Justify yourselves, boomers. How is ANY of this even remotely funny? This is literally the cringest shit ever

Justify yourselves, boomers. How is ANY of this even remotely funny? This is literally the cringest shit ever.

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Everyone thinks it's funny. It's you who should be justifying yourself

I already said that it's cringe.

>How is ANY of this even remotely funny?
It's not. Americans can't be funny intentionally. Only unintentionally. That's why Alex Jones and Donald Trump are funnier than any American comedians. America is ground zero clown world.

Google "Seinfeld effect" because I'm too lazy to explain it to you.

Its funnier than any meme

What if Seinfeld in current year. Jerry and gang start use Tinder lmao

Seinfeld is the best sitcom ever made

uber kramer borrows jerry's car

they gradually groomed themselves to laugh with the laugh track. thats why boomers can still laugh after watching the same episodes for the tenth time, the comedy itself is irrelevant

You're cringe

Best rated TV show of all time. 76 million people watched the finale, makes breaking bad (10 million) and game of thrones (17 million ish) look like indie garbage.

It was on nbc for free.
Other two shows are on a higher tier of cable and most people pirate the shows now anyways

If you hate Seinfeld, you must be a miserable prick
What is your favorite sitcom OP? Let us all know how we can be as smart as you.

back to fortnite zoomer

Still was viewed by a much larger audience

I prefer MUG Costanza

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I'm a neon-nazi Alt-Right anti-semite and even I acknowledge that Seinfeld is pure kino.

during this time, the indifferent and anti-social behaviour of the characters, was quite unusual and outrageous.

hey how come they're all jews
hey how come in curb your enthusiasm 90% of the people are jews

>In the modern day, Family Guy is often the show that is mistakenly believed to have invented memes like Rick-Rolling, Chuck Norris jokes, and Peanut Butter Jelly Time.

the difference is the people who watched seinfeld never believed the show created these concepts, they just popularized and ridiculed them. family guy is different because my dad (who is the kind of person to watch family guy) wouldn't visit Yea Forums and learn of rickrolling. funny enough, I've made chuck norris jokes to him and he thought they were unfunny until he saw it on family guy

point and case, regarding seinfeld, the magic loogie. if you don't see the parallels with the magic bullet theory then you're an idiot. they took a popular concept and made a joke about it, not unlike what south park does.

and the know your meme article is dumb for trying to say that festivus WASN'T a seinfeld invention. yes, technically speaking, it was created by the writer of that episode's father, but it wasn't something celebrated by anyone except their nuclear family. almost everything about the holiday IS made up for seinfeld, except the name and the date it's celebrated. see also cinco de cuatro

The 80% of the show is jew comedy/pilpul. All the Jerry/George arguments are pilpul.
HOWEVER, it's still funny as fuck. Jews are high-iq and self-deprecating, and thus humorous.

funniest clip ive seen is the one where kramer tries stand-up comedy and hijinx ensue. any other episodes as good as that one?


most people pay for HBO for game of thrones, same as they did for sopranos. people now a days even can DVR these shows and it still counts towards the neeson rating, that should really tell you something.

and breaking bad was shit, I wouldn't be surprised to find out it's season 3 premier had more viewers than the show's finale.

>OP upset enough to respond to himself and pretend he isn't American

That's not the Seinfeld effect, the Seinfeld Effect is that so many shows copied Seinfeld's style of humor, meaning it may seem hacky to young people who were initially familiar with the rip offs

>magic loogie
also a second reference to the fact Wayne Knight was also in JFK which made it funny

>closes window blinds

always my top seinfeld moment

That's not justifying. That's just stating your opinion.

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that's not the "seinfeld effect". that is the "seinfeld is unfunny" effect, which is also the "simpsons has already done it" effect. seinfeld effect is the belief that a concept originated on a show because it was popularized by said show


Your dad sounds like a pleb


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>Seinfeld effect
it's dunning kruger affect moran!

>george can't get an app to work on his older android phone
>jerry has no problem with it on his iphone, but the battery keeps dying
>elaine's phone is pocket swiping right (or left or w/e the one to get dates is)
>kramer hand delivers notes to people to rally because the telephone company is taking away his landline

>george install another app that does the same thing essentially after hearing about it at the phone store
>jerry, also at the phone store, throws away his iphone and buys a new S10, george installs the app and it starts to drain jerry's new phone immediately
>elaine uninstalls tinder and installs uber and starts dating the first guy who comes to pick her up
>kramer gets VOIP and realizes it's the same thing

You're just too young to understand

dunning kramer

Jerry is the worst character in his show. That’s about the only way I can explain how anyone could dislike the show. Everyone else more than makes up for that arrogant kike

Oh, and the jerk store called OP..

>tfw you will never be a 20 somethingg year old in the 1980's
Why even live?

that's generation x you fucking retard

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>Everyone thinks it's funny

Nope. I don't.

I'll concede that it was popular, but it was more formulaic and trite than its fans want to believe.

Fashwave aesthetic -> neon-nazi

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Zoomers lack the ability to realize that not everything existed at some point. They take everything for granted.

>this level of oppression in 2019

Bait thread or not, this is pathetic attention whoring

that other larry david show is garbage also

What do you find funny? I suspect you lack a sense of humor.