She unironically has a point about most reviewers being old white men...

She unironically has a point about most reviewers being old white men. If a movie is made for a target audience of black women or asians old white men wont really understand it and review it poorly

Attached: 1200px-Brie_Larson_by_Gage_Skidmore.jpg (1200x1791, 321K)

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Shes a cunt but shes hamming it up more just to piss you off

0/10 bait

can you fuck off?

I admire her for pissing off so many /pol/cels. Also fuck capeshit.

i wanna succ boobs

Prove me wrong

Is she named after moldy cheese?

Ok than going by your logic movies made by blacks for black audiences should be reviewed only by blacks. Same for Asian movies, Hispanic movies, whatever.

She honestly doesn't seem smart enough for that kind of cynicism.

she claimed that a wrinkle in time received bad reviews because the critics didn't represent the people who would watch this movie.

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She got a racist point. Movie reviewers are supposed to be professionals giving unbiased opinion and critique. She's implying that just because movie reviewers are white their reviews will be influenced by racism, sexism, etc.
Or maybe she's just retarded and doesn't even know what a movie reviewers are

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Real cheese is always moldy.

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If Hollywood makes a movie for a target audience of roughly 8% of the entire US population, the movie better be made on a garbage budget or else they won't break even.

So movies with black people in it should only be watched by black people? We should segregate media now?

Yeah she has a point, but she took it in the wrong direction. It's not about them not understanding but about the media today being too pandering and frankly, racist.

Captain Marvel was made for black women?

Then only kids should review kid's movies, only women should review movies about women, and only white men should review movies about white men.

The problem with this idiocy is that it caters to the belief that any of these snowflakes have such unique perspectives that it renders their stories inaccessible to a broader audience. If another sex/race/ethnicity makes a film that's not accessible and relatable, then just maybe the people telling the story did a less than stellar job.

>skin color is a requirement to understanding
How racist a view is this damn

Reminder that Brie Larson does not have an anus. She has a defecaling implant.

you can fuck off you npc incel. stop with the Brie hate

>only Hollywood makes movies

God I hate this fucking slut. She's everything I hate about modern women: entitled, stuck-up, ugly and proud. I want her to die, I want her to FUCKING DIE. She's ruined my comicbook movies just like roasties have ruined my comic books. I HATE HER. Look at her ugly smug face. And you know what? Despite her ugliness she probably still insists on only sleeping with Chad. Just like every woman, because they hold the key to sex. I hope she gets raped to death by the niggers she's so fond of, of fucking course she loves niggers, she's a MODERN WOMAN. AAAGH! Fuck this sour cunt, why can't she smile? Huh? TELL ME! Is it because she's empowered? Is it because she's brave? TELL ME! This fucking whore has taken away the last good thing in life for me, the last light, and crushed it with her shitty feminism. She'll be in Endgame too. I can't escape it! EVEN IN MY ESCAPISM I CAN'T ESCAPE IT. This cunt has RUINED EVERYTHING. YEARS of MCU movies down the drain because this fucking WHORE had to come in and make her mark and be the centre of attention.

>Black women are intelligent enough to watch anything but Hollywood movies

she brought it on herself by being a stuckup bitch who thinks she's got God by the balls, when in reality, she's a literalwho nobody even remembers seeing in a film

she proves them right

Witch hunt season ended, stop doing threads about her Marvel shill, it's GOT time

This is the same logic that leads to black people only being allowed to participate in black media. It would imply a gay man could only review gay films. It's also a huge oversimplification about perspective. Kathryn Bigelow's films are vastly different in gender/sexuality/aesthetics than Sophia Coppola's, yet both are, in this way, "women films."

Dumb white bitch.

>cast lots of blacks in whitepipo fairy tale movie
>blacks give no shits and neither does overseas because nobody knows or cares who Oprah is
>obnoxious actress tries to score points with diznee by damage controlling for this flop she didn't act in - by blaming whitepipo

That's Nu/tv/ in a nutshell for you.

I hate her because she's a nigger lover, her being a dumb, smelly, greasy, loudmouthed, malignant cunt is just icing on the cake.

Attached: Updated Brie Larson Nigger Lover.jpg (1445x717, 280K)

>the first me THANK YOUUU VERY! MUCH

What a cunt

If skin color, age and gender don't matter and we're all the same then why does it matter if the reviewers are all old white men?

So what is stopping anyone from being a bloody reviewer? Anyone can do it, just watch a fucking movie and write some blog and post it somewhere done fucking done.

I look forward to the future where we can just tell women and niggers, that it's not made for them and to fuck off.

