Saw the leaked footage and it looks fucking terrible...

Saw the leaked footage and it looks fucking terrible. All it did was steel my resolve to not waste my time watching this shit. I actually loved Infinity War but this looks fuck awful on every level!!!FACT!!!

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>loved Infinity War
You gotta be 18+ to post here kiddo.
This site isn't for children to talk about their superhero movies.


What are some things wrong with it?

Avengers: Endgame

While creating their own Infinity Gauntlet presents challenges, they face even greater challenges in attempting to duplicate the Infinity Stones. Not only do they travel to some of the major events of the past films including Age of Ultron, Thanos discovers their plans and decides to hunt them down.

However, Doctor Strange saw this possibility and placed spells on the Time Stone that trap Thanos at the time of the first Avengers film during the Invasion of New York.

With Thanos trapped in the past and understanding the consequences of affecting the past, the Avengers continue to seek out the other Infinity Stones. They even visit the Ancient One to get their hands on the Time Stone.

The Avengers will eventually run into Captain Marvel during the third act, but her power has been significantly reduced to Thanos’ attack earlier in the movie.

Thanos will eventually confront the Avengers on Xandar. Thanos’ power is still near unstoppable. It takes all of the Avengers to hold him back while the Hulk attempts to bring back those who were wiped out by Thanos.

However, Hulk’s arm explodes before they are able to defeat Thanos. Captain America then takes control of the Infinity Gauntlet and uses it to defeat Thanos, but also bring back all of his fallen comrades and those who were wiped out by Thanos’ snap. However, his body can’t handle the power and he ends up disintegrating.

While Captain America brings back the Avengers who were wiped out by the snap, it does not appear he brings back Gamora. She supposedly remains dead.

Captain America’s sacrifice not only defeats Thanos, but it also destroys the Infinity Stones. However, with the destruction of the Infinity Stones, a cosmic entity is freed that will more than likely be the next major threat the Avengers will have to face.

The film ends with Captain America’s funeral and Tony Stark announcing his retirement.

Attached: Avenger Endgame complete leaks1.webm (456x648, 2.94M)

Attached: Avenger Endgame complete leaks2.webm (456x648, 2.93M)

Attached: Avenger Endgame complete leaks3.webm (456x648, 2.94M)

it needs to be watched in theatres, and dont forget your popcorn!

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This is all shit except
>Captain America calling Mjöllnir to him
Very fucking nice.

Marketing ploy

why does Yea Forums has so many namefags these days?

why is capeshit so fucking shit

Yea Forums has always had lots of trip fags and name fags you dumb piece of shit

>What are some things wrong with it?

You can tell they wrote themselves into a corner with IW and were desperate to unfuck it. I was expecting a Back to the Future 2 and 3 sort of story where they use time travel to undue the damage Thanos did. Either that or a greater threat emerges due to his activity and he has to team up with the Avengers to stop it and, realizing the mistake he made, helps them fix it.

I had another theory that when Thanos was a child, he had a twin sister and their parents sacrificed her so that he could live, explaining his fixation with killing half of everything. This would also explain why he was drawn to young Gamora, that she reminded him of his own sister, which is why she appeared in his post-snap vision. That perhaps something was using his guilt over his sister to manipulate him.

I'm just making shit up but ANYTHING would have been better than this retarded fucking garbage I just saw. I was hoping for a clever, intricate plot where Thanos was defeated but in an unexpected way. But instead it looks generic in the extreme with your typical massive battle blahblahblah and Captain Bitchface being put front and center.

Now we know why they've been keeping footage under wraps. It's a nonsensical disaster and I will not be wasting my time or money to see it!!!FACT!!!

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shut the fuck up newfag

>it needs to be watched in theatres, and dont forget your popcorn!

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why was thor trying to facefuck the raccoon?

Thor loves fucking rabbits

jesus, makes me want to go to the same theater just talk to loud and ruin his experience, what a fag.

>I actually loved Infinity War
hehehehe. das funny mane

I honestly can't tell if it was written by a woman or bugman. The estrogen levels are off the charts

>We will discuss our thoughts and feelings about the movie


i-is this real

It looks as expected. Pretty sure I read this leak before, and didn’t believe it then.

