Tranny DC superhero is hotter than Brie Larson

>tranny DC superhero is hotter than Brie Larson

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i'd bite it's dick a little.

traps are gay

Does she (he) still have her (his) dick otherwise I'm not interested senpai

>even lena dunham

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proving once again that men are better then women in every aspect


That thread was made 13 hours ago, are you telling me you've been on Yea Forums for 13 hours?

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yes, please help :(

She cut the dick off.

Into the trash she goes.

>dick removed

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Honestly when I watched Supergirl I didn't know the actor was MTF. Decent passer I guess. But is Dream Girl also a tranny on the show in her background too? Lol I thought the Dream power was passed down mother to daughter?

For reals or are you just meming?

It's real user

calm down dog. you're a dog. human business doesn't concern you

trannies look like THAT?

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No I googled it but they had a casting call for a transgendered and they cast her as Legion of Superheroes Dream Girl in Supergirl/Flash universe.

Not bad, not bad at all.

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Damn Brainiac 5 hit that? Didn't know he was a chaser damn she thicc

Most non-tranny men are hotter than brie Larson, not saying much

>"With her casting in season four of Supergirl (2015), she is the first transgender actor to play a transgender superhero."

Seriously the first time one passed to me and didn't realize. If they never had publicized it I'd have watched the CW shows not knowing desu.

Warning: Nicole Maines cut off her penis all the way back in July 2015

NOT waifu material

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Does anyone actually exist that would prefer a carved oozing dilated wound over a cute feminine dick?

u gay

Newfag doesn't know about based tranny hating dog

Does her character on the show still have a dick, though?

>first they came for the foreskin and I did nothing
>then they came for the whole penis and it was too late

what the fuck is wrong with DC?

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Thats one angry puppers.
Can we confirm this is a tranny? Whats her name? Any other tranny actress qts out there?

All of the normal and sane people were already taken by Marvel so they got left with the degenerates

If it is a super hero show with Burlanti's or Gugenheim's name on it then it is gay to the core. They gayness has claimed 70% of comic book material, 100% of CW capeshit, and 60% of all the rest of capeshit.

>They were identical twin boys, Wyatt and Jonas Maines, adopted at birth in 1997 by middle-class, conservative parents. Healthy and happy, they were physically indistinguishable from each other, but even as infants their personalities seemed to diverge.

>By the age of 2, when the boys were just learning to speak, Wyatt asked his mother, “When do I get to be a girl?” and “When will my penis fall off?” It was the beginning of a journey through questions of gender that would challenge a mother to find ways to help her child, even as the father pushed back. The father would learn the truest meaning of family only after his wife felt forced to file a lawsuit against the twins’ elementary school, and when Jonas told him, at age 9, “Face it, Dad, you have a son and a daughter.”

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god imagine having an identical twin sister (male)

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The fuck...

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>no dick

What's the fucking point then.

>my two year old wanted me to chop his dick off
Did he also win a debate with a fascist in college

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Brother is pretty cute too

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If you want a good laugh look at the last name of the guy that runs CW.

How does the CW does it? How do they just cast the hottest bitches even when they are male?
Fucking BASED.

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>age of 2
>”when do I get to be a girl?”
>”when will my penis fall off?”

Sounds legit to me

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She isn't though? I see a Kate Mara knock off. Just cast Kate Mara.

lmao so that's what he looks like without 40 layers of makeup+photoshop+a dozen plastic surgeries. he is indistinguishable from the average autistic speedrunning tranny.

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Ernie from the George Lopez show is a tranny?

MAN hater

>her penis

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shes done in capeshit

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*boipuccis your path*

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>cw good

>face of a 13-year-old nerd boy
big oof. imagine spending gorillions just to end up looking like that.

Jesus. Between this and the transtesticles in doom patrol, dc really is trying to suck in the libcuck lgbt crowd (and sadly, all it's doing is turning dc fans into buttboys).

