Peter saves a kid from getting hit by a runaway food truck in Queens by kicking a wood block into the wheel...

>Peter saves a kid from getting hit by a runaway food truck in Queens by kicking a wood block into the wheel, making it veer at the last second
>the deli owner has a Spider-man themed mural on his building
>Peter suggests that the deli owner update the mural to show Spider-man’s fans in the background
>Peter goes to school, forgot his permission slip for their trip at home
>tells teacher its in his locker and he’ll be right back
>he swings back home and gets it
>he notices Happy’s car outside his apartment (which is way too nice for Queens btw remember that joke)
>he swings up to his room and gets the permission slip
>Happy is cooking breakfast for May in the kitchen, Peter doesn’t notice bc hes in a rush
>Peter swings back to school, turns out it was less than 5 minutes as teacher says that was quick, thought your locker was farther away
>Some high school trip planning BS with Peter, MJ, Ted or whatever the fat gook’s name is, Flash, etc
>Pete and Ted are in the same English class, taking poetry. Pete’s poem is an overt love poem about MJ/first movie chick, gets made fun of by Ted
>Pete’s teacher checks out his ass lmao
>Peter goes to the deli to pick up shit, makes another comment about owner’s daughter (remember that joke right?)
>sees a TV story about mysterious floods/fires around European museums
>deli owner tells Pete to remember his raincoat
>passport scene, the passport chick is being a cunt, Peter keeps getting skipped by people behind him in line

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Spiderman is being honored by some superhero fan club in Queens
>Its basically Comic-con for basement dwellers, Peter thought it was going to be a keys to the city type event
>Happy and May scene from trailer
>May tries to convince Peter to take Spiderman to Europe with him, make a bigger name for himself
>He doesn’t want to, reads a line from his poem from class about MJ, May laughs at him that it won’t work on her. Happy tells him don’t worry Pete, just wait 40 years and nods at May

>Nick Fury and Maria Hill are investigating the attacks on museums
>They are the only American agents around
>They use the face swap thing from winter solider to sneak into an investigation at some museum
>it’s missing a bunch of rare gold/art worth millions
>banks are also getting robbed of jewelry and gold
>only clue is either sand, water, or burns are found near each crime scene
>video is cut before every attack
>Nick steals the video data on his device, he’s face swapped as some famous british actor I forget who, I would know if I saw him. Like Q from the new 007s or someone not 100% sure though. He can’t open his mouth because the face swap is glitchy and when someone asks him something he uses ASL. His hands are black though lmao
>he brings the video data back to maria in the car and says that’s the last one they’ll need
>Jake Gylenhall is watching from the streets and sees Nick and Maria leave

>last minute trip planning at school
>Ted packs Nyquil because he’s afraid of flying, teacher confiscates it and tells him to live with the anxiety of everyday life just like everyone else - top shelf humor here really.
>Pete chooses not to bring the Spiderman suit
>go to airport, Happy drives them in his car
>Pete goes to airplane, May and Happy drop him off at the roundabout
>After he’s gone Happy tells May that her seat goes all the way down
>MJ and Pete flirt on the plane

>Nick and Maria analyze the video data from a bunch of heists including Mexico, Germany, France and Spain the one they just pulled the video from
>every cut happens for the exact same amount of time in a bunch of different museums
>They theorize that its a guy using a weak EMP device and he's probably dressed as law enforcement
>Jake knocks on their door, dressed as a food delivery man
>Maria turns him away and he says its a good theory, but he has another one
>He tells them he’s CIA following a trail of international weapons dealers who use art and jewelry as currency
>They let him in and he tells them the CIA used him in a bunch of missions they recognize because he has powers. He shows them his documents. Nick is instantly suspicious because of how forthcoming he is. He takes a picture of the documents with a camera in his good eye.
>He shows them his powers, basically electric blasts from his green hologram thing he can summon with his hands.
>He tells them the thieves are using alien tech to create elemental beings to help conceal their movements in the museums and banks. He thinks the next one will be in Italy and they highlight the likely museums the thieves will try to hit.

>>Pete’s teacher checks out his ass lmao
how is this allowed?

