Confess Yea Forums

Confess Yea Forums

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I confess we are alone, eve with those numbers

I enjoy movies

I get drunk and post on Yea Forums

same but i get high and laugh my ass off with every post

I am Jussie

Yea Forums is such a better board than this one

it's disgraceful what counts for discussion about movies over here

have sex

im a girl UwU

I don't hate women, but I think referring to them as roasties is goddamn hilarious. Never gets old

I want to pay currency to watch the new star wars movie

I've had sex.

I fapped to a horse pussy

While there were definitely bad parts such as the totally terrible romance, I actually enjoyed the latest GoT episode overall.

Was it Pinkie Pie?

Try intercourse, incel

I bet Pinkie is amazing in bed

i prefer men

i cried like the onions starwars guy while watching alita. i want to marry her.

Network is my favourite screenplay

I visit /pol/ frequently

I'm white

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I'm Jewish

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I crossdress and post lewds online

i rly like womens butts :(

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Harry Potter series
12 Angry Men
Citizen Kane
The Dark Knight Rises
Fight Club

were kind of boring and I didn't like them.

I stopped watching western movies and TV shows entirely in January of 2016 during my winter vacation in college. I started watching One Piece on a whim and since then the only movies and TV shows I've watched has been anime, except for maybe a handful of western movies. I don't plan on going back any time soon either, it's nice to be able to watch movies and TV shows without liberal propoganda and SJW/feminist agendas constantly being shoved down my throat.

there is an insane ammount of movies i haven't seen, and people's reaction is always.

idk im just really hesitant to watch something people hype up :(


I only come to Yea Forums to shitpost and post waifus

I'm almost obsessed with hairy pusy even though I've never seen one in real life, and I lament the lack of good, recent porn where girls have decent bushes every day

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Was it the white one with the nice pink puss?

This isn't much of a confession, but Yea Forums is also full of turbo pseuds.


TFA is far worse than TLJ

I'm a progressive from Seattle and I hate all of you fascist cuckboys

I can't get enough of brap and goose posting. It gets me every time.

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>12 angry men
>fight club

Only sins

I feel like an imposter at my new job, like im not up to scratch and that i dont deserve it

I'll keep trying though

I just broke up with my girlfriend of three months after she told me she was a poly who was into bdsm and had found a dom. She wanted to keep seeing me but didn't want me to be involved with the bdsm shit. She was explaining it to me and sent a picture of the bruises on her tits after she was with the dude. I just couldn't deal with it. She was seven years younger than me and an ex-stripper from Detroit with some issues. Don't know how to feel tbqh. I guess I dodged a bullet but she was a lot of fun. Kinda got me out of long slump.

Watch uncensored JAV

>I'll keep trying though
Nah you deserve it

So you would have kept seeing her if not for the BDSM shit? You're a literal cuck, Jesus Christ.

12 angry men?
I watched this in high school with niggers and spics and even they liked it.

I don't like JAV, I'm not incredibly attracted to Asian women (although Japanese are generally the best) and their acting is fucking bizarre

>Doesn't feel at place at a new job
No shit faggot, you're at a new job and learning.

Looks like an alternate smell-o-vision pic
Also, don't feel bad. I like jews.

Nah. I don't think so. I might have just dialed the whole thing back to just fuck buddies but that would've had a short shelf life.

I don't mind Felicia Day. Although I've only seen her in The Guild and the new Mystery Science Theater 3000.

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BasedYou’ve got it dude

I personally can't jerk it to JAV without muting it because of squealing and shrieking

I didn't see the first avengers movie until it had been out for 2 years, and I haven't seen a marvel movie since the first guardians of the galaxy

and that's a good thing

I have spent obscene amounts of time and effort using programs to OCR chinese subtitles on mom/son incest JAV videos, then translating them, and then using the translation to make my own mom/son inject have to subtitles. I have spent a lot of money purchasing mom/son incest JAV subtitles. I masturbate almost every night for 1.5-4+ hours to mom/son incest JAV in one monitor while playing mom/son incest VNs or Western games in the other.

I just bought tickets for endgame, going with my mom

I quit watching porn so I go to the beach to look at ass and titties now. I do swim for 45 minutes for the exercise, but I also love looking at all the hot bitches them going home horny and blowing a huge load.