I kinda liked how infinity war ended. All that smug bastard needed at the end was a glass of wine and I would have been smitten

>i-is this real


This shit is so horrible I'm glad to have stopped at Ragnarok.

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I thought Stark died???

link for the footage? i wanna see how bad this shit is

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>go to theatre
>wait for extremely important scene
>take a deep breath

>glass of wine
No, just normal grape juice.
We can't have disney trying to corrupt the minds of you children who watch their superhero movies.

Maximum bugman

>I stopped watching right before the last two movies!

>thor looking more like the actual Thor
interesting, wonder when and how this happened
also professor hulk has been known for quite awhile already
it's three hours and you saw 3 minutes, if even
you sure you're not just coping because you didn't buy tickets and must wait another weekend unless you want the worst seats ever?

I'd pay to see this top capeshit just to annoy the fuck out of people like you

i physically cringed

Even Jesus drank whine.
People nowadays truly distaste all that IS good.

>I kinda liked how infinity war ended.

I loved the ending and makes it the MCU's Empire Strikes Back. Seems that Endgame will be the Return of the Jedi of this franchise complete with stupid goofy shit undercutting the seriousness of the situation.

No wonder the Russo's are out after this. They got the movie they wanted to make with IW and decided to just bend over and take it up the ass for an easy paycheck while being fucked around by Feige and Iger who have turned this movie into a clusterfuck!!!FACT!!!

can I get some milk off to the side?

Even Jesus chased a bunch of greedy jews out of a temple.
Are you suggesting we should encourage children to fight adults?

>link for the footage? i wanna see how bad this shit is


My only hope is that this is a massive troll effort!!!FACT!!!

>he chased away a bunch of greedy cunts that desired to turn his temple of worship and understanding into a commercial plaza
I'd say it was just.
It's sad how crap the world has become, if you truly knew how bad things are.

Oh Chirst, not this again.

>implying I watched every MCU film up to this point


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This is so wrong it hurts

The footage has already been leaked, stop faking shit you moron

i still don't want to give the mouse money but shouting at the screen and theater hopping all day to ruin bugmens lives soubds funny

>my fan-fiction is better than this 5min of garbled random footage from the final act!!!

youre fucking retarded

So do they go back in time to before everything happened or not?

>youre fucking retarded

Enjoy the generic PEW-PEW-PEW-KABOOM'S then faggito-mucho-sucko-niggero-dicko-you-homo!!!FACT!!!

Your post is Cringe

Since when did we get reddit mods on Yea Forums anyway?
Who the fuck gives a shit about capeshit spoilers but soiboys

Supposedly they filmed multiple endings for test screenings.

So, it's likely that the combined alt endings have all OG6 avengers dying.

I still believe the 'official' ending is Cap sacrificing himself to undo/revert/stop the snap and Tony retires.

imagine vomiting up this verbal diarrhea in defense of having the biggest cultural icon of the 2010s ending without a massive fight

stay on Yea Forums you tripfag, im sure the russos are reading your fanfiction and gushing over how amazing it is before they go back to making actual movies

>not even out
>Yea Forums already claiming its garbage

Why is thor like that?

You don't need to see capeshit to tell that it is capeshit

Real spoilers

a/ : leak mangas a week in advance, nobody gives a shit

Yea Forums : leak games and events months in advance, nobody gives a shit

Yea Forums leaks a fucking kid movie 5 days early : DEATH TO THOSE WHO ATTACK DISNEYGOD'S PAID HYPE MACHINE

3 hours of nothing then

reeks of fakeness

In the comics, it’s his own psychology that defeats him, not because he’s insane, but because he isn’t.

what's more important than the leak is how we can attribute Thanos as Drumpft

the leaks confirm it's garbage, retard

That’s not the Professor. That’s CGI Ruffalo. It’s shit and it completely misses the point of what Makes the Professor different.

You saw 3 minutes of a 144p video at a distance, of a 3 hours long film and already claim it's shit?
Either this is a cope for how slow you were at trying to get those ticket(s) or you're an anticape kino cringelord hopping on this doomsayer bandwagon.

Who'd have thought our mods was mouseshills

because the original mythical god of thunder also has a long flowing beard

>black panther descending like some divine being
i can only imagine how people will clap in the theater for this scene

Who even are the moderators? Surely they're not healthy individuals

I hate Professor Hulk


>I actually loved Infinity War

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