Holy shit, already confirmed to be better than the main show. Could it possibly get any better than this?
Holy shit, already confirmed to be better than the main show. Could it possibly get any better than this?
>why are they so obsessed with gender and skin color?
the next spinoff anounces a nigger cast and a female director,
>that literally doesnt tell me anything about the show or story, theres zero substance.
>that literally doesnt tell me anything about the show or story, theres zero substance.
yes it did though
>theres zero substance
Probably because they know the “general public” / audience leans left so if the show fails they can’t blame the actors/plot who are woke colored folk and the producers still get a check in the mail.
>Game of Reddit shit is SJW
What a surprise.
>incredibly diverse cast
If by diverse they mean sandniggers then fine but niggers are nowhere to be seen in this story as the majority of them are in Sothoryos in the stone age so dont use them ever.
user, I...
I really hate this dated unoriginal joke but “randomized oblivion faces”
Incels btfo
nobody likes you spergs
It will probably show the myth of the Long Night from every culture that has an equivalent of it (Westeros but also Rhoyne, Yi Ti, Hyrkoon, etc)
>reddit spacing AND not knowing how to greentext
>You look around that country, middle earth, and you see the whitest fucking country in the history of Tolkien. It's unbelievably white. And I just thought, we're casting the hobbits and we have an opportunity to do anything we want, why not cast the show with people of colour?
What did they mean by that?
Summer Isles Forever
I'm so excited to hear every character openly state their gender identity and pronouns within the first 15 minutes.
Dropped. Why do they keep doing this? I suppose they already ruined Got so it shouldn't be a surprise, but god damn this is annoying. At least they are helping me become a man by destroying all of my childhood hobbies.
>DABID is going to Disney Wars
>Disney Wars is coming to GoT
to think I was worried one of these IPs would actually get good in the next saga/spinoff. Memes a plenty for years to come boys
>It's all people you've heard of before
Uh huh.
The GoT prequel I read about is starring Naomi Watts and a bunch of other white actors, are they making multiple spin-offs?
Summer Islanders are black, and their history goes back thousands of years.
Get ready boys. Turns out Brandon the Builder and Aegon Targ were black
Dunk and Egg spinoff when
tan/dark skin due to climate does not mean niggers. it's a false equivalence
The southern islands were an isolated society, before explorers arrived. And while the first explorers simply left, the summer islanders decided to build their own ships to explore.
The culture of summer islanders is largely based on caribbean people.
Two summer island characters that were cut out of the show, were Chataya and Alayaya. Who aren't described as merely dark skinned. but "black as polished jet".
i bet you think dark elves are based on africans too
The dark elves are a separate race to humans. While summer islanders are also men.
Top, middle, left. No idea what her name is but jfc she better not have a main role. I can already picture the cringey, juvenile quip-ridden dialogue
Why are all these people uncomfortable to look at?
1-1 eyes too far apart
1-2 looks like a dude but is a chick
1-3 looks like a drug dealer
1-4 brow ridge too prominent
2-1 looks like he has fetal alcohol syndrome
2-2 missing a chunk of her hair
2-3 ok, but too red
2-4 faggot nazi with feminine piercings
Can I just get some normal looking non-freak actors pls
>diverse means white and black
>no Mexicans or Asians
Because that is all they got. They know they have to announce a spin off, but they don't have a script or a story. They just have a vague notion of the series being "inclusive"
all I see is whites and niggers, that doesn't seem that diverse to me
whats wrong with your faaaaaace
Have sex
>why are they so obsessed with gender and skin color?
jews hate white Europeans?
Every one of these people look fucking weird.
I can't wait to not watch this.
You mean the egotistical centre? Fucking Am*ricans should all be executed
I find it interesting that it isn't already gearing up to air next year. They're going to be filming a pilot in June so it could be another 2-3 years before we actually see anything from it.
Seems like a bad business decision to me.
I swear to god, people are getting uglier. This wasn't an issue in the 90s/00s.
>At least they are helping me become a man by destroying all of my childhood hobbies.
That's kind of the way I'm looking at it. Forcing me to put away childish things, whether I like it or not. In a weird way, I'm almost grateful.
>Videogames: ruined
>Comic Books: ruined
>Star Wars: ruined
>Twilight Zone: ruined
>Doctor Who: ruined
>Mystery Science Theater 3000: ruined
>Dragon Ball: ruined
>LotR/GoT: ruined
>with Fantastic Beasts and Onions Wars actors
Is this supposed to be a positive?
I don't care about nogs in film as long as they are playing the right roles (doesn't mean I'll watch nig content. Haven't and won't watch: Get Out, Us, Black Panther etc). The only nigs in the GOT universe are Summer Islanders or people from areas around that region (Naath, Sothoryos). It makes no sense to cast them unless they're from those regions, it'd be like casting a nig elf in LOTR, which is probably going to happen in the TV series.
considering how shit the actual series got I think I am gonna pass on that "diverse" fanfic