Any advise on how to into filmmaking

any advise on how to into filmmaking

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Other urls found in this thread:

buy a camera

literally don't do anything that mainstream "film makers" do

>inb4 just be jewish bro

have basic equipment (camera, cheap mic, computer, editing software)
have ambition
know you are going to fail and never make a movie, but keep doing it anyways
do it because you love it, not because you want to be rich or famous

Bitch give it up.
Nonstop dead threads.
You will not make a movie.
You're dumb as fuck.
Youre not as talented as you think you are.
Your ideas are stupid. You cant even frame a shot let alone know how to.
You think your knowledge of /r/truefilms faggotry will allow you to make true cinema in the age of capeshit but your ideas are derivative uninspired shit that even a muslim shitskin with an iphone can beat.
Stop. Posting. These. Threads.
You and any other film fag needs to get hit with reality.
You're worthless. You will never make anything better than a liveleak suicide video.
Get to it.

Bitch give it up.
Nonstop dead threads.
You will not make a movie.
You're dumb as fuck.
Youre not as talented as you think you are.
Your ideas are stupid. You cant even frame a shot let alone know how to.
You think your knowledge of /r/truefilms faggotry will allow you to make true cinema in the age of capeshit but your ideas are derivative uninspired shit that even a muslim shitskin with an iphone can beat.
Stop. Posting. These. Threads.
You and any other film fag needs to get hit with reality.
You're worthless. You will never make anything better than a liveleak suicide video.
Get to it.
Dont cry to me either. Cant take the heat, get out of the commode. Its a slope eat dog world, fucker.
And Im wokking the dog.

this is sad

screencap and frame this post then get filming

dig it

im a filmmaker, made my first movie last year, got into this year's rotterdam international film festival. i made my movie totally off my paychecks. i told everyone i did it for half a million. in reality it was 40k.

good luck, truly. make the movie you want. it's an art industry, so you will wading neck deep in a world where people want you to make what THEY want you to make. be prepared to be bested by people who make movies about social issues SOLELY because they are trying to get ahead. we lost our competition to a film about a zambian woman who got her clit cut off (genital mutiliation, muh women, muh social issues crap)

have fun. also, no idea why the FUCK you would want to do this, it's expensive as hell. you must really have a story to tell visually, or youre like me and just want to fuck aorund with your friends.

also OP this thread sucks

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>point camera at subject
>hit record
>if it looks like shit change something

You're not a filmmaker. You're a f

that and a couple friends
Just because something is shot differently doesn't automatically make it good, but at least don't follow the traditional way *just* because that's how everyone else does it

Otherwise just write your own scripts, only write what you can physically shoot this weekend, make a short, let it suck, and do it again. If you have any talent and you build even the smallest of industry connections (which is easier than you think), good things will come your way. Just don't delude yourself into thinking you'll become the next Spielberg. Too many people come in wanting to become some famous storyteller, but don't have anything to say.

Title of your movie?


god that was so close to a get

Start making a film.
Keep making films even if they're shit. (they will be)
Over time, they'll get better.

>just write your own scripts
writing an actual script is critical. i can't tell you how many idiots i met in college that wanted to "make a movie" with no fucking idea what it was about. they would say "i wanna make like a movie about a guy, and he goes on this journey, and like finds himself along the way" and try to project their life story onto this character with absolutely no fucking context. i helped make a dozen absolute shit movies over the years. you need to write the story first, you can't just "make it up as you go", that's what i used to do when i was 10 and i played with my parent's camera. making a real movie requires a ton of writing and planning, that's why hollywood movies take years to make. i'm not saying you need years to make a decent short film, but do a little research (go to school if you aren't already) and learn how it's done. also watch a ton of movies in your free time, even the shitty movies can teach you something

good luck. i've been trying for 10 years and i haven't made anything worth posting, even in this thread

don’t go to film school. go to films

it's all about story
got to bed quentin

You're 100% right about writing a real script, without that it's a literal waste of time and money. I guess I mostly meant don't wait around for someone to hire you to direct their big movie, you have to take the initiative and hire yourself.

Honestly OP my best advice is just do it. As in, buy a camera, set up an ad on Craigslist or Gumtree or whatever you use in your country and take any job you can get, even if it doesn't pay. People underestimate the amount of work there is on offer for filmmakers because they nod it off because most of it is unpaid. But you ain't going to get anywhere without experience or at least some connections.

start by going places and getting footage to make kino webms and bumps for /wsg/

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fuck making films, spend the money on footjobs.

write something and film it.
voila, you have a film
it's up to you if you want to distribute it or not but film should be an art form, not a commodity

Make a porno. As long as you have the fellas in the shot it's fine. No skill required.

