The absolute mad man might have found a way to salvage the franchise after TLJ. youtube.com/watch?v=i6pbI9niN4k

How is he going to pull it off?

Attached: jjabrams.jpg (330x330, 30K)

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Come up with a legitimate reason how Palpatine could be behind everything and how he has returned, then kill him again without taking Luke and Anakins credit.

Kill yourself shill. JJ killed it in the first place.
Go and find a more dignified job you cocksucker.

KK and Jonson tried their hardest to ruin it but based JJ saved us

I would say that it looks like Star Wars is being led in the right direction after how disastrous the last couple of years have been.
I don't plan on seeing the movie just yet though, I will wait for more trailers since I'm still skeptical after TLJ.

JJ didn't really kill it. TFA was a big hit and set the stage for franchise renewed interest. It was bland yes but inoffensively so and did not catastrophically harm anything the way TLJ did.

I agree OP!!! Star Wars episode 9 Rise Of Skywalker is the perfect conclusion to Disney's exciting trilogy

Attached: 1513452237204.png (536x221, 265K)

While I wouldn't go as far as to say that he "saved Star Wars" like OP said, you can't deny that it looks like they're trying to appeal to fans again.

nice bait

THIS guy saved Star Wars though

Attached: index.jpg (184x273, 7K)


i unironically can’t wait to see Episode 9 in theaters, despite hating what’s Rian Johnson did with 8

>JJ killed it in the first place.

disney forced him to make a completely safe star wars movie, and he came through in spades. it ticked every box disney wanted, and set them up for a new franchise. they then handed the sequel over to a literal who, and destroyed the entire franchise instantly. jj is the last person you should blame.

>It was bland yes but inoffensively so
TFA did more or less what TLJ did.
> Unclear story (forced good guys as underdogs),
> Forced and unappealing new characters (Finn wasted as conflicted stormtrooper, Marey Sue)
> Nonsensical setting (unclear as what done in ep VI was undone)
> Contrived plot points (le lightsaber from another story, R2 re-activating from nothing)
>Schizophrenic cinematography (epic scenes but helicopter tv shot at the end)
>Character assassination (Han and arguably Leia)
>Tone deaf moments (who talks first)

JJ shaked shiny items in front of your retarded face and you fell for it, but TFA has as much contempt for the audience as TLJ. Is just better masqueraded.
You just have to confess now: shill, or brain dead? You tell me user.

TFA was catastrophically bad:
>Mary Sue lead flies the Falcon, uses Jedi mind trick to free herself without any help, beats main villain in lightsaber duel
>sidekick is jar jar nigger
>Han Solo is a bum who dies like a bitch killed by his own son in cold blood
>Leia is a general and dresses like a garbage man
>Reebel VS Empire + Death Star
>Luke is a coward who vanished for like 20 years!
Yeah nice set up

christ calm down you sperg

Attached: dont do it bros.jpg (856x480, 61K)

You can't fool me, JJ. VII was trash.

Go fuck yourself you shameless shill. Disney did not forced anyone, Lucas film is made of diversity hires and incompetent copycats that write mistery boxes.
Le based JJ is a meme. Stop.

So the kike is entitled to his money but not his responsibilities? What prevented him from walking away?

Even if there was a legitimate reason it'd still be shit.

Sperg? Lmao that you fucking NPC shills can only come out with “you are mentally wrong!!” When faced with the truth. You can’t win this fight, YOU WONT BEAT WHITE EUROPE
>wanting to fight people who dont fear death
nigger, you dont have a clue how fucked I am. I am post redpill and post honk pill and post depression. The only things that keep me functioning are the love for Europa, the Gods and belief in day X.
While you christian, communist, muslim or gay vermin(I dont give a damn about what kind of degenerate you are) will loose your spagetti and hold your rifle with shaking hands. My finger will go swiftly and precisly back and forth on the trigger, my eyes filled with joy will spot any little movement and fleeing race traitor and my feet will stand firmly on the blood soaken holy soil.
I will thank Wotan, not for victory but rather that war has finally come.

Your stuipid ass is naive af, and you should sort yourself out while you still can. THESE STAR WARS MOVIES ARE PROPAGANDA LITERALLY FUCKING BRAINWASHING PEOPLE- THEY ARE THE BIGGEST PART OF THE FIGHT

We all owe JJ an apology.

Attached: jj.jpg (644x360, 66K)

Well when you say it like that, it's fucking dumb.

no more chances, fuck star wars. I hope Disney loses lots of money

It’s a kids movie dude

TFA was boring
JJ did he saved Star Wars

God you fucking manbabies will be the reason TLJ will be considered a milestone because and 9 will be cookiecutter shit like 7

Attached: 2ih485.jpg (200x227, 7K)

Force ghost possession of a clone body. Fucking easy, my dude. Sheev made Anakin in his mamas womb, this shit is childs play to the master.

It's such a weak fucking movie.

based falselfagging dinsey shill!
I have to say this time you guys organized better.
Now explain me this shilly-willy: I lean left, my friends even more and they stated after TLJ they are not going to watch more SW.

TFA awakens wasn't really all that bad up to the "Death Star 3000" part.

>TLJ will be considered a milestone
Answer this question then:
Why didn't the First Order destroy the Resistance ships?

user, just one question: who's the leader fo the club that's made for you and me?
Or you know, one can be a sane person and consider them shit for different reason.


Answer this question then:
Why didn't the First Order destroy the Resistance ships?