>not releasing all that nice material or at least making a torrent


This is a valid opinion.
But the real pleb trap is Rogue One.

I made a post on facebook today about GoT, about Brann seeing Jaime again just to start some discussion. But some faggot commented on my post telling me to "stop posting this kind of shit, some people haven't seen it yet."

It's been bothering me more than I care to admit. I'm not sure if he's a major fucking cunt or if i'm some how losing touch because it never crossed my mind that I might be spoiling it for people. i thought the entire world was tuned in last night.

all based posts

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what's your job?

I did release it all on f95 zone. Just Google "mom/son incest JAV subtitles f95" it'll probably come back. Be warned though they are.only the srt files, they're not hardsubbed videos, you'll have to download the actual JAV video too.

Fuck off. Yea Forums is mostly anons asking if their "edgy" books will be acceptable in public. If its not that it's the same old threads asking why they should read this book. I though Yea Forums was bad but Yea Forums is god awful. Fucking cunts

He's a dick. Brush it off and keep enjoying the shit you enjoy. He can unfriend you if he's so fucking put off.

I don't think Luke thinking about killing Kylo was so bad. People do seem to focus on Kylo's version of the story though.

>Everything. Okay! I'll talk! In third grade, I cheated on my history exam. In fourth grade, I stole my uncle Max's toupee and I glued it on my face when I was Moses in my Hebrew School play. In fifth grade, I knocked my sister Edie down the stairs and I blamed it on the dog... When my mom sent me to the summer camp for fat kids and then they served lunch I got nuts and I pigged out and they kicked me out... But the worst thing I ever done - I mixed a pot of fake puke at home and then I went to this movie theater, hid the puke in my jacket, climbed up to the balcony and then, t-t-then, I made a noise like this: hua-hua-hua-huaaaaaaa - and then I dumped it over the side, all over the people in the audience. And then, this was horrible, all the people started getting sick and throwing up all over each other. I never felt so bad in my entire life.

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Same here, brother. I actually gave a speech about that in a family reunion the other day, KEK. Before someone say they didn't care because I'm the family incel virgin, I'm family Chad.

I really enjoyed the TV series The Librarians even though I'm a middle aged man.

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I almost exclusively jack it to Janet from the Good Place these days

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Capeshit is awful.
David Lynch is good, but overrated.
Gay movies suck and are insulting.
Baneposting is the best meme.
The Magicians is an awful show. Only good SyFy show since Stargate ended is Happy!
Kolchak: The Night Stalker is the apex of television.

Pic unrelated.

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I genuinely lament that despite having gotten into old and foreign cinema alot more in the past number of years I can't connect to it like I do/did with anime/manga because it was never a part of my childhood.
I haven't really been into anime for years anymore either but its still easier and more familiar to understand.
I actually hate television dramas.

>Gay movies suck
You don't say

Its okay user Im a sucker for literally every fucking urban fantasy series

Too bad Warehouse 13 is pulled off Netflix

i confess that i think the janny is a niggerfaggot

That sticky proves that the mods are paid off, its a literal
>p-please don't spoil avengers endgame or we won't get paid
I get that even if they threw a bucket of pennies at a mod they would look at it like it was a mil but jesus christ, don't any of them have any shame? Already easily the worst moderated board on this site and the first sticky you make is begging people not to spoil the fun...of a Disney made children's movie.

Fucking pathetic.

I actually like the new star wars movies. I think we haven't given them enough time to actually judge if nuwars is shit or not. and I'm actually optimistic about the rian johnson and weiss/benioff respective trilogies

My wife loves the show Friends and although it has it's funny moments, I think it's an average show. I'm more of a Seinfeld guy.

I will pay to watch Endgame
... but part of me dislikes it because capeshit only demonstrates that might makes right - which is exactly the same as the world we currently live in

So it's not really an escape, in that sense

Probably some kikery to ensure that whatever is "leaked" will be plastered all over the catalog.

