Is this the best movie from 2018?

Is this the best movie from 2018?

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No, this is.

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>slow paced chink flick about miserable insectoids


It was pretty good.

These are definitely the two best that I saw

it's close but this beat it for me

how can hollywood even compete when it's getting beat by gooks and kara bogas

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both are best

>*blows farthouse out of the water*

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*blocks your path*

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I refuse to glorify a man who committed sin by giving credence to his work.

2nd behind the house that jack built


Definitely, one of them !!!

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the director killed himself.

The director an heroed soon after finishing the film.

>this guys totally onto me, i should agree to meet him alone in the middle of nowhere
was walking dead guy retarded?

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There's absolutely no reason to believe he did anything wrong. Joongsu is not a reliable protagonist.

>you'll never watch ALL the movies
>not even all the good ones

this is so depressing and makes me want to not watch movies at all

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Then stop watching capeshit and Netflix slop and you'll find you have plenty of time to catch up.

>Is this the best movie from 2018?
aah no. It has some huge issues that can't be looked over. Basically, and I may be a brainlet, but I didn't figure out that the rich dude was a murderer until I later read the short story the movie is based on. But I will say this, it does stay with you and lingers.

he isn't a murderer though. he's just a weird rich dude and the girl disappeared to another country because she's immature and doesn't take responsibility for her life or the debt she laid on her family. anyone theorizing that ben is a murderer or sex trafficker is seeing something that isn't there, just like the tangerine at the beginning

>It has some huge issues that can't be looked over
such as?

yeah but in the short story it's much more obvious that he in fact did kill them. Or not so obvious, but once you see the film and read it, only then you kinda see the big picture. Because, if Ben isn't a murderer, then all the "I like burning glass houses or whatever, I burnt one close to your home" is total nonsense, how would you explain that?
well not huge in a way that makes the movie suck, just that there were quite a few movies that had almost no mistakes that came out this year.

>anyone theorizing that ben is a murderer or sex trafficker is seeing something that isn't there
well obviously it's not explicitly shown, because our point of view is entirely limited to the protagonist. but, it can still be inferred from the evidence shown. what do you think drove Joongsu to violence if there wasn't a strong possibility that something had happened?

how old are you? unless you're planning to kill yourself by 40 or something, you probably have a lot more time than you think.

yea for me it is

Gooks did Notre Dame

No, it was a disappointment. I really like Lee Chang dong, but this lacked a bit.

where should I start with his filmography? the first one?

I usually just go for the famous ones first. Just watch Poetry. It is really good, then peppermint candy once you have let Poetry rest for a while. It is quite intense.

Watch some Kim Kim duk in-between, his movies are not as emotionally draining.

>running around asking people about a well in the ground checking greenhouses
>wow this is so kino!
