>93% audience score on RT
Was this a Kino film, Yea Forums?
>93% audience score on RT
Was this a Kino film, Yea Forums?
objective? It was the same shitwe got over de 20 years
subjective? It was one of the best animated films I ever watched
Decent, but a typical pointless db whatif movie episode. Only good bit olis the prologue and the little green slut iguess
Agree on the green slut
It was a fun movie, well much better than the last ones we got recently..
Fights were cool, the Frieza vs Broly scenes were great, also they portrayed Gogeta personality as it should b.
As usual there's lots of jerking off with no pay-off.
I asked this in another thread:
>Did anyone else notice the framerate on the movie hitching, so to speak? Like there would be moments when a shot would pause for a split-second, while the audio continued playing normally.
>Frieza lasts so much longer than Goku and Bageta ever could against Broly
It was fucking kino
Didn't like how they acted like they never saw a legendary SSJ when they had literally just saw one in the Tournament of Power
I think it has been stated a few times that Frieza race is very durable aka stand very hard beatings.
oh my
Is this canon after the new series or just like all the other movies where they can't be fucked to make it fit?
It's canon hombre
Battle of Gods, Resurrection F and Broly are canon.
Not really.
I did notice some flickering and hitching during the credits, though.
This is a terrible DB movie. Next to no plot. Nonsensical power ups. Forced fusion for fan service.
Battle of Gods and Ressurection F honeslty worked better as movies than they did as full seasons. You can only handle so many episodes of Beerus eating food or the B team fighting Frieza soldiers before it gets old. Although I like how they wrapped up the Captain Ginyu story in the episodes
ruined the movie for me. 0/10
It was fanservice. Super as a whole is still an abortion and blue hair is a mistake.
I actually think the blue hair works nicely with Goku's orange gi.
It looks bad on Vegeta and Vegito tho.
Blue hair is a mistake but having Goku and Vegeta sit at the same power level for 7 seasons works as it avoids the endless cycle of powerups that plagued the Buu saga. Zamastu Saga is still the best one though
Watched battle of gods.
Comedy was good. Action, not as good. Too much cg.
Is the action in this better?
Also how about the frieza movie.
Is it good
Watch the Frieza movie before this one and yeah the action in this one is better than most of the movies imo
>battle of gods
honestly not good but it does set up the mechanisms of the universe although the idea of the Kai's being afraid of Beerus makes no sense as the series progresses as it is revealed that the role of the Destroyer is to act as a counterbalance to the Kai's and that one cannot exist without the other
>Also how about the frieza movie
alright but not as fun as frieza being a complete scumbag in the Tournament of Power
Probably the best shonen ive ever seen, I dont watch anime just grew up with Dragon Ball Z and it was mind blowing. The writing also set up the fight like butter, compare to all other dragon ball movies that fail miserably. Making the villain the focus of the film solves all those other dragon ball movie's story problems such as useless side characters, useless main cast, and predicatble plot structure, useless villains. I had no idea what was gonna happen other than Broly will presumably lose, Gogeta was ruined for me by Yea Forums but was my fault really. I also tried not to watch any trailers, I can see that would of ruined it for me. How did Broly even originally lose? I remember him beating gokus ass harder originally and he somehow lost??
*meant in the original broly movie
They already had Vegetto fight Zamatsu so it wasn't that big of a spoiler. Although seeing canon Gogeta use the same moves from Fusion Reborn was fun
One of the only movies I saw twice while it was in my local theatre
I was waiting for a Big Bang Kamehameha, was kinda sad.
Well it was for me, I havent seen ANY of Super except clips so im aware they did Vegito. But Vegito always holds back, and the earrings are slightly weaker. Then Gogeta fucking turned blue too and that was it, my eyes were glued to the screen.
The earrings are canonically way stronger than the fusion dance.
I typically prefer Vegito because he's ridiculous.
I thought it was the other way, I still prefer Vegito because he looks more like a fusion than the strange vest you get from the dance. Which by the way, whats up with that in general? I noticed I dont like its new color tone
IIRC the dance was invented by some weird aliens.
That's the kinda shit they wear.
From a movie making standpoint the dance works better because it forces Goku and Vegeta to actually work together and doesn't necessitate the need to have the Kai's be there to give the earrings. Plus it was already established in the fight against Zamatsu that the earrings wear out quickly if Vegito goes blue and uses too much energy
The dance is a better idea than the earrings anyhow man. Im convinced they had to make it up on the fly for the buu saga just to have gohan drop the earring....
Don't mind me, just posting actual YOU WA Kino
>JOBly: goes all out against frieza for literally 30 (thirty) minutes.
>still standing, still golden
The Kai's are worried about their earth friends and Goku being an idiot trying to fight him.
But that is only if Goku achieved god power. Mortal Goku fighting Beerus would have been just another part of the creation/destruction cycle of the universe
It was fun. Watching beefy dudes beat the piss out of each other is the only acceptable reason for an adult to watch anime. It's just too bad that the animation quality of the actual show is so far below this.
How do I get a body like Broly natty?
Be 9'10" tall (300cm) and lift like a motherfucker.
>Also how about the frieza movie.
It's a much better alternative to the Frieza arc in Super, but it's still the weakest of the new movies.
Beerus might not be able to kill Shin, but he can still do other shit, like destroy their world, and IIRC wasn't it retconned that Beerus is the one who locked Elder Kai into the Z Sword?
It was really fun to watch in the theater.
>Also how about the frieza movie
It's awful