Why didn't they make the movies about him ?

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because he has no character whatsoever, and kotor 1 is honestly pretty boring. kotor 2 on the other hand is a masterpiece

Not canon unfortunately

No longer exists in the new canon.

who's that?

Literally who? some recommendations to read? I don't really like SW

Dr. Doom

Because he's a character you can't really do anything with.

When you play him he's whatever you say he is as determined by the options bioware gives you.

When you hear about him all you're told is how incredible and flawless he is.

When anyone actually portrays him as a character in a game or book directly he's a horrible batshit fuckup.

Because he's pleb filter

Reddit opinion

every fantastic 4 movie had him in it, you retard.

Both of those games sucked.

Cringe but respectable opinion.

>make a direct sequel to the single most popular franchise of all time, right when you have acquired the rights to the franchise
>or make a movie (series) about one of the most popular characters in the extended universe, which still means most star wars fans don't know about it
look disney are incompetent and retarded but it's a natural choice. the problem is that disney are incompetent with what they do, not that they chose the wrong thing to make movies about, at first.

Anyway, be glad they are not touching revan, they would just fuck it up like everything else they've done so far.

kotor 1 is pretty reddit though
>le wacky robot!!!!
>omg we gotta stop the evil saturday morning cartoon villain!!
>sith bad jedi good!

He's nostalgia bait too. I'm sick of those. Make up some new shit.

Didn't you see the leaks? Revan's gonna be a woman of color.

Yeah no shit dumbass. But the movies weren't about him. They should have focused on him.

Just play the MMO

Kotor 2 is what made Revan the beloved character he is, the games writing is so much better than Kotor 1 in general. I actually loved the jedi masters in K2, they gave more depth to Vrook which was introduced as a one dimensional archetype in K1, and Zez + Kavar are really cool.
The actual reddit opinion is K1>K2 though

Fucking idiot me, before ep7 I thought Ren was Disney's version of Revan and the Knights of Ren were a sith cult (Beyond light and dark, like Revan)

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They probably would have pay money to his creators. Disney would rather make a cheap knock off

Right but the mythological-level version of him presented in kotor 2 kind of wrote him into a corner because it's pretty hard to write super genius chad that's playing 5d chess and is good at everything into a compelling character when he's present in a situation.

He only worked in kotor 2 because he wasn't actually there.

They should have used some plot points from that serie in the new trilogy

what did you think Rian Johnson's upcoming trilogy will be about user?

Revan is a bit overhyped, not trying to take away from him, he did have particularly two strokes of genius, keeping the republic intact and killing a lot of his opposition on malachor V. But he still got btfo by malak and the jedi strike team, he was also corrupted by power and fell to the dark side to begin with, the only reason he didnt wantonly slaughter the republic like malak did was because he knew the star forge would consume him and threaten his power if he relied on it too much, not because he was next level predicting that he would be redeemed later on.
I think it would be cool seeing Exile and Revan together, they are both unconventional jedi, Revan because he fell and was later redeemed, Exile because he did what no other jedi had done before and cut himself from the force and later regained the connection, this time stronger. Going by the lightside ending of K2 it's pretty much stated that the companions in K2 will be the foundation of the new jedi order, wouldve liked to see that

I think there is a higher chance the GoT guys are doing this.

Johnson's is probably in the far future or some era that hasn't been touched, knowing his view on star wars

darth reddit

Probably they will show him in that upcoming Mandalorian kino where he rapes Mandalorian children with his purple/red lightsabers