Soulless machines using the Force

>soulless machines using the Force
>based Midi-chlorians negate this
>doesn't take away from the mystery
Wow, turns out George was right again.

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>and the Jedi I admire most
>met up with Darth Maul and now he's toast
>but I'm still here and he's a ghost

No, midichlorians really are the worst part of the prequels. I've never liked them.

>defending midichlorians

>Space magic through a state of enlightment - nonono it's space chlamydia so thots can get it too without doing anything for it.
Pretty much MarySue establishment mcguffin.

midichlorians were literally just micro organisms that were drawn by the force. having a high count meant they were just multiplying heavily in you due to your natural affinity for it. this was neither lore breaking nor force ruining it was just a power level test like dragon ball to give anakin a reason to get off planet

Power levels are only acceptable in DBZ and even they dropped it.

Shut the fuck up. Without midichlorians you'd have spaceships powered by the force ramming star destroyers.

Its justa rip off if parasite eve. Instead of mitochondria he said midichlorians. Everyone has mitochondria but in parasite eve certain people could overclock them. Force users are the same.

>Anyone can be the president!
>I hate midichlorians because they make force powers exclusive :(
You're everything wrong with Star Wars fandumb.

>>soulless machines using the Force

its just a blood sugar test. you got high midichlorians congrats you have forcebeetus

Midichlorians aren't a part of ones organism, see

They would be able to but they don't have cells containing midichlorians.

>The Force spoke through the midi-chlorians, allowing certain beings to use the Force if they were sensitive enough to its powers.
midi-chlorians are still essential to using the force since they act as the conduit through which force users manipulate, and are manipulated, by the force.

They are not just a litmus test for force potential, and unrelated side-effect of being force sensitive, they are the mechanism by which you are linking to the force. The more midi-chlorians you can support in your blood the more midi-cholorians you have to exert your influence over the force and the more sensitive you are to the force speaking to you.

If Rey is literally made of Midichlorians by Sheev and they make that cool somehow? Lucas is getting an apology and a blowjob.

Nice logic there

Imagine not getting it THIS hard, you really are bereft of imagination.

I unironically want midi-cholrians back

Attached: ANYONE CAN BE A JEDI.png (937x602, 204K)

they didn't drop it, it just became unreliable for the bad guys to use scouters because the earth fighters could hide their power level and fluctuate it during battle. That was the whole point of introducing them, to give the protagonists an advantage over the antagonists by making them underestimate the heroes.

>Queer-gon' what does the scouter say about his midichlorian level?
>zoom zooms defend this

Actually Obi-Wan says that.

"Space Magic" as a plot device is fucking gay.
Fight me.

Space magic is literally the only thing worth exploring in Star Wars, everything else is trash.

>I unironically want midi-cholrians back
so if they say that retard kid have one billion more MC than yoda it's right? dont be a dumbass

Midi-chlorian were like a tryhard christian trying to use science to explain God. in the canon Yoda never mentioned he didn't belive in that crap.

Ya what's wrong with that?

its science fantasy, fits just fine

True, the sound effects, music, set design, ships, aliens, droids, and lightsabers are terrible.

This guy gets it

I always figured anyone could be a Jedi if they were in tune with the universe or whatever, like opening their third eye or something.

I don't get why midi chlorians get hate. It's just an effective way to confirm if children are eligible to be trained as jedi, just because Anakin had more midichlorians than Yoda didnt mean he could beat Yoda, it's just potential given a number. It's literally the same shit as saying someone is strong in the force, it didnt make the force any more exclusive than it was in the OT, shit, they even state Luke is powerful in the force because his father was, and Leia is also force sensitive because of Anakin. Midi chlorians changed literally nothing from what was established, and have no meaning beyond confirming without doubt when someone is force sensitive, Qui-Gon already suspected Anakin was powerful in the force before doing the blood test.

The Jedi are like Christian/Buddhist monks though you silly cuck. Yoda is the pope/dalai lama.

yeah but not all of them belive that God can be explain with science you fucking idiot.

If everyone is special then no one is

Why did the 4-armed robot man use lightsabers if he couldn't use the force? Surely four blasters or a minigun would be better.

