I'm going to cancel my HBO subscription after GOT is done. Change my mind

I'm going to cancel my HBO subscription after GOT is done. Change my mind.

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>watching GOT
You don't have a mind

cancel now and torrent for free

I can't. Between this and HBO Boxing ending for good, there's no good reason to have HBO anymore.

How are you supposed to rewatch The Wire, Band of Brothers, and Vice Principals without a subscription?

no penalties in Canada aside from a letter from IP provider right?

Enjoy your cease and desist letter incel

oh no, anything but a letter

>not pirating your kike shows
At least have the decency of not paying for them.

If it's something you know you'll watch over and over, why not buy the DVD?

Have fun getting off the couch every time you finish a season faggot.


wew lad

>having an (((hbo))) subscription to begin with

Chernobyl looks alright. The Band of Brothers sequel will be good when it drops too.

Once they hire me I promise to make a good show for you user. Just gimme a couple years.

You will sign up again when the sopranos starts up again

why re watch shows? seems like a waste of time.


I'm more interested in Chernobyl than Tits & Dragons.

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Deadwood movie?

>Band Of Brothers sequel

There is nothing more boring that WW2 aeroplane movies/series

>not using a vpn

I used to download it from eztv, but i can't remember or find the right address.

Chernobyl has a really great cast. The trailer was great too.

I haven't found a free VPN that doesn't block downloads. What do you use?

If your afriad of torrents use snahp.it

>free VPN
There’s your problem.

>not cancelling after the shitshow that was season 5

I already torrented it but thanks, I'll look at that in the future

Thes people will roast me but i buy the shit I really like on blu ray. Save the wire fucked up aspect ratios made be go with the dvd

Last Week Tonight

Cancel after Chernobyl, then get it again when Young Pope 2 comes out then get rid of it again.

You have got to be kidding me. You watch that crap
>Its current year
>random joke
He literally did a segment on fisa courts abuse and then shilled russia gage for 3 years.

>Not wanting to watch the best show that's probably ever been on television

there's no excuse for paying real money for HBO ever though and you should be ashamed of yourself

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Cancel now dude.

So the irony is you still have to pay. I'm careful and I haven't received cease and desist letters in a decade

no one gives a shit
