into Potter Forums, became admin, and emailed every single spoiler to every single user.
Australia gets Endgame two days before the USA.
Will the noble Aussie shitposters be ready to spoil capeshitters?

Through the power of bad writing.


>when the last two Harry Potter books got leaked
Wait, you are telling me I waited years to find out what happened when I could have just had the ending spoiled to me? Fuck, I wish I had known Yea Forums back then.

Thor became a fat, hipster, incel and lost worthyness so Cap took over.

how it flies back into his hand, not how it exists
get a load of this guy

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And Thor couldn’t lift it for the majority of the film “Thor”
What’s your point?

but it moved a bit

Hello, I will be reporting these posts because I personally feel spoiled. I ask the moderation team to please warn these posters not to do this again. Please be considerate and use spoiler tags.

You will probably get arrested for doing that in the land of the free.

t. manchild incel trying to larp

>me during nofap november

>Thor is literally wearing the boomer sunglasses
holy fuck

Anyone got a link for the leak video?

>tfw you're old enough to remember SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE being posted absolutely everywhere

You know, I don't really mind spoilers, especially to dumb kids movies. What makes me angry are the spoiler hypocrites. The people right now who are making such a huge fucking deal abut avoiding spoilers are going to be the same fucking people who spoil it for everyone else. Like that Chris Hardwick faggot. Make a huge deal about spoilers for The Force Awakens, then says Han Solo dies on tv a few weeks after the release date and his argument is "you should have seen it already!"

I want to spoil this Avengers movie specifically for Chris Hardwick.

>comparing the beautiful video game wankfest that was RPO final fight scene to what is inevitably going to be a remake of the airport fight
over the line

Hope we get to see the black order do something this time around. INB4 die immediately

>the reading comprehension of a 4 year old

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pls don't bully capeshit fans
they can't help they were born retarded

i'd upload a copy but i dont have internet access right now

Any excitement I had for this movie is now gone. This looks absolutely fucking terrible.

Look one the plus side. You're finally somewhat maturing.

Endgame is non canon fan fiction
The hero won, the last movie was the series finale

Holy shit Tony Stark is a GAMER! Is he gonna RISE UP?!
>browses Yea Forums
>is a depressive insecurity ridden mess
>has ginger fever
>is a GAMER
>hates muties
Stark was /ourguy/ all along.

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Nah, I've hated capeshit since the first avengers. But I'm an autist so I need to watch them all now, even if I don't like them.

Even if you were using a megaphone, what's the crime exactly? Spoiling movies?