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Yep, she's a girl chief

Looks like a gunt lads


WB fired this faggot

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>no benis



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They didn't actually, he's still cast

>le red thanos dad faec

Jesus Christ IMAGINE having a brother who is all like Ima Girl? Wtf is wrong with people?

>The father would learn the truest meaning of family only after his wife felt forced to file a lawsuit against the twins’ elementary school, and when Jonas told him, at age 9, “Face it, Dad, you have a son and a daughter.”
>the truest meaning of family
I want off this ride

I dunno both are gay and loved by zoomers so take it for what it's worth

There's got to be some fucking sick fuck abuse shit going on in that family.
A two year old doesn't give a shit about its own anatomy, let alone being able to comprehend it.

Now she gets to be Ellen Page's bitch

Don't have to imagine it, shit is so cash. What kind of pussy would care what their sibling does with their life? pic unrelated

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God dammit DC, stop making me give you money

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So your twin brother going ima girl wouldn't make you question if maybe you got the gay genes too? Inb4 it's not gay to want to fuck a female you cause yes the fuck it is.

haha yeah imagine

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>he still never finished the comic
But then he started the one with the black-haired trap who I love way more so I'm okay with it I guess

Wheres cosmo did he khs yet

I love my #TransgenderChild xoxo. 1 like = 1 trans life saved. 1000 likes = TV appearance. 5000 likes = possible book deal

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You'd have to be some kind of sick freak to imagine kissing this thing's neck while its legs are wrapped around you and you're emptying yourself balls deep in that tight little ass

why cant they keep their little dinkle dicks?

because there's no justice in this world

and there never was


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>Has a canonical descendant

Wait a second

She probably got some dude pregnant

most people look like shit without professional lighting, makeup, photoshop, pr and other magic

I’ve been telling these faggots in Hollywood to let me chop those peckers off so they’ll land better gigs. Tranny freaks are all the friggin rage and they better get the procedure done before it’s cost prohibitive. The money they spend on letting me slice a permanent fronthole will pay itself back within a year. It’s the best investment a mental patient can make. All my clients are huge stars and hardly anyone even knows that they’re unsexed freaks.

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Be nice to our pup.

Satan worship, childhood sexual abuse and baby killing.

I wonder if dad raped them both or if he had a fave.

those hands that forced posture

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Seriously. It's like they're mentally ill or something.

this aint a she, chief

mother 100% pushed it

He identifies as a bene gesserit.

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Perfect, someone call Villeneuve

Does he also identify as a Doctor Who villain?

No way she is trans. She is cute as fuck.

Is that a shim or a herm?

Why do they do this shit?

Becoming a tranny is the ultimate söy action. It's being so weak that you feel like you need to give up on being a man and live life on easy mode instead.

for once I agree with OP

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This is pure evil

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Due to their life expectancy, they have no choices but speedrun through it. They do the same in games.

I get what you're going for here but herm is already a thing

>Nicole Amber Maines (born October 7, 1997)[5][1] is an American actress also known for being Susan Doe in the Maine Supreme Judicial Court case Doe v. Regional School Unit 26 regarding gender identity and bathroom use in schools.[6] Maines, who is transgender, was barred from using the female bathroom after a complaint; however, the court ruled denying a transgender student access to the bathroom consistent with their gender identity is unlawful.

oh the entitlement

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I feel bad for this guy, but he did marry the crazy lady

if he hasn't committed suicide yet, he surely has contemplated it

Who's a tranny in the bottom left?

Where'd you get this picture of me?

Do you guys actually jerk off to trannies or is it just a meme

I do, but I jerk off to almost anything sooo...

Must suck to be a tranny superhero, having to cut patrols short and break from battles with supervillains to dilate every couple of hours

Being a speedrunner requires a base level of mental illness to start. It's not a stretch to go from "finish games fast" to "chop your dick off."

Is it a law of nature that states trannies have the worst fucking dress sense ever?

Nicole Maines is cute and is playing a likable character. Brie keeps doing roles that are unlikable which lowers her attractiveness potential.

WTF? I love trans now.

what the fuck is wrong with people who play video games?

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Yo Whazzup Iggy !!!