How Do You Do, Fellow Kids?

How Do You Do, Fellow Kids?
Okay, so we have to save the Oasis from, apparently, the only evil company that still exists in the future. Which corporate property are you strapping on to save us from the Man... or something?

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Imperator Titan

The twitter logo.

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more importantly who would your avatar be and can you masturbate in the vidya realm?


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they're not the only evil company
they're just the biggest one involved in the oasis

> spielberg just want to connect (his dick) with the newer generations (asshole/cunt).

stop watching at "scale mount everest... with batman." try hard and pathetic.

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>blizzard even paid Spielberg to include their brick"girl" lgbt ugly brit to be forced as one of the main cameos
Who'd even be playing Overcringe after a month after its release after '16 in a future of virtual reality?

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Most of Yea Forums would side with the coorp out of sheer spite for normalfags, contrarianism and because profit beats sacrificing yourself for something that might not even work.
They'd be that boomer mercenary with the skull as a body

>Which corporate property are you strapping on to save us from the Man
Buffalo Bell

based 40kid


Is Selina going to fit into her catsuit?

Don't forget to go through The Shining level that can't have The Shining's most recognizable element because they ain't paying royalties to Ol' Jack.

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If Oasis would exist in the future, near half of the avatars would be anime girls

with penises

For me? That’s gotta be Jabber Jaw

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>closes the oasis two days a week just because he's a fucking normie that got laid
What an asshole. It would be like if someone decided to take down the WoW servers two days a week when it was actually popular.

And before someone tells me to just have sex or some other normie shit, that's not an option for everyone so shut the fuck up

I can't believe this movie exists. It's such a bad idea. I don't even know what it's about but the fact that this was the best marketing could do tells me that it must have been an awful idea.

>How Do You Do, Fellow Kids?
Ready Player One wasn't made for kids. It was made for manchildren by a massive manchild.

This guy wrote a book that's exactly as awful as you'd imagine

And then for some reason that surprised absolutely everyone that book sold millions of copies

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Tracer is somebody's waifu and he created avatar to her likeness - the question is why did the owners of lizzard IP allowed it. Only OCs, no trademarked characters should be allowed in the future virtual reality worlds.

>I don't even know what it's about
Conceptually' the plot mimics Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory but with a bunch of pop culture cameos. As for the cameos, think of Bryan Singer's X-Men. You see a bunch of familiar characters, but they never do anything significant. They just pop into the frame. Maybe they're involved in a fight but that's about it. The main characters are made of wood. The token black character is a token comic relief. The token love interest is BADASS independent woman. Nothing in the movie contains a single original thought.

This and if you notice, even in the movie the manchildren are the heroes and the good guys in the corporation and they solve the last key and cheer like autistic retards when perzival wins

His audience were Americans most probably, only people subhuman enough to like such consumerist shit. I really wish America would get nuked.

>Tracer is somebody's waifu
I bag of literal garbage is someone's waifu. This movie was like that french food-ad film with Ronald as a robber
It was so bad using whoever bid the most as a cameo
Poetic though how Blizzard kept spending money they didn't have and suffered the price

your mum

Even a post-nuked America would be better than your shithole country

Bet they were thrilled when he won after that

I mean there must be something weird going on in copyright law or corporate politicking because flagship characters from Disney and Lionsgate somehow showed up in Tencent's video game

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How does everyone somehow have a different avatar? No one likes the same character? No two people ever want to be Batman at the same time?

Literal retardation

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They at least capture how many people want to be Halo

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But how are they not running into traffic?

...That's not his fucking name

Seriously so many zoomerboomers love cosplaying as halo and it’s annoying.

I wonder why so many people choose to spend their entire online lives playing as "random skeleton dude"



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Cooler than the MC's OC DONUT STEEL faggot elf character

Guy has company with millions of dollars and employees building up their characters round the clock.
Go into battle on foot with guns instead of everyone driving giant mechamonsters.

>What the fuck
>How is this place still a gray, smoking slum?
>Do you have any idea how many millions of dollars we've funneled into urban renewal programs, youth outreach and environmental protection?

Nobody else in the slum owns a gun.

How does this work?
What if they run against a building? Is every planet in the oasis a replica of the size of the earth so free movement works?

>How does this work?
It's one of those things that the movie makers don't want anyone to analyze because they never actually put effort into explaining it. Sometimes you see players using the VR in stationary contraptions. Sometimes they run on treadmills. Sometimes they use gyro rigs. Its whatever is convenient for the visual aspect. Fuck logic or world building. They don't care enough about the movie for that.

Lmfao they literally move irl as they move in the game? Holy fuck what retard thought that was a good idea?

>>Nobodies avatars are naked or just totally degenerate like out of a leather parade

Shut the fuck up nerd.

They're thinking of the advertisers of course.

I miss the future

I imagine there are separate adult realms for that.

