How much money is Endgame gonna make

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Barely break even if they're lucky. Unfortunately, all their movies except Iron Man 1 and Avengers were bombs, so who knows how far they are in the hole.

just under 1.5 billion
people just dont give a shit anymore

First movie to make me think Avatar is fucked then I stop thinking so crazy and have a good hearty laugh

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Less than Aquaman

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No one cares faggot shill

$2.5B beating Titanic but not Avatar

>barely more than infinity war despite initial frenzy
sounds about right

Do you not know how to read a chart?

honest question
how much money has disney lost through buying tickets to prop up their numbers? for example, they had to pay BILLIONS to prop up captain marvel and black panther
Are we gonna see disney collapse in the next 3 years, as they inevitably run out of money?

>Disney buys tickets
Six words: The Nutcracker and the Four Realms.

>releasing it November 2nd instead of 22nd (or fucking December)
For whatever reason they wanted it to fail

do you?
>x axis: days before opening from 21 to 0
>y axis: tickets sold
>endgame starts much higher but ends up barely ahead of infinity war

Endgame won't have the legs Infinity War had, even if Endgame is perfect, (it won't even be good though) it will disappoint due to the unrealistic exceptions Infinity War has set for fans. People won't be running back for repeat viewings.

Why the fuck did avatar make so much fucking money?

Right place and time for the first decent 3D experience. Plus a lot of people did repeat viewings throughout the summer.

don't forget the 3 hours runtime, by logistics alone it will have less screenings

They’re literally adding MORE screenings right now

Where is it going to get additional 500m? Everyone who cared about MCU saw Infinity War. Maybe it can add additional 300 million from China, India and other asian countries, but that's already a huge stretch. Infinity War being 3 hours long is going to hurt its gross from repeat viewings.


they'll just play it on more screens if there is demand.
For Thursday my theater is basically dropping every movie for Endgame. They didn't even do that for IW.