>Peter looks at news report of German girls getting raped by refugees
>clenches fist
>"this looks like a job for Spider-man"
I didn't know Raimi was involved with this movie

>Pete’s plane lands in Italy and they go to the hotel
>more flirting with MJ and Ted and Rush are both into the blonde chick
>blonde chick gives Ted some dramamine for the way home and they bond
>Their first tour is the waterways in Venice
>They go to a play at night, MJ and Pete hold hands. Ted and blonde chick kiss
>Rush and Chinese guy sit together and accidentally touch feet which they both over react to which draws attention from the audience and the actors all look at them
>They go on a gondola ride
>the water elemental attacks a building
>scene from Trailer of Pete’s group getting caught in attack. Pete uses the water to conceal that he is grabbing his friends and bringing them to safety
>Jake subdues the water creature and rushes off

>class ends up back at hotel, teacher restricts them from leaving
>everyone goes to bed
>Nick Fury zaps Ted and tells Peter to come with him
>they go together to his underground base in Venice
>He tells Pete he needs an Avenger (only link to any avengers in the whole movie) on his side and that he’s unraveling a network of weapons dealers
>He says he has an asset in the field but he doesn’t want Pete to interact with him (Jake.)
>He sends Pete’s teacher a new itinerary; free travel to all the suspected cities the Elementals are going to hit next
>Pete says he won’t do it, his friends would literally be in danger the whole time
>Nick pairs the class with a “boarding school” of SHIELD agents for the remainder of the trip
>He gives Pete his Spiderman suit
>Nick tells him he’s got connections everywhere, Pete and his friends will always be safe
>There’s a note from Happy in the Spider suit, just a post-it that says “Sorry he made me.”
>Nick gives him a suitcase with the SHIELD suit as a back up, Karen takes offense and changes the blue to black on Pete’s suit

>Pete’s class gets new itinerary, teacher says they got it from their principal when he found out about the water elemental attack
>Pete puts suit on under his clothes as they get on the train to Czech Republic and carries SHIELD suit in his luggage


>Jake and Nick get on a plane to Czech Republic for next attack, as they missed the theft in Italy
>Nick thinks Jake was ineffective and more interested in fighting the Elemental than finding the thieves
>He puts a SHIELD agent on Jake to make sure he’s being honest
>Jake objects and lets Nick know that once the mission is over he will have Nick brought in to CIA for investigation
>Nick laughs and says “brotha I don’t even exist anymore who you gonna bring to them?”
>Jake and his SHIELD agent go to seperate part of plane

>Train ride is more HS bullshit, Ted and blonde chick try making out secretly
>MJ and Pete sit together, they kiss and she tells him she’s glad they got out of Italy so they can travel more together
>Pete tries tries the line of poetry on her, she laughs and asks him if Ted put him up to it
>Their train brings them to Czech Republic
>At the hotel, Karen tells Pete to put on the SHIELD suit as it’s getting a message
>He changes suits and a SHIELD interface pops up
>Nick tells him to go to a certain museum to investigate as his asset is going to another one
>Pete goes and sees masked men stealing art work using alien tech from the first Spiderman movie
>He asks Nick to let him take them out and Nick says no, that he needs Spiderman to follow
>Pete follows their truck to a building a few blocks away
>the Sand elemental attacks Peter, damaging his suit
>Peter tries fighting it but its too hard to land an attack
>He gets buried under Sand inside the building, the masked men attack Peter

[Spoiler]>Jake comes out of nowhere and saves Peter, turning the Sand to clumps so Pete can break out
>Jake takes out the masked men with the gas attack from the trailer but some escape
>He and Pete retreat as the cops are coming
>He tells Pete to take off the SHIELD suit because SHIELD is restricting him from doing what he needs to
>Pete ditches the SHIELD suit while Jake tells him about the weapons thieves and how they are working for Scorpion in jail
>He says they have to steal art and jewelry for their new supplier (its probably Black Cat but its not mentioned) because that’s all she will take
>Jake tells Pete he’s former CIA because like SHIELD the CIA didn’t respect him so he went independent and is using this mission to get back in
>Pete and Jake go back to the wharehouse where masked men were but its swarmed by cops. Pete webs an iPad from the crime scene and they see that the next heist was supposed to be in London
>Pete goes back to the hotel
>Nick Fury is watching Pete sneak into the hotel from his car and Maria Hill and the agent who was supposed to be with Jake (She has a black eye, implying Jake knocked her out) all argue about taking Spiderman out of the mission because he’s rogue now. They have the SHIELD suit too. Nick disagrees and they drive off.