At the very top of the mountain of cinema's sacred cows that secretly aren't any fucking good rests Midnight Cowboy

I dont really watch tv or movies much anymore, i mostly come here to call others redditors or shitpost about politics


how do you do that and continue to enjoy it? I can't even orgasm anymore
porn literally just got boring for me
hell I wish I could jack it like that

The only based thing about Yea Forums is that they like Robert E Howard, that's about it.

Rest of the board is a dumpster fire of pseudo-intellectual posturing.

I don't think alien horses are hot.

i'm not gay and would never do the gay shit that i fap too but i can't fucking stop fapping to sissy shit. i get horny as fuck and then as soon as I cum i fucking feel disgusted with what I did every single time and say to myself "i gotta stop watching this shit". but i never do. i've been watching porn for over 18 years. at least i dont watch scat anymore like i did in my teens

i glued something with superglue and got some a bunch on my fingers like a complete dunce

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i don't, i just find it gross


Thanks frens
3D animator
First real gig in the industry

how do we stop it bro

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By having sex, i fear.

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You're right. I think if I had a girlfriend/wife to make love to I wouldn't be watching porn anymore and /pol/ is completely right on the slippery slope of porn, you just keep looking for sicker shit because you get bored of what you were watching, dopamine levels and shit. Shit is really fucked I would unironically support a ban on all porn.


I know user but they can be found and they are very very fun during sexy time

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The Phantom Menace is by far the best of the prequels. I mean, it doesn't even come close...

I concur, too bad I'm to anti social to get one, even then im not sure if that will fix it or not.

Finding one in real life would only be as hard as finding a gf, if I ever had one I could just ask her to stop shaving and I'm sure she'd be happy to oblige. It's finding good ones in western porn that aren't 30 years old that's the trouble.

I am addicted to porn. Shit's harder to stop then drinking alcohol.

I'm on vacation in Paris and I thought it would be really cool to smoke a joint inside the Notre Dame cathedral and walk around high looking at all the stained glass

but then some stupid priest walked into the bathroom and I had to throw my roach in the trashcan real fast and run out of there

Make yourself do 10 push ups before watching porn everytime you feel like it, works like a charm.

Is that supposed to be difficult?

with a boner hanging loose, yes

I don't know man, working out usually just makes me hornier. Whenever I come home from the gym I end up wanting to beat off all night.

how big is your collection?

I don't really actually watch any tv or movies, but I still come here

Don't worry that's 90% of the people on this board

I fall asleep everytime I watch 2001. Sure, maybe it was revolutionary at the time it was release, but damn it's a snoozefest

I started the footfag phenomenon, every now and again I see some user who was encouraged to make his own lowkey footfag barely television and film-related thread.
Fills me with joy and pride

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Extremely based post

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I haven't watched a movie in 3 years.

I genuinely enjoy Seth Rogan as an actor and think hes great in pretty much everything he's in

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The Amazon Prime original TV show "Bosch" is a piece-for-piece L.A. detective noire drama set and made in the modern day. It's kino as fuck.

British murder mysteries are mega comfy especially the ones set in quaint little villages. Shetland was almost max comfy.

Anything set in Victorian England or 1920s England is mega comfy and warms my icy heart.

I really liked that one set in Australia with the tomboy cutie. Miss Peggie's Murder Mysteries or some shit.

Poirot is an uncontested classic. The feature-length "Murder on the Orient Express" took a sharp turn from the neutron star comfy density of 1920s English murder mystery into a grimdark study of the depths of human deceit. God damn it was good.

Sherlock is a low B-tier/high C-tier murder mystery. Law and Order: Criminal intent is better than Sherlock, mostly due to the absolute skill of the cast.

The Wire is a low to mid B-tier and steadily declines in quality each season.

Gotham is pants-on-head retarded but it's the most fun you're going to have on network television.

Billy Eichner was correct when he said that we are living in the golden age of television. There's a lot of really good shit out there.

I'm straight, male and Am*rican if that matters.

I haven't had sex with my 280lb girlfriend in 3 years because of a comment I made about Dany on Game of Thrones being 'only useful as a dragon fucktoy'. Now she is refusing to fuck me unless Dany wins the throne at the end of the series, so I am cheering her on. She has also gained 120lbs in that period on purpose so that if we do have sex again 'You'll be the one fucking a monstrous dragon'. She is a huge Dany fan, so I guess its my fault.