>Answer this question then:
Why didn't the First Order destroy the Resistance ships?
>Answer this question then:
Why didn't the First Order destroy the Resistance ships?
>Answer this question then:
Why didn't the First Order destroy the Resistance ships?
>Answer this question then:
Why didn't the First Order destroy the Resistance ships?
>Answer this question then:
Why didn't the First Order destroy the Resistance ships?
>Answer this question then:
Why didn't the First Order destroy the Resistance ships?
>Answer this question then:
Why didn't the First Order destroy the Resistance ships?
>Answer this question then:
Why didn't the First Order destroy the Resistance ships?

Attached: Sheev.png (398x387, 214K)

>Answer this question then:
Why didn't the First Order destroy the Resistance ships?

Never talk about Star Wars again and kill yourself.

Attached: 2019-04-15 18_16_53.jpg (222x407, 40K)

no one is going to believe some fat chubber like you can take on the 6'2" golden god that is driver

well now rey, now we gotta suspend our belief even harder now cause a walking skeleton with a giant fucking head is now supposed to be fighting a 6'2" golden god

I just
someone else to do everything
all of it should be different

if she could act it might make up for it

Which ships? The big command ship with Leia? It's space fantasy with Evil Military Bad Guys. Your pic related. They enjoyed the idea of the Resistance slowly running out of fuel and energy, sadistically savoring their absolute destruction from the flagship in just a short time remaining. Or are you too simple-minded to understand this pure evil bad guy fantasy element?

You are literally retarded.

>disney forced him to make a completely safe star wars movie

Disney forced him to do shit. Thy went into this hand in hand humming the Imperial March.
JJ is butt buddies with Pegg and a typical cliche duologist faggot or at least pretends to be one. He only likes ANH and ESB, hates Ewoks and PT and thinks that Kasdan was the reason OT was good. The whole new trilogy was designed by him and Kasdan as some sort of safety blanket that traumatized SW fags can drape themselves with after all the torture that mean ol' Lucas put them through.

The irony being what they did to Luke was worse then anything Jar-Jar did in any and all media he’s been featured in.

Rey explores the ruins of the second death star, searching for a crystal to make her own lightsaber. Rey becomes possessed by the spirit of Palpatine, who forces her towards the darkside. Rey was designed for this purpose, made from a mix of Palpatine, Skywalker and random woman DNA on Jakku. Kylo first took up the dark side to be strong enough to defeat Palpatine, who he knew would return (He will finish what Vader started). Anakin and Luke teach him that love is stronger than hate. It saved Anakin, and it can save Rey. Anakin embraces the light to save Rey. Rey is saved, and the last Skywalker finally destroys Palpatine.

That feels like an alright end to the trilogy, and the saga to me. We see how Palpatine rises, how his physical body and Empire is defeated, and how the threat of his influence is defeated, all at Skywalker hands for the Skywalker Saga.

Time traveling mixed with multiverse goodness.

>I lean left, my friends even more

Based retards

You will grow up one day.

Can someone explain this? Isn't this tweet a fake? Is it possible that "The rise of Skywalker" was originally planned to be the first movie in nuwars trilogy?

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JJ hasn't saved a fucking thing. He's all about tricking the audience and that's what will happen this time. Enough people will be fooled for the movie to make its money back and Disney will declare victory. And you dummies are helping them.

They could have started off with the OT characters TOGETHER and introduce new ones in TFA. But JJ deliberately wanted to trick the audience so he made a remake of A New Hope with a bunch of shitty characters along cameos from the OT on-par with the remake of The A-Team when old actors walked on frame and said "Hi" then walked away. The characters that made the franchise worth over $4 billion had zeto impact on the story. TLJ was all about tricking the audience as well, problem is Rian Johnson is too lazy and stupid so it came off as childish tricks rather than the high stakes gift JJ normally does. The main thing Lucasfilm wanted to do is tear down Luke and Rian wanted a redemption arc, but again he's a stupid writer so the reason for making Luke a bitter lonely cowardly failure was stupid. But hey, at least Kathleen Kennedy's self-insert got to smack him around. Who's so fucking naive to think JJ or ANYONE at Lucasfilm would correct course after this shit?

Skywalker is going to be a title for the most awesome Jedi from now on. Rey will be called Skywalker, and then next trilogy we'll have a Muslim transgendered disabled POC being called Skywalker. Just keep throwing money at them, I'm sure that the last two movies were just missteps, you weren't being tricked at all.

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Maybe Snoke was a wealthy collector of Sith relics and eventually learned the ways of the Force. He's to Palpatine what Kylo is to Vader, a fanboy. Pottery. At some point he found a holocron of Darth Sidious. After the destruction of the second Death Star he tries to finish what Palpatine started: a galaxy-wide empire.

He is talented and knows a lot of secrets of the Force, but never had a real master to train him. He would rather steal apprentices from Luke (the knights of Ren) after they were already taught how to fight and use the Force. His snobbish clothes (slippers and golden pajama) indicate that he's not a fighter type. He probably has never fought in a real battle at all.

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Rey is a Sith spy and Snoke let the rebels think they had a chance so Rey had more time to carry out her mission.

>I was there... on the eve that the strength of cishit white men (predictably) failed... never send a boy to do a womans job.
and then she uses the force to cut him into a billion pieces with her lightsaber at light speed!
Everyone will say how brave it was, then they'll clap!