Miracle Workers

thoughts Yea Forums?

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I don't know, should i watch it?

It was fun.

I'm only on ep 3, so far Dan nails his parts again

Is he playing Jesus?

>thoughts Yea Forums?
Never heard of this, but my man Buscemi is in it so it's kino by default.

I've grown very tired of Steve Buscemi also the promos where waaaay to multikulti for my tastes.

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No the show goes that Dan is this guy Craig is the biggest coward and scared of taking risks. He's in "the department of answered prayers" where he [they?] look over prayers and determine whether or not he should answer them and then goes from there. Little things like "Help me find my glove/keys" something like that. This lady's keys got lost in the snow so instead of just doing a brush of wind he MELTS THE SNOW 1 SNOWFLAKE AT A TIME....

This chick wants a new job in heaven so they send her to Craig and he being the loner doesn't know what having friends or socializing or anything is is now adjusting to having someone there by his side.

God wants to blow up earth cause people are saying mean things about him and he sees that the world is just a piece of shit. Constant issues, and so on. So they are tasked with an impossible prayer to get these 2 adults to fall in love. They have 2 weeks or Earth goes kaboom.


Sounds like you're just a fag who finds excuses to not like things so you shitpost on Yea Forums instead of actually watching anything.

daniel radcliffe is one of the worst actors I've ever had the displeasure of watching

>this nigga hates harry potter

time to leave faggot

Not him but to be fair Steve Buscemi has become a meme actor, they cast him to do the same character every time and do say a couple of "funny" lines. Just like Jeff Goldblum. I like them both but i'm not gonna watch a movie because of them anymore.

Oh sorry I have preferences oh lords and Barron's of TV. Not a fan of looking at brown skin from people not like myself. Plenty of people feel the way I do but this all could of been avoided if they made tv that actually reflected demographics and not the demographics the long to achieve. Ya know like shit was just 10 or so years ago you progressive baboons.

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both of those statements are fair

>the same character every time
Are you a literal retard

no you're just a racist asshole who can't stand to see anyone that's NOT white

you have a whiny faggot's preferences (and speech mannerisms), that's all

apologies accepted

Looks blasphemous. Hard pass.

Would also like to know

that's not an issue though, the issue is that he talks like a fag

why are you on Yea Forums user?

I don't know if you got the memo but being a conservative christcuck is the hot new contrarian stance somehow

user we are on Yea Forums, everyone does

>Christianty is the only religion

Shut the fuck up underage faggot

>Everyone I disagree with is underaged
But I'm 27 user
>being this angry
calm down user, this isn't Yea Forums

>he said a bad word so he's angwee
Being born 27 years ago is really unfortunate for you since you talk and think like an actual child.

>>being this angry
Who are you quoting?

Explain how I'm a child

>>Who are you quoting?

I can ignore immoral posts with a flick of my eyes and hide them if I need to. Sitting down and watching an entire linear television series intended to mock God and insult my faith seems like a lot more effort.

>He's this overly religious even tho religion is a scam created by humans
How's it feel knowing deep down that religion is nothing more than something man created to control the population

i liked it

Yes, if theres anything the powers that be are huge fans of, it's Christianity, which is why TV shows like this get the greenlight. I know deep down that atheism is something Satan created to damn souls.

lol, Satan isn't real, he's a figment of your imagination. When you die, if there is a heaven or hell, and you think you're going to hell, you'll likely be trapped in a loop of your worst nightmare. But I dunno and neither do you. therefore we are more agnostic. Jesus was the son of a whore who fucked some dude and lied about it. It's not humanly possible. And if everything in the bible is "true" then why can't anyone else do it? HUH? thought so. Shut the hell up.

You think you have it all figured out and it's laughably naive. People prefer their own kind as a rule and not the death rattle of a dying culture where progressive maggots feast upon a rotting corpse blithely ignorant to the boot hoverinh above their mealy little heads.

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You know what ruins humans? religion. Not even a fedora tipping bullshit, it honestly just makes people get made at each other saying "MY GOD IS BETTER THAN YOURS!!" religion is pointless

You sound like a teenager. One day I hope you think back to this post and cringe.

You're the most combative and aggressive person in this discussion by, which is typical behavior of atheists. You know what causes unnecessary division and conflict? Atheism. That's why you're in this thread, isn't it?

>people got so mad at reddit they became unironic christians

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Honestly no, I'm not an atheist, what I hate hearing is people like that spouting off religion and acting like because their religion is SLIGHTLY mocked that they need to get their panties in a wad, instead of just laughing and going "Yeah that's cool, I believe in said thing but even I know that it's a bit fucked some times"


I'm choosing not to watch a television show because it looks like it blasphemes God. Let me say that again so the specific, particular situation you're addressing is crystal clear to you. I'm choosing not to watch a television show because it looks like it blasphemes God. If that bothers you so much that you feel compelled to comment on decision I don't know what to tell you.

Seems a bit sacrilegious.

hahaha he make le funny eyebrow face so enlightened and ironical

>not being racist in 2019

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It's just incels who think that Christianity will get them a pure aryan wife. It's just pure cope, they don't give a fuck about Jesus

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It's funny seeing discord trannies get their panties twisted more about someone rejecting Hollywood's idealized Noah's Ark of races world. They get more upset a man has preferences then he is about shows shoving shit down his throat constantly.

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