Why would you put mysteries without having an actual answer to the mystery?

Why would you put mysteries without having an actual answer to the mystery?

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because he gets away with it every time?

because people eat it up.

It should be clear by now that if JJ is working on the film, the movie will have mysteries that go no where.

He learned from the best

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I guess that’s just one of the mysteries :-)

The answer is there, but it's far more mundane then you'd think.

He's a hack. Anyone can create a mystery. The answer requires creativity.

its not that he didn't even give an answer to the mysteries, is that there is literally no mystery, there is nothing behind it, snoke just "existed"

To subvert your expectations of having questions answered.

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because answers are usually considerably less exciting than questions

jew writers substitute their lack of creativity with mechanical theories that sound more suitable for product marketing.

not even comparable

You just introduce more mysteries to distract from the old, unresolved mysteries. It's like getting a new credit card to pay down the old one.

It's easy to do, he's a hack. Also uses time travel retconning in everything

Making shit for cliffhangers and trailers is easier than actually giving a damn.

He tried to walk the path of David Lynch but failed.

>make mysteries in first movie/tv season
>wait for Internet to come up with the best explanation for said mysteries
>make that the resolution

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Because it keeps people watching and has proven to work and make them money

Except after people follow through and don't get a satisfying reveal all that intrigue flips over from a positive into a negative, hence the present state of SW. You want a long burn you plan ahead and understand the tools you are using, you want quick couple smashes followed by loss of all interest in the franchise and general hatred of it, do a JJ.(now he has done it to both Star Wars and Star Trek)

Dude it was electromagnetism!

because hes jewish

socialist propaganda. without an answer everyone can claim to understand it in their own way. new age of socialist realism,

>Except after people follow through and don't get a satisfying reveal all that intrigue flips over from a positive into a negative
only for people with brains
Lost was popular up until the end

nu-star wars having mysteries that go no where is the last of its problems

>Why would you put mysteries without having an actual answer to the mystery?

Deju Vu

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only trilogy where the sequels were so bad that they retroactively made the first one worse

Huh? Revolutions actually answer everything, if a bit overusing symbolism, but answer's answer.

>mystery man was tasked to tie up and conclude a whole saga

It's going to be the most unsatisfying ending ever.

Mysteries he builds are shit too, they are often straight up yes or no questions and end exactly with one or the other answer.

It is actually a good idea to not resolve every mystery unless you want to be feed everything by the movie with dialog and long exposition like a true American.

because he is jewish. he will do whatever to sold his idea, including lie and them, fuck it, heres a shit explanation, my money is already on the bank.

with luck he get some nice goy with a sense of duty and integrity to make the whole clusterfuck have a little logic here and there.

Because his movies are a ommercial product just like the mystery boxes he used to buy as a kid. It's only based on the anticipation of something good in it. Once you open it you realize the item isn't worth 1/10th of what you paid for. It's inevitable, that's how they make their money, if the item was actually expensive that would be a loss.

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It didn't answer shit. It was all KABLOOM! BOOEY! ARRGGHHHH! and some little bitch at a train station just like that little kid at the end of TLJ. Holy shit, these trilogies are somewhat following the same, ridiculous arcs.

George Lucas did the same thing with Star Wars (1977); when ESB was being written, he basically made shit up that he didn't even consider back in 1977. Conversely, the Prequels were definitely set in stone since Episode 1, and look at how much people loved those.

Disney, JJ, KatKen, etc, thought that doing the same thing as Lucas in '77 would help capture the same magic for their seqeusl. Little did they realize that Lucas just got lucky in '77, and that the fact that the Prequels didn't do well wasn't because Lucas had it planned out as much as there was no one to tell Lucas that some of his ideas sucked. They really should've planned it out, but now they're learning the hard way.

Sucks to be them.

I think the prequels failed mainly because they were prequels, which by their very nature remove a lot of the suspense elements in a movie. You know who definitely lives.
That, plus JarJar and Jake Lloyd in Ep1 really didn't help sell that trilogy.

To make plebs endure good character development they would not watch otherwise

Steady income from pseuds and plebs alike. Also extends to anyone who worked on Lost. The Leftovers was shit.

Hell, what you just said pretty much backs up what I wrote... not that I'm trying to prove you wrong or anything, but rather, JJ and Friends probably saw how having shit planned out ruins any suspense, so they deliberately DIDN'T plan anything for the Sequels, just to keep that suspense going.

However, IMHO that was a bad idea, plain and simple. They should've planned it out and had it vetted. They probably would've avoided all bad shit that happened because they let Rian loose to do whatever the fuck he wanted to do.

I can't wait for JJ to make a new LOST series. The promo will have Jack say to Kate from Lost "Kate we have to go back again". It wont make any sense at all but people will watch the first episode

Because he is a bad writer
He comes up with scenes
And then cobbles together a film around them

Because you´re a Jew hack that has the creativity of an inbred AshkeNAZIm?

It answered EVERYTHING ya daft cunt.
Sucks to be a highly functioning retard like you, though.
For everybody else having to deal with your ilk.

He is obsessed with building mystery because he rightly knows this is what pulls people in to stories. He just never has good answers to the mystery hype he builds, more so, he doesn't actually give a fuck because once the mystery is planted, he has you hooked. He will then usually hand the reins over to others, giving them zero direction. Look at Lost, Starwars, Cloverfield etc. He talks about it here youtube.com/watch?v=vpjVgF5JDq8

Imagine being this wrong.

As well as a backstory that is much more interesting than the actual plot

He relies on others to complete the shit he starts. Rian fucked him, and us over. Now he has to start over. I hope you're ready for a quadrilogy.

That is literaly it

JJ Abrams is a talentless hack. I am 60% sure that the reason he gets work is because he physically resembles a young Steven Spielberg.

His Star Trek movies were pretty good, but that's because he was working in someone else's universe with lots of established rules.

You just fucking know when Lost came out and everyone immediately said that they were dead and in purgatory JJ was like "shit shit shit shit"

>but that's because he was working in someone else's universe with lots of established rules
The way the Kelvin Trek movies takes place in an alternate reality has to be one of the smartest moves ever made. This way people can love 'em or hate 'em, but it'll always be disconnected from Canon Trek.

If only they would do the same with STD and Star Wars.

I swear every JJ movie is the same

Because he's a fucking charlatan with no steak to sell, only sizzle.

>someone else's universe with lots of established rules.
That he proceeded to break and disregard to such a ridiculous degree that he broke the whole setting. Thanks to JJ, you can now:

>Beam between planets and even onto shielded ships traveling at Warp speed.
>Rejuvenate the dying, possibly even resurrect the newly-deceased with an infusion of Khan blood

But yay! Pacing! Lens flares!

it works for David Lynch