Neon Blades

yikes that's some serious projection, sis.

fucking white balance while you shoot

one time i came up with an idea with this guy over a few drinks. we laid out the basic idea of our movie and i went home and scratched up a script (3 or 4 hours of writing late at night). the next day we met up and i showed him that i made a rough draft. he started to read it and then said "i-i don't know man, you already did all this work, now you're not going to want to change your ideas, i feel like you did this all without me" got butthurt as fuck and we never worked together again

so get ready for guys like that. wannabe spielbergs that don't actually want to write, but don't want to listen to their writers either. absolute shitheads. he just wants to "be a director" with no fucking experience or effort, he just wishes a million dollar budget would fall into his lap. then again this dude was a chad and got a ton of connections at our college where i was just ignored the whole time. he was able to get attractive girls to be in the movies (which is 1000% necessary to get anyone to watch) and i wasn't even able to rent a microphone from the school.

there's a lot of compromising involved. i just shut down and kept posting on Yea Forums into my 30s so maybe you don't want to listen to me

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maybe you're just really insufferable and overbearing to be around.

Get an iPhone, pirate premiere and a tripod. There now you can make movies.

>but I want to make good movies

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I want to finish the story I made up while playing with my toys as a kid and finish it in film form but I fear it will come off as too anime.

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Get into filming and editing porn. If Jon Hamm did it so can you!

the script won't write itself lol. call it "overbearing" but you sound just like mini-spielberg in my story. if you see somebody else's work and automatically assume they are not open to change you are the overbearing one. i put actual work into that story, and it was immediately discarded because "he wasn't there" when i started writing it. he could have wrote his own version but he never did. whatever good luck with your film making career. see you on youtube

In this case you might want to listen to your fears, unless you actually want to write an anime lol. Or write it like the princess bride, a la pretend story told by father to son etc.

just go the JJ route and rip something off completely. Like download a script from the 60's from a film not everyone knows and re-do it word for word. Well, in some small places you can update the language and update the background props to our modern times, but that's it. The best directors didi it all the time, you can do it too.
That will teach you more about film making than most other shit and congrats you made a movie.

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How does anyone feel about starting as an editor ? (While also learning how to make good scripts)

I mean a lot of directors I see today started under some technical department in filmmaking.

What's the best camera I can get for around $3000?

I always forget to watch Princess Bride even if I know it's great.
Same with The Duelists.

Type up like two pages, single-spaced, about your movie. What's it about? What's it going to be like? Who are the characters? What's the setting? What tone do you want to set? How does the story progress? Etc, etc. and so on. Just get a good idea of what you want to do.

Move on to scripting. Write a whole script.

Move on to storyboarding. This is where you figure out how you're going to visually tell the story.

Planning stage. Plan and schedule your shoots. Plan how you're going to set up your scenes, get the shot, and get out of there. You can spend hours or days at a location trying to get a shot if you didn't plan it properly. All that equipment takes a long time to set up and take down. Coordinating everybody to be ready and in position before you can say "take 1, and action" takes a lot of time and effort. It goes to shit if you're not organized. When that take fails, it takes another chunk of time and effort getting everything back in place before you can say "take 2, action." Plan how you're going to set up multiple takes of each shot at each location. You're going to end up with a big ass plan and shooting schedule. You're going to have to reschedule some shots because some asshole is going to flake. A lot of time will be wasted because of that asshole.

Shooting is the toughest and most stressful part of making a film. Editing is the most fun. It can be grueling too, but keep it up so you can make that deadline.

If you're limited on resources, there's a lot one creative guy can do with a laptop and a modern camcorder. You'll still have to brainstorm, script, storyboard and plan nonetheless.

Good luck

I actually didn't wanna do this but fuck it... r8 my shitty shortmovie looslely based on a creepypasta

I wanna say though, i've become much better at it, this is just a thing i did for a project back in school where me and my mate that directed the movie with me got 2nd place. Hate away.