>Pete’s class and the SHIELD class go on a tour in Czech Republic
>They visit a bunch of different landmarks
>MJ tells Pete she likes him more than she used to not like him, now shes being the awkward one
>They eat lunch together with the SHIELD class, who are all 35+ but pretending to be high schoolers honestly its pretty funny
>Flash Ted and blonde chick eat lunch with a SHIELD agent who is Latino and they quiz him on Mexican history but he keeps getting the answers wrong.
>They go to a street fair and try to pawn off chinese student’s watch to buy rare sneakers from the fair

>Karen tells Pete to call Nick Fury and that he’s on a mission
>Pete goes to the bathroom and argues with Karen
>a guy in the stall hears everything and tells Pete something in German, sorry no subtitles
>A SHIELD classmate goes into the bathroom with Pete and tells him to stop fooling around that he’s an Avenger and he needs to act like it
>Pete and agent get into argument, Pete tells him he knows more about being an Avenger than anyone else and gets upset with SHIELD agent.
>SHIELD agent taps a device in his pocket

>Nick Fury’s phone buzzes with a message and he throws it across the room
>Maria and Jake’s escort both tell him to make a move or Spiderman is going to mess up the investigation again
>He refuses again and reminds Maria that he didn’t give up on the Avengers in the past and neither did she

>Jake is in an apartment with some chick who he kicks out.
>He is reading his dismissal file from the CIA while he goes through the iPad he got from the crime scene
>He gets upset and burns up the CIA file with his hologram power
>He pauses and then “unburns” it with his hologram power and burns up his SHIELD file with pictures of Nick and Maria instead

>The classes take a train to London
>Nick and Maria take a plane to London
>They all get there and the SHIELD class separate Peter from his class
>The guy from the bathroom apologizes to Peter as Nick appears in the crowd at the train station
>Pete tells Ted to he’ll catch up and walks over to Nick
>They go into a phone booth
>Pete doesn't know what it is
>The phone booth goes underground and they end up at a SHIELD safe house
>Nick tells Pete what he did in Czech was wrong and that Jake attacked a SHIELD agent and they lose track of him
>He thinks Jake has something to do with the thefts and the Elementals and he doubts that his powers are real and are likely alien tech just like the Elementals. He says he didn’t want to involve his team in the thefts because of what happened (I’m guessing Endgame/IW reference?)
>Pete suggests calling someone but Nick cuts him off (Pete doesn’t say the name, probably Tony) and says that this is Pete’s mission now.
>They plan to have Pete meet Jake and take him out and then go after the thieves to see if the attacks stop
>Pete agrees but tells Nick that this is his last mission and that he wants to spend the rest of the trip with his friends
>Nick says ok and they go back up

>Jake and Pete meet in London at a cafe and plan their mission
>Karen is recording everything
>Pete and Jake look through the iPad and see there are a bunch of targets and Jake tells Pete to pick which they’ll go to first
>They choose one and go stake it out
>MJ texts Peter and the class gets worried he got lost. The teacher doesn’t seem to care as he is flirting with the SHIELD teacher


>Pete and Jake go to the museum and get attacked the by the fire elemental
>Jake tells Pete to go after the thieves and he’ll handle the elemental
>Pete does and wraps up the thieves quickly
>he gets shot but is ok
>he goes back up to the roof and see Jake is fighting the elemental but is too perfect. He shoots a web at Jake while he is flying and pulls him down. The elemental stops attacking. Pete webs Jake’s hands up and rips his suit apart and sees its all alien tech like Vulture. Jake breaks the webbing while SPiderman is yelling at him for risking everyone’s lives across Europe and the elemental starts attacking again. He tells Spiderman to go save everyone, or take him in, his choice. Pete webs Jake up to the wall and goes after the elemental. The SHIELD classmates run at Jake as Pete leaves
>the elemental is running loose around London and burning up Pete’s webs
>the class gets caught up in the attack as Spiderman is trying to figure out how to catch the elemental
>The elemental grows and creates an electrical storm like in the trailer
>Nick Fury is arresting Jake and rips off his hand device which turns the elemental more “rocky” but still fire. Spiderman kicks the rocks apart and swings around it to confuse it. It falls into the water and disintegrates


>the trip ends and the class goes back to the airport with a police escort
>everyone is freaking out and comparing pictures of the attack posting them online etc
>Pete and MJ kiss in the airport and she asks him where he was during the attack
>he tells her he was buying her flowers from a street vendor and then he got caught up in traffic by a cop, basically making up this long fake story she doesn’t believe
>She tells him how Spiderman saved them etc etc
>They take a plane back to NYC

>Nick is transporting Jake in an armored car.
>His suit and tech is in another car
>Jake tells Nick he is going to regret this, that London was the last one and the weapons from the old attacks are still out there and just let him go and he’ll turn in the whole network and will give Nick all the credit
>Nick refuses and tells him he’s going to dump him in the raft
>They board a plane with Jake in handcuffs and his suit in a sealed box