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Of all the stories I've ever read on Yea Forums this is the one I want to be real the most

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Same but with guys

i got a gf

Big if true (literally).

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>pretend to be black and start arguments with whites
>pretend to be white and start arguments with blacks
>mfw im actually pakistani

I am a good person and I do not want to harm anybody and wish the well-being of all. I love animals and am generally a really nice guy. But sometimes...sometimes I just flip 180 degrees and become a fucking evil piece of shit and exactly the opposite of who I truly am. I am sorry. I need help.

Man same. Took hours to get out

i am super old and this is what I did as a teen at the city pool....then I went home and fapped in the shower

I am unironically and actually going to see ep ix. Probably more than once.

I'm a 40 year old virgin
I get baited easily
I often have autistic rants here
I am stupid and I might get doxed eventually
I'm not a bad person, I just made many mistakes
I am being punished for my sins

>I just made many mistakes
>I am being punished for my sins
like what?

What do you like to rant about? I'm curious if I've seen one of your rants before.

Like not talking to women, not taking chances, being afraid, putting pussy on a pedestal, not having sex, being a 40 year old virgin, other things
Last time I was having an argument that the water is going to run out in MMFR because feminists let the valve open
While I still believe I was right I went too far in a few places and I shouldn't have taken things so seriously, it's just a film which I very much enjoyed
Sorry for being a stupid faggot

Madman curator

Saw one of those threads and started beating my meat to feet.

I enjoy Game of thrones...

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how old?

>get blackout drunk
>wake up next morning banned for shitposts i don't remember making

It's better then people who watch it just to complain about it.

I wipe my entire identity from the internet when I lose an argument and then I start building a new one.

You're missing out senpai. We have amateur full HD videos of girls reluctantly eating their own poop and gagging all the way through it while telling you in a breaking voice that they're 'good girls for daddy'.

There's a sticky for capeshit so I see what you mean

>I wipe my entire identity from the internet when I lose an argument
How many identities have you created so far?

I did that when I was meeting women in IRC channels and forums.
I was building an identity with fake name and slightly fake information (eg slightly different place of residence, slightly different age, slightly different education, job, etc) and I seduced her until we exchanged mails or skype.
Then we kept talking from skype voice for some time and very soon she liked me a lot and she was asking to exchange phone numbers, exchange photos, make video call or meet.
Then my low confidence kicked in and coupled with the small lies I told her I tried to avoid her and change subject.
This was going for some time, in one case it went over a year, she begging me and I watched her mental state deteriorate because I avoided her.

Eventually, when it couldn't go on anymore I destroyed my identity and created a new one and started again with a different woman.
I deleted all her information and never contacted her again.
I'm not doing this anymore.

I should have created about 15 different identities this way.

>my social skills were stunted for a long while, wanted to improve
>started talking to women on online dating and irl for practice
>whenever one gets interested, I set up a date for a mexican food place down the road
>go there a half hour early, order my usual dinner to go
>I sit in the car outside and watch them get pissed when they've been stood up
>if they text me, I say that I'm only a minute away
>one flipped the fuck out and almost found me once, but ultimately didn't see me there
>drive off after they're gone
>same guy behind the counter smiles whenever I get food there, I think he's onto me

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You did the right thing. Girls who sleep around and like getting bruised are not relationship material. Sure they can be in them but they have so many mental problems it would be a nightmare to deal with.

My confession is that I lack any enjoyment in life because it's been going nowhere for years. The weird part is I'm getting numb and it feels much better than the self-pity and sadness I used to feel. This is like the afterlife.

Awful acting in porn transcends language.

>why'd I get banned tho?
>oh yeah

You did the right thing
You could easily have a great fuck buddies relation or have multiple gangbangs with her which would definitely be a unique experience
But at the end of the day it's just not worth it
Dodged a bullet indeed

I've been getting chest pains again at night.
My left arm has also been going numb.

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Go see a doctor, that sounds serious.

I don't have health insurance. It's also 4am and I'm going to bed but dreading waking up in pain again. Maybe tomorrow if I start getting dizzy again. This happened before like a year ago too.

