What's the worst tv/movie related product you bought?

What's the worst tv/movie related product you bought?

Pic related. It tastes like shit. Fucking waste of $400

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99% of people can't tell the difference between different brands of the same liquor. Buying the expensive shit is literally throwing your money away

I got the Lannister Lagavulin for xmas and it was pretty good for 9 years old

why would you do that? probably cheaper to get something made by real monks or something

99% of people can't tell the difference between different brands of the same liquor.

Pretty much. You just pay for the brand.

fanbois will buy bullshit even if you tell them it's bullshit, no sense in trying to correct them

>watching normie trash
>buying expensive normie booze
Got what you deserved

Lol, at least you got a nice non plastic bottle

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if you paid $400 for that you are a moron. My state is selling all 8 for $800

>real monks

lamo no one is retarded enough to go full clergy anymore

Pretty sure it's only priced at like $100 in reality. Why you would spend even that much on a tacky as fuck promotional item item from a low tier distillery... well, that's american for you I guess.

That was such bullshit

>low tier distillery

God, Americans have no fucking taste. Oban is primo scotch. Stick to drinking bud light and Jack Daniels you fucking cunt

Based tastelet manchild

Retard teen repeating shit he’s heard from other retard teens.

You think Americans would know their whisky at least.

>rum with caramel
Jesus that sounds nasty.

yes, 7/11 barrel scrape blends taste exactly like aged single malt

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t. child

This post is sponsored by Smirnoff and Natty Ice

All these pseuds seething over the truth. Professional taste testers can't even tell a "premium" liquor from it's 5.99 competition. Like gourmet food, liquor is a brainlet passion.

All Oban whisky tastes like hot piss

people simply can't tell the difference because alcohol content overwhelms them. it's the same kind of people who think all beer tastes the same, for example.

Has to be samefag, no way two people in the same thread are this retarded.

So, teenagers.

What kind of manchild buys alcohol based on a video game or a fantasy tv show? Just buy booze in a regular bottle, why does everything have to be some kind of toy based on your favorite franchise for you söyboys?

its for people who dont drink, but want to seem more sophisticated or devoted to their brand.

Lmao. Its easy to taste the difference but diminishing returns sets in early.