George Lucas on set of Season 8 Episode 1 with Jon and Daenerys

George Lucas on set of Season 8 Episode 1 with Jon and Daenerys

Attached: 69sdtjg5xfs21.png (1214x668, 1.65M)

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that explains the shit dialog

Explains the pottery

How small is George?


Why the fuck is reddit coming here making copy posts of crap from reddit? Where the fuck are the fucking mods?

>not the biggest redditors of all

how do you know its' from reddit?

unless you're a redditor yourself

Deleting comfy animal threads. Where else?

Because there's already been 3 fucking posts with this same picture and the same faggy quippy reddit gayness. Use the fucking catalog you loser.

Mods have been deleting non-GoT threads all day, as well as any that complains.

this explains all the ligthsabers

The board has been far more reddity today.

Why is he there?

Glorious hair

He is.

Hahaha upvoted
>yfw he mad

It's because this is the only place you can safely give your honest opinion of GOT. If you didn't love the episode last night you get downvoted to hell.

Why do you always post the same thread twice in a row?

Attached: image.jpg (866x329, 57K)

More like season 11 episode 5
didn't even bother changing the title
where the fuck the jannies at?

This is why red dislikes shouldn’t subtract from the positive. This is the reason Reddit is so rigged.

Do you think a guy like George Lucas ever shows up on random movie/tv sets uninvited, unexpectedly just because he's George Lucas and nobody would turn him away?

That's my fantasy now, George Lucas just spending his free time showing up on random productions

Jannies love Reddit.