Damn that sucks user. But those symptons arnt usually associated with the most benign of conditions. Hope your country gets some form of universal healthcare in the future.

every time. I just flip out and go on huge /pol/ rants about niggers and kikes. I go on and on about whites and race. I go full 14/88 when I'm drunk it's become a problem.

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do you eat healthy?

I meme'd myself into liking a coworker that's older, white and out of my league.

I think One Tree Hill is the greatest teen drama of all time

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Based. I want to do something similar but by gaslighting someone to insanity

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The majority of my faps are to weird porn.

twink butts are the only thing that turn me own

Are you gay?


No but nothing else gets me hard

Fake it till you make it. Everybody you work with has probably felt that feeling at some point in their job.


i go to this threads and Trumans just to Schadenfraude. I'm actually quite a normie

You probably are gay. No biggie user.

Im old

It's good that you can self reflect and recognize the negative behaviors. You have a high chance of success with treatment.

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I'm never grossed out or want to throw up after beating it to a woman tho. I've never checked out a dude in my life too


Going through the same thing. Nepotism got me a position at a firm and I'm embarrassingly underqualified. Doesn't help that I'm awkward too

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Dude, you literally get turned on by a dude's ass.

I have sex with prostitutes

when i'm 'batin. show it to me now and i'll get grossed out

>h-heh, just show me your cute butt user! I promise I wont do anything with it.
Not falling for that one

"Gay" doesn't exist. Porn has just melted your brain. Stop watching porn


It's okay user, I refer to them as roasties and femoids too because I like it. Cunt used to be my favorite word too even if I have XX chromosomes

>even if I have XX chromosomes

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Sounds to me you need to come out of that closet

God. I wish that were me.

>liking a coworker that's older, white and out of my league.
Oh my God melanin enriched Yea Forumsrother
First of all no woman is out of league
Especially white women who are on average corrupted by feminism
Furthermore she is older than you and she probably had an extraordinary milage in dickings
Find a younger pure woman that will look up to you, preferably of your own race

>even if I have XX chromosomes
>posting on Yea Forums

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Im still an alcoholic and smoke tobacco. Also spend a lot of time on this dumb website and not figuring out anything at all.

Its not that I'm not attracted to black women but I honestly prefer white, asian and indian women desu. Legit can't help it.

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I've never watched a single episode of game of thrones and never will.

not even a sin

I never could finish the 2nd season of twin peaks. I know everyone says it gets better near the end, but I just can't do it. Forgive me

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I've been putting off watching the 2nd season for almost two years now so I feel you, user. Its definitely overrated

Recently got out of a year and a half long relationship, and I don’t miss her at all

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Its sad because I watched the 1st season in the span of 24 hours, literally marathoned it. I made it about halfway through the 2nd season and gave up once I realized I just don't care about anything they had going on.

I've fapped to marecock threads on /trash/

Why would you binge it like that though? Show was not meant to be binged or doesn't have that quality. You only have yourself to blame

I binged it and liked it so what does it matter? I didn't binge the 2nd season though. I started to, but it got slower and slower until I just gave up. Its possible I did burn myself out on the show, but I see many people agree the 2nd season is shit until some episode I don't remember. I certainly didn't get to it.

I'm saying that there's more of a chance that you would've enjoyed it more had you taken your time


who cares as long as co-workers and your boss don't notice too much you shouldn't worry

> You're a literal cuck, Jesus Christ.
The word cuck has lost all meaning

>You're a literal cuck,
How is he a cuck for not wanting his gf to see other people and then breaking up with her when she does. He'd of been a literal cuck if he stayed with her

I unironically enjoy Game of thrones

I suck pp.
God forgive me.

>The word cuck has lost all meaning
No it hasn't, the definition is simple
>willingly and knowingly sharing the woman you care about, either sexualy or romantically, with another man
If a woman is cucking you behind your back you are a cuckold
When you know it, put up with it or permit it, either though weakness, perversion or ideology, you are a cuck

Cucks are mentally ill degenerates and should be hanged together with the women that do the cucking

Literally me.

I hate the fact that Yea Forums bullies actors/actresses whose political views don't allign with their own.