>The class gets back to NYC and decompresses
>Ted and Pete hang out with May and Happy at Pete’s apartment eating lunch
>They talk about the trip and how Pete saved everyone from the monsters
>Pete gets a text from MJ asking him to meet her in Central Park
>The group tells him to go, Happy makes another joke about waiting 40 years

>Flash back to “12 hours ago”
>Jake is being escorted from an airstrip to a SHIELD convoy
>the convoy gets attacked by thugs in masks, Shocker (the black guy) is there, he punches Nick Fury
>Jake escapes with Shocker and crew

>Pete is on the subway going to Central Park
>He runs up the stairs and gets punched by Shocker
>He webs up and quickly gets into his Spiderman suit
>He gets attacked by Mysterio who is up in the sky causing electrical attacks
>Spiderman webs around the attacks using the buildings as cover
>Mysterio hits Pete with a green gas attacks, which creates an illusion/hallucination like int he PS4 game where there is green gas around everywhere
>Karen tries guiding Peter but he keeps trying to avoid “things that aren’t there.”
>He eventually snaps out of it and follows Mysterio up to a building where he is holding MJ
>Cops start shooting at Mysterio but he blasts them with green gas too

>Pete tells Jake to let MJ go, that he’s who he wants. Jake refuses and blasts MJ with green gas. Pete webs her first and throws her down from the building, catching her with webbing. He attacks Mysterio and they have an aerial fight. He uses pretty much every attack from the first movie but Mysterio blasts them/dodges them.
>Pete leads Mysterio away from area and down by Empire State building. They fight basically up the building and towards the top. Pete is creating a web as he goes up the building to trap Mysterio in. He lands a few hits on Mysterio’s helmet which messes with his accuracy and tries trapping him in his web. Mysterio gets trapped but cuts out. They fight back down to the ground and Mysterio tries creating an elemental but he doesn’t make it in time and it just turns into a puddle of lava/fire. Pete picks up an empty taxi and throws it at Mysterio who slows it down but it still hits him, making him spin around. Pete wraps him in webs and spins him around fast to get him on a cocoon basically. They argue briefly and his Spidersense goes off as Shocker comes up behind him. He dodges it and Shocker hits Mysterio instead. He wraps up Shocker and Mysterio starts to break from the cocoon. He flies up still half wrapped up. Cops are starting to get closer. Pete tries wrapping him up but Mysterio dodges them. Pete kicks Mysterio and knocks him into the lava puddle. The webbing starts to burn and Pete tries pulling him out but his suit explodes from the heat killing him. Pete goes back to MJ to save her from the web he wrapped her in.

>Last few scenes are Pete going back to school and the class reacting to Mysterio in NYC
>Nick Fury ends up at Pete’s apartment and tells him he did well but that he was too trusting. He tells Pete that they’re not all going to be so obviously liars like Jake and some will target that weakness.
>Pete asks about the weapons that got away and if Toomes was connected. Nick tells him they’re going after someone called “Scorpion” who was behind the thefts. Pete asks about the seller and Nick says that’s more complicated and she is next.
>last scene is Pete, MJ, Happy and May on a double date

Yeah so basically the same shit as Homecoming.

>his suit explodes from the heat killing him.

Wait do we have similar detailed spoilers for endgame? Don't wanna Wade through the crowd to watch the movie.

>they finally use Mysterio and totally disregard everything interesting about the character so they can just rehash the alien-tech arms dealer plot

>abortions are for niggers only
What the fuck, Disney ?!?

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>Happy tells him don’t worry Pete, just wait 40 years and nods at May
what did he mean by this?

So wait, they legit are doing the Disney twist villain bullshit with Mysterio? A character that's been a villain for decades?

If Peter wants to fuck his own family he has to wait until he is older.

Flash Thompson's brother. Rush Thompson.

>high school guy trying to impress girl with poetry

This what happens when 40 your old machildren trying to write movies about high schoolers

Sounds fucking retarded!!

well shit, did I just spoil myself the whole movie or what


The same thing was done in Spider-Man 2. MJ just laughed in his face at that.