I agree but the same should apply regardless of ethnicity. Like, you could enjoy movies about dyke detectives or whatever and be a strait white male. But if you're a dyke detective who doesn't want to watch dyke detective movies then why are you reviewing it? The while critic industry is a joke

The first “Brie Lawson” is just the second “Demi Moore.”

Good trailer, but a really bad incoherent movie. Durnavay can’t still direct shit

She's right but she doesn't really understand her point properly. The problem is RT and how it's tomatometer system biases in favor of mediocre movies that don't have a strong core audience ie Disney trash. If she was smart enough to understand what she's trying to say then she'd realize she's contributing to the problem

That's really insulting to Demi Moore.

brie is not moldy you philistine, if it smells like blue cheese, you got it too warm for too long. All brie should either be room temperature or baked in the oven with rosemary.

wrong, real particians prefer smoked cheeses.

No, because being the second of anything is more often than not being a cheap knockoff of the original.

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She's a repulsive person.

whats her problem.

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Blablurp? Blabbityblupd a durp purb. Flabbichity blabb! Blabbiflab blaaahblahbitty bloop blap blop! Bla blurd blurd blurdy turdy plip plap plop, plippy blippy blargl; Bipp baaghh blappo!
>"Hurrrrrr blurrp blabbity blahhhh blay blee!"
Bleh, bleh, bleeeeeephh. Bleephity blaggaragga, blo blup bragga blah. Blaggah flaggah pligga plop.


>If a movie is made for a target audience of black women or asians old white men wont really understand it and review it poorly

>Implying a movie can only be rated based on our subjective experience and on how well we can identify with it

These fucking hacks fail the understand the vary basic concepts of story telling. The Subjective experience is only a part of the whole experience, the structures need to be in place so that the movie can work. It doesn't mater that you have a great female black gay trans character if you have a horrible plot, bad dialogue and no character growth. This why the whole "diversity for diversity's sake" fails to work. You want more diverse characters? Good, go for it. But write good fucking stories for them. These fucking people....

>brie is not moldy
The white part is mold actually.

No one should care what this sheltered honkey bitch thinks

Here's the dirty secret--have you noticed that a number of remakes or reboots have the "diverse" cast? Have you noticed how they tend to do poorly?

These ideologues aren't good at filmmaking, and in my view shouldn't be anywhere near a camera let alone a set.

look at her cranium size

She was defending A Wrinkle In Time which should be a dogshit movie by anybody's standards.

This heap actually limped to 42% critical approval BECAUSE it's an "important big budget picture" when it should have been sitting at 0%.

Attached: hero_Wrinkle-Time-2018-2.jpg (1200x500, 124K)

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Raised as a privileged white girl who got pushed into acting by her parents and has lived completely disconnected from real life, but now understands that women face struggles of some kind sometimes and thinks she'd like it to be a part of her "personality", but lacking the proper perspective, the closest she can come to trying to push gender equality is just to sperg out and bitch whenever anyone says anything that her stunted celebrity brain can connect to being a misogynistic statement in 6 degrees or fewer.

This. She wants to seem relatable to the average woman, but her life has been a literal pleasure cruise compared to what the hurdles that the average woman (or man) has to jump. She wants to embody all of the outrage over inequality without having ever actually experienced it.

Does she keep her brains in her titanic jawline?

I agree. The problem is that America is (barely) a majority white country and all these non-white groups should fuck off to wherever their people came from originally and make their own films there instead of shitting up our culture even more than it already has been by Jews

right, im sure Room was targeted for old white men which is why she won an Oscar for it.
it's a really poor argument and perpetuates the idea of groupthink and that your views and experiences are limited to your race, gender or creed.
just because i can't relate to some characters or that it wasn't made "for me" doesn't mean I'm unable to enjoy it, or that my criticisms can't be valid.

So, you think a black guy who only knows English, parents only know English. grandparents only knkw English, and have all lived their whole lives in America should move to poverty-stricken Africa because their ancestors in the fucking 1400s or something lived there?


that will never happen though, that is a purely the ideal solution for white people

Anywhere they go becomes Africa anyway, that's the problem.

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go cry about racism somewhere else snowflake

Their reviews ARE influenced by racism or sexism. Every time a mediocre film is made by a woman or a colored, every critic jerks off about it like it's the second coming of Christ.

If we actually removed racism and sexism from film review, feminist and black-centric movies would be totally savaged.

Pic related. Everyone agreed that it's the single greatest, most important, highest quality film ever created.

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Absolutely true.