Are they still shiposting DFW?

I don’t browse /pol/ but get accused of being from there because my views don’t align with others here

It isn't because they don't align. It's because you bother to mention your views in the first place. Take your politics to pol.

Hi Raimi

I got a nice philosophical response on there recently. I was pleasantly surprised. It's nicer here though, you can actively engage with people.
pic unrelated

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Does your room have nice wallpaper decorations?


do you swallow?

I''ve never seen, in short or entirety, Seinfeld or Curb Your Enthusiasm; Are they really worth the time?

i don't like old movies. i try to like them, but it's a chore watching, all my top movies are from after 1975

Have sex

Have sex

I think Frollo is a fantastic character and I end up sympathizing more with him than the hunchback. I think if the hunchback had power, he would be like Frollo.

I hate that this board is 90% discussing shitty zoomer marvel tier shit and once in a blue moon, when theres a thread for older movies is devolves to
>The shit i watch is SLOWER and OBSCURER than yours, so my taste is better!
Like, fuck you, man. Cant there be a middle ground?
I dont want to watch either disneys shitty mass produced crap or some mongolian nobody's '4 hours of someone sitting in a room' school film's entry.
I also would suck a dick if the guy was pretty

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I am a femcel. No, I am not ugly.
Yed, I am very socially awkard and have an insufferable personality.
I think Predator 2 is superior to the original.
I haven't seen any of Orson Welles' films and I've called him a hack a couple of times.

get fucked assholes

I pretend to enjoy my friend's favorite films - so they can leave me alone and stop trying to prove how good they are.

Also wanna fug Adam Driver.

Lastly, need to break off a shitty friendship with a shitty friend - but aint having any success.


>Lastly, need to break off a shitty friendship with a shitty friend - but aint having any success.
what a cuck, all you have to do is ghost him or tell him to fuck off

Do you dress up as a girl and are you able to pass? Mitebecool

I'm 6'5" tall hairy guy. But I can pretend to be a little girl if you would like me to.

>I think Predator 2 is superior to the original.

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>Adam Driver.
Based taste
He's weird but cute weird

Oh i have done both.

cool numbers kid

I too afraid to make a move on her.

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Just do it lad. Someone else might beat you to it otherwise. Worst that can happen is that she says no.

I'm black but this board is slowing poisoning my mind with Jewish Hollywood conspiracies. Last night I was watching the season finally of god friended me and I thought to myself " I bet Henry Chase, the brilliant programmer, is black" and he was and I rolled my eyes. I also like capeshit, always have and probably always will.

I don't even watch much movies or tv I prefer vidya and anime but I prefer lurking this board to posting on Yea Forums and Yea Forums

I really enjoy the Thor movies even though I recognize they're shit

I can't get into movies, only into TV shows. I watch a movie every few months, but it's not nearly as fun as TV.

I've been here for 7 years. Lurked for the first 3. I can't leave even if I want to.

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That may be so, but I bet you have a bitching frog collection.

Same here desu. I've developed a low level kinda racism towards blacks and jews even though I'm black. I'm slowly getting memed

Opposite problem as you - i hate how tv shows shit up their own stuff as the seasons pass.

I kind of understand the descent into more hardcore porn, because as a kid you could fap to a target ad, or a video game, but I’ve been watching porn for a long time and still cannot watch even something like anal because I find it gross. The most degenerate stuff I watch is facefucking.

All it would take is you watching more. You're probably escalating right now but at a snails pace. You'll be sending dms to traps on twitter demanding that they send you pics of themselves eating their own cum before you know it, user

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the only reason I watch white people(hollywood) movies is because I hope to get a cute white gf after I've impressed her with my movie knowledge.I'm Indian btw.

A lot of it is fags rationalizing. I've been exposed to literally everything here but the push for more disgusting porn never came to me, pretty girls in vanilla sexual situations was enough. That said I'm pulling back even from that, it's all ultimately hollow regardless of how relatively benign it is.

Based drug addict

I am an extremely successful and good looking adult virgin. I can't even think about touching a woman without automatically imagining my mother screaming at and berating me for being a sex-crazed misogynist male pig. I honestly believe that feminism is a form of child abuse.