The best part about being American is the fact that I am living in the heads of people like you without paying you a penny

>but at least the book was good

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Get dunked, virgin.

>character researches all the most in-depth obscure autistic factoids he can
>all the references he encounters on his adventure through the story are surface-level normie shit

Is there anything stopping him from being killed for that?
He's an utter nobody, and even if you wouldn't get Oasis you know some crazy otaku would murder the fucker just for closing it down two days a week. Especially if it was found it it was for normalfag reasons

Has there been a single photo taken of Ben Affleck where he hasn't been holding Dunkin coffee since Justice League released?

interesting observation
yes, that's probable, but with all the power in his disposal Wade would probably protected 24/7

Not just that, think about how many peoples' businesses are run though the Oasis.

What would happen is somebody (LIKE THE EVIL COMPETING MEGACORPORATION) would make their own VR game which would be lower quality and full of bullshit but would also actually work seven days a week.

So everybody on earth would play that during the downtimes, and then eventually it would expand because people don't want to split time with Oasis.

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Or his decision would be cancelled by (((board of directors)))

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Dude, references lmao

>the year 2045
>Overwatch is still relevant
fuck off movie

>the year 2019
>Doom is still relevant

1993 - 2019 = 26
2019 - 2045 = 26

The same board of directly that let this featherhead contest go on in the first place. Seriously where were they while all this was happening?

They at least try to handwave this a little - Halliday owned and controlled an absurd unrealistic amount of such a large company. He didn't have directors to answer to, Oasis was Halliday's.

>comparing a timeless classic game that shaped FPS and game modding to a cash grab that was only done because the developers needed to make up for project titan

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>comparing boomer shit with a modern cult classic

>1993 was 26 years ago

I'm american you inbred nigger

>while you were busy smashing the cunt I was busy studying Monty Python

film is all about saving a virtual world and how it's a good thing to be a shut in that watches movies and videogames all day.

Admits at the end, people should probably get out and get a life.

I didn't read the book but I feel like the movies is miles better.

Another shitty movie that only didn't flop because of China

>Doom is still relevant
not really

That sentence is an oxymoron

>one autist in 2045 makes Tracer their avatar
>that somehow means Overwatch is still relevant
totally the same case

>people still caring about Overbotch in the future
Really broke my suspension of disbelief tbqh

>I got a gf now so I'm closing the Oasis down twice a week
>what's that? You have other commitments that prevent you from logging in on any day but those two days? Lmao fuck you we go by my schedule

>Battletoads are still relevant

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that makes more sense, everyone who wanted to win the contest was obsessed with 80s-90s pop-culture

How does powerlevel even work in rdp1? Whats preventing me and a couple of friends from playing space marines and having a mafia type ark clan to steal peoples money and chain them up permanently if they refuse?

>complaining about Overweight
>when fucking Blunderborn is in this movie

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FUCK is that some exosquad?

this is why we need virtual reality or gene modification. preferably within my lifetime.

Has Claire Higgins in the cast, but no actual Hellraiser references.

it doesn't. the movie breaks apart when you start thinking about things

this is the best choice

Don't know any of that shit.
Thanks for listening.

Don't forget when in the virtual world, they are actually floating. What are their bodies doing in the real world? They're not all harnessed up.

Your english is fucking atrocious.

Well, I'm sorry to hear that.

I wonder if digital rape is a problem. I know I wouldn't be able to control my godzooki avatar from overpowering a wandering Tracer or D.Va with my sheer dinosaur weight and pounding her to exhaustion.
I wonder if you can tell which player can feel your actions.

How about digital framing. Make themselves look like your avatar to commit a crime (like digit-rape)


You could do it with an NPC

a loli with her tits out

holy shit you're retarded
I suppose there are different types of realms and not all allow this sort of thing, like some are no violence common grounds and some are hardcore no limits free for all.

>State of zoomers

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>t. contrarian fag

For what it's worth, your altogether a different breed of consumerist Fallopian tube, and I know you're thinking that it's within the confines of the site's rules and regulations, but you cannot for the life of you or your Mammalia companions justify using that kind of subtext when others are having the kind of difficulties caused by the lack of comprehension - it's just not on the cards in the political climate, you need to understand this if you're going to keep going through this site and through life like this, man.

>They'd be that boomer mercenary with the skull as a body
What's wrong with that?

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thirty years could pass and Team Fortress 2 would still have an active community while Overwatch would be completely forgotten

I think halo is a pretty cool guy

>want to be Halo

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Are you a fellow /hsg/ refugee?

wat dat

Tracer is just a poor man's Edward Falcon.

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We need to be like the cheetah!

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this scene was so stupid

the plebs come to save their hero from this villain and then all let him through once he pulls out a gun?
some of them are literally within arm's reach of the gun as he walks through the crowd and could easily grab his arm at the least