>Movie confirmed to begin "minutes after" AVENGERS: ENDGAME.
>Peter's arc is all about overcoming the losses he endures in ENDGAME (Stark dies)
>Trailer shows Fury and Hill fighting Sandman in Mexico.
>Trailer shows Peter and Happy having a heart-to-heart in the Stark plane.
>The air elemental is clearly attacking in London.
>Pepper Potts is confirmed to make an appearance.
>No word on Numan Ackar's character (rumored to be Chameleon)
>Tom Holland says Peter and Mysterio become close before Mysterio's inevitable betrayal.
>Toy leaks reveal there's a major action scene involving the Stark plane.
>Toy leaks reveal at one point MJ gets on the action wielding a mace.
>Shocker out of nowhere, but Vulture only gets a mention when Michael Keaton is confirmed to appear and Booken Woodbine isn't.

Impressive effort, though, OP.

>Movie confirmed to begin "minutes after" AVENGERS: ENDGAME.
When was that confirmed?

A while ago. During the Infinity war press run and the Far from home announcement. They’ve said the movie pick up right after endgame multiple times.

>>Toy leaks reveal there's a major action scene involving the Stark plane.
>>Toy leaks reveal at one point MJ gets on the action wielding a mace.

Lego don't always do movie-accurate scenes though

damn it spoiled

90% of the time they do. Plus it's Funko and other toy sources as well.

Attached: Far From Home.jpg (1280x1280, 241K)

>spiderman + mission impossible international intrigue
who the fuck comes up with this shit? "yeah, the goofy good natured guy trying to get gigs should be more of a global arms trade spy thriller and black cat is a big conspiracy thing instead of a sexy woman in rooftops"

why is jake doing this schlock, wtf

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I didn't see the after credits which I imagine involve Keaton and Scorpion

The happy plane scene isn't in the movie, and pepper isn't in it at all

There isn't an air elemental its fire, water and sand/rock

The sand vs nick scene isn't in it but Mexico is mentioned numerous times between Maria, nick and Jake's escort agent. I'm guessing its cut

Nyman Ackar is either one of thrives from Prague and London or a Shield agent in the London underground. I googled him didn't notice him in the movie

There is nearly no mention of iw or endgame in this, Tony isn't mentioned but Happy does mention Stark industries and "boss" but not Tony explicitly.

same as homecoming stated during civil war, but not really

Unironically sounds awful just like Homecoming

Come on, man. Don't fix a rupture with tape.


>May tries to convince Peter to take Spiderman to Europe with him, make a bigger name for himself




I hate being a Spider-Man fan

Spiderman is on a shield mission to locate weapons thieves using alien tech to steal valuable art.
Mysterio is a former cia agent working with the thieves using tech he confiscated while in the cia, but planning on capturing them to get back into the cia.

Come on, lad, the trailer literally shows that Aunt May packed the suit in Peter's luggage without him knowing, and he has to bullshit his way out of the airport checkpoint by claiming it's an elaborate pajama.

Attached: Trailer.jpg (798x419, 39K)

This movie is too needlessly convoluted and long.

No mid credit scene?

Then they changed it bc that's not what happens

I can live with most of this but fuck killing Mysterio. I hope it's a copout.

It will probably be retconned as an illusion then he’ll join the Sinister Six.

Look i agree that the way it looks like is shit but May would away support Peter in doing good and Saving innocents

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It's getting sad now, bro. Just admit defeat.

Yeah, but not by actively encouraging him to. You know what a horrible burden that would become if he died while he was out there doing what you encouraged him to do?

That’s the whole core of his persona. He didn’t step up in a little way when he could have. Because of it, he lost his uncle. Now he spends his young life jeopardizing himself and every chance at a normal life and happiness out of survivor’s guilt, hiding his double life from the aunt he sees as his mom, terrified of the choice he’d have to make if she ever found out. Pete’s a hero, but not an uncomplicated one.

Disney and Sony have both played a role in reducing him to pure retard levels. I fucking hate it.


>Happy tells him don’t worry Pete, just wait 40 years and nods at May
I'm buying a ticket

In context here, she knows Spider-Man is insanely strong and also has the backing of Tony Stark, who would be like an uber-celebrity in that world as both a superhero and Elon Musk x10. And she's banging Happy which will also distract her. If Peter stops being Spider-Man, she loses Happy

Oh, my bad. I didn’t realize that in this interpretation, May’s just a thoughtless bitch looking out for her own wants and needs.

What about Zoom Thompson?

she's an aunt not a mother

>comic con for basement dwellers
That’s never changed in real life. Hence having a convention focused on capeshit. Just because normalfags are aware of it doesn’t change the how bad it smells and the amount of trash that occupies the space.

Jake probably only wanted to do one movie

>Mysterio dies

More like far from good

This reboot is unironically worse than amazing spiderman


She’s been raising him since he was like 4.