Yea I've encountered plenty of those types. Also was another guy lol. Another type is the 'latte artist' filmmaker, never leaves the house without a scarf, driver's cap, turtleneck and jeans. This guy i knew wants me to ghost write his script, I say sure, cause I'm young and naiive enough to agree. We meet up at a coffeeshop, set up my laptop, and he just unloads this nebulous rant about John Carpenter movies and how much he was shaped by them growing up, talking like he was a guest on the late show. He goes on and on, not even talking about what to write, except that it was supposed to be a 'coming of age story in the south, also I'm gay,' like he wasn't even hiding that this was a self insert. I'm trying not to look at him, staring at the screen with my fingers hovering over the keyboard, while he says "John Carpenter just always spoke to me as a child, I have monsters in my soul and I have to write to get them out." Eventually I stop him, say "well, good session, text me for round 2" get up and never look back. Totally bizarre.

>the same college indie film everyone has made
looks about right. if you actually kept up and "became much better" at it i would like to see. this is the same exact shit i worked on in college and nobody ever got anywhere, except that one guy who made it as a news anchor because of his jawline (he never wanted to be an actor)

If you're serious about it, try something from Black Magic. Or try a GH5 lumix for something cheaper. If you're just starting out, buy a $300 camcorder. I only use canon and rokinen lenses, so whatever you get, make sure your lenses fit the camera, or you'll have to get an adapter. Remember, you date the camera, but marry the lenses.

Hey thanks dude. You got any tips on what to do better? In hindsight i know pretty much all of the things i fucked up at, but i'd like an opinion from someone who just saw the basic gist of it.

If you can find the opportunity, fuckin take it, there's no better way to learn how to craft a story than working with a skilled editor. Though that's not an entry level position, at best you might start as an intern, or '2nd assistant editor' where you have no creative power, but it's a phenomenal learning experience.

almost every shot is too long. it doesn't have to be capeshit tier quick cuts but everything needs to move faster, especially with a simple plot. the story could be told in a few minutes, this is almost the length of a TV episode. the scary guy on TV needs to be a lot scarier, this is where you can use mainstream editing bullshit. quick cuts, single frames zoomed in on that masked face, audio effects, etc. take some pages from horror films there.

the movie is called 1999 but i don't think anything is from the 90s except the TV. it helps to go even further past the time frame, if you want to make a 1999 movie, get cars and clothes from 1989.

>almost every shot is too long.
> It doesn't have to be capeshit tier quick cuts but everything needs to move faster, especially with a simple plot. the story could be told in a few minutes, this is almost the length of a TV episode.

Agreed, the creepypasta was a bit longer with different "tv shows" but we were behind schedual so we figured we'd shorten it. Not the best idea.

>the scary guy on TV needs to be a lot scarier, this is where you can use mainstream editing bullshit. quick cuts, single frames zoomed in on that masked face, audio effects, etc. take some pages from horror films there.

True, we should have really done something else instead of static shots at the tv

>the movie is called 1999 but i don't think anything is from the 90s except the TV. it helps to go even further past the time frame, if you want to make a 1999 movie, get cars and clothes from 1989.

True again.. missed the oppurtunity to make everything 90s like. Thanks for the input, appreaciate it. How'd you like the car scene though? Probably my most proud scene, although even there we could have improved it with quicker cuts and so on.

Aspiring screenwriter here.
If you cant tell story through screenplay, you cant tell it through audiovisuals probably either.
Focus on having something aesthetic that you can show to other people; then its easier to get them to shoot with you too.


Aside from the jittery steadicam, bad audio, and foot fetish every film student dp seems to have, this could have been done in two minutes tops. You do have a good eye, but most shots tell nothing of the story. Cut the opening entirely, start it with the tv static. From there, have each shot relate to the one before, and only if that individual shot builds the story or character. Still, pretty good for film school, I've certainly seen worse lol.

the car scene is pretty good. nice location, i don't know what country this was filmed in but it looks like a VW commercial for a few seconds. the vision was there but i don't know if it was technical enough. you need to learn how to change the focus from the grass to the car. that's what sets a shot like this apart from a real car commercial.

and then it's interrupted by more walking shots, there's so much walking in this movie lol. that is a classic college movie mistake. long walking shots, shots of opening the doors, total filler shots and either no music or music that doesn't sync up at all. "real movies" have shots like this but they sync it up to music and add sound effects. there's a lot going on and you don't realize you're watching a guy unlock his apartment (which is otherwise completely uninteresting)

i would have redone the shot where he steps out of the car, he could have frame his foot better to look more intimidating or whatever. imagine you're shooting an adidas commercial when you do that shot. you want to sell his foot to the camera. kinda like you did with the volkswagen in a few shots.