Lol winterfell is as small as your typical city in skyrim

lol winterfell is as small as your typical city in skyrim

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It's a fort not a city.

I love the constant reminders of how dumb the people who don’t like this show are

>He thinks Winterfell is a town or a city

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This show feels so empty these days, admitedly less so this episode than the last 2 seasons. In the early seasons you would always see civilians walking around, countryside filled with farms, people, life etc... Scenes in King's Landing would always show the crammed streets, knights riding around, sounds, action. Now it's completely devoid of anyone that isn't a main character or some NPC guard standing like a statue in the background.

Where's the city then?

so is your dick

It's supposed to be a fucking castle, when was Winterfell ever described as anything else?

It looks like a comfy little town. I'd be at the tavern every night playing darts desu

It's called Winter Town and it's just north of the castle

>Snowy village
>Its called Winterfell
Fucking Christ. Fantasy died with Tolkien.

>comfy little town
I'd throw darts into your wife's pussy, you fucking fairy.
And by darts, I mean my dick, and by your wife's pussy, I mean her asshole.

Supposedly all the inhabitant of the surrounding region can take shelter there during winters. Its one of the most imposing place in all the 7 kingdoms. Besides its immediate surroundings should be littered with villages

What's the point of protecting that tree?

There is one city in the north called White Harbor, but it's very southern like. The rest of the north consists of open fields, forests and some farmland.

That's kind of what happens in a bloody civil war, all the men go off and die, war often coincides with famine, and it's now winter time.

Look at it, that's some kind of gaynigger magic tree.

It's not a city. The north is completely rural except for White harbour which is a port city.

Its winter nigga

>What's the point of protecting the focal point of your religion in the area?
1. The loss of it has a profound moral effect.
2. Claiming ownership of it (by building a wall around it) cements your spiritual authority the same way that having the fort and being the adjudicator of disputes cements your temporal authority

Everyone left kings landing because it's winter and war?

It's supposed to be winter but a huge army marched across the fucking country? I know it's early winter (esp because they can last for years even decades) but this still seems like bullshit.

Was talking more about the wider country in general. The only character left in Kings Landing is Cersei and she's a scheming little hermit that never leaves the red keep after 9/11'ing her own city.

Feudal cultures are mainly built around farming. Cities were the exception, not the rule.

There's be some forts or castes where the martial class would protect and tax the peasant class, but cities only really popped up on major trade routes.

You realize Winterfell is the smallest capital of the seven kingdoms?
And it's not a city, Winter Town is the city.

It's literally a holy object to Northerners

ive been in got generals since season 2 and i have never seen so many people asking braindead questions as if they haven't been paying even the slightest amount of attention

They literally show the Unsullied marching through the town, and pan up to show that Winterfell is located by itself on the hill overlooking the town.

this show is so fucking boring now

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Wait holy fuck
It's been ages since I read the books, the tree is OUTSIDE? I thought it was like in a winter garden like shrine, what the fuck

Audible kek. Thanks user

This hole time I thought winterfell was where the big ice wall was lol

This is so weird and cheap looking.

so Romans don't go chop it down in the name of their hip new religion

>walls around a forest

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You can see it's probably a meter or so across.
>Muh budget

Where are the settlements around the city? There will always be people gravitating toward cities who don't have the means to live inside the castle walls. That's how cities have a population of more than a few hundred people which is all this fucking thing would have room for.

Don't be too rough on OP.
He's only american.

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GOT takes place in a fantasy world where there are no villages around castles, no scouts or baggage trains for armies, people travel huge distances in a matter of days by horseback, and many more such things

Every major castle in Westeros has a Godswood, it's just that Winterfell's is three acres compared to the pitiful size of the southern ones.

>garden is just a tiny enclosure next to the castle
>not in the wilderness
>winter fell is just in a snow desert but they somehow can curate a garden within the castle walls
What the fuck

ok seriously what the FUCK do they eat?

It’s not a town it’s a fort! You no talk bad thing about Game of Thrones!

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You do know every godswood except the ones in the North and the Isle of Faces got cut down by the faith of the seven?

GoT is medieval western fantasy and in the European Middle Ages, people built castles to defend an area
What you're thinking of is the ancient world, when sieging whole cities was normal

The Blackwoods keep to the old gods, I'm pretty sure they have a Godswood

Have the towers always had a round top? If so they look super gay. Why did they release a new specification of tower top midway through a war and who built it?

It's called Wintertown and it is where Arya and all the villagers were watching the Unsullied march

It's not a garden, it's a small forest enclosed within the castle. It's also supposed to have a large greenhouse heated by the same volcanic vents that heat the castle, which was created along with a Sept so Catlyn would feel more at home

There’s likely some actual magic fuckery going on with the tree, possibly related to the “Stark in Winterfell” theory.

People didn't live in towns. Only merchants and their servants lived in towns (not people).
There are Godswoods everywhere, like Riverrun and Kings Landing, they're just small.

>city in a cold place
>call it Winter Town

Kill yourself do it right now.
What do you think white men living in cold climates ate back in the day? Holy shit you mutts and third worlders are insufferable literally can not comprehend a world without burgers and KFC.

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Just compare the size of the red tree in this diorama with the one they show where Jon meets goblin. Now look at the size of fucking towers around.

Where do they house the unsullied?

Attached: unsullied.webm (1280x720, 2.32M)

holy shit kill yourself polredditor

Where the hell is Winter Town or whatever? The settlement that is supposed to be right outside of the walls where the smallfolk live and which swells into a rather large community during the winter?