ITT: Plebs mad at midi-chlorians because they bought the RLM meme. I'm pretty sure you would have never cared about the couple times midi-chlorians are mentioned in the prequels if it weren't for RLM's reviews and their repercussion on the internet.

Please explain why the only force users in the OT are the Skywalker family and Sheev if sensitivity to the Force is not biological.

The OT is filled with references to how the Force is strong in Skywalker's family and how Leia could learn how to be a Jedi because she's a Skywalker.

Use your fucking brain.

It's not about being special. It's a power that exists in the world. Not everyone can achieve that state or spiritual mindset anyway and there's always going to be people who are just vastly superior to others, like Rey is special. Being special is shit, it makes characters shit. Characters who get their own merit and sacrifice are far more compelling. Sorry that you want every character to be a special snowflake chosen one like Rey, but that's just boring.

Why didn't literally everyone take midi-chlorian supplements?

What makes you think that? If we had a blood test to find out who God talked to they'd accept it.

Idk he couldn't use the force though.

>Characters who get their own merit and sacrifice
Doesn't exist. People are either mundane or special.

He wasn't a robot, Greivous was a horrifically wounded alien kept alive in a combination mechsuit/life support device. He had a heart, lungs brain and stuff. As for light sabres they're just particularly quirky and dangerous melee weapons and a roboman has more precise control over his movements than an ordinary meatbag, so he's able to use them without injuring himself. The lightsabre thing isn't like "Only jedi can use them" it' Only jedi use them because using an unshielded energy blade as a melee weapon is hugely dangerous and ordinary creatures are as likely to injure themselves with it accidentally as anyone else". Jedi/Sith use them because it's tremendously useful to have a weapon that can block blaster shots and cut through spaceship grade armor plating and Jedi/Sith have the reflexes and discipline to use them without killing themselves the first time the fuck up.

have sex

>Why do midiclorians get hate
It is a retarded concept, the force is supposed to be this spiritual thing that vastly transcends everything material.
By adding midiclorians that make everything happen you take that away and replace it with powerlevel garbage and "with that midiclorian, you're never gonna be really powerful"

The only way the force makes sense as a writing tool and as a spiritual thing is if the power of a character corresponds to the amount of character development and the character's state of mind at the time.
A character is developed as a personality, goes through hardship, learns more about themselves? They should grow stronger in the force because of the understanding gained about themselves and the world and their will growing stronger.
Midiclorians are a retarded explanation for spiritual space magic, unneeded, cause more questions than answers and directly interfere with the concept of the Force and the way Yoda explains it in the OT.
You'd have to be retarded or have a sub 90 IQ to think midiclorians are anything but retarded, but because of racemixing and niggers more people seem to think so

I agree "Chosen one" wiritng is garbage and the bane of modern storytelling, made to pander to a generation of snowflakes who all think they're more special than everyone else without having anything at all to support that claim. The only way they can imagine themselves as being the "special chosen hero guy" is if they we're just born marked as a special chosen hero guy. Like whatsherface in "Jupiter Ascending"

spread them cheeks, boi

You're in the same mongolian star wars weaving thread as I am faggot.

It literally does nothing like that though, the mysticism of the force isnt taken away from because TPM doesnt go into detail of what midichlorians do, or how they work, just that they are present in biological creatures that has an affinity for the force.
Like you said, characters grows stronger in the force because of the understanding gained about themselves and their world etc. As they were introduced in TPM they were literally just used for confirming whether or not someone could receive jedi training, force sensitivity being hereditary and only manifesting itself in a relevant value to a few, is a direct carryover from the OT.

I've always run under the theory that it was a prophecy from before the dark side users and light side users split. The Jedi of course thought it was about them in reality it was about culling the number of Jedi down to the amount of dark side users brining balance.

This is a very American philosophy that I absolutely detest. It's the idea that we are all capable of greatness if only we work hard enough. And to some extent there is truth in the axiom that hard work is essential to success but I know for a fact that without having ever met you chances are incredibly low that you have what it takes to be an Olympian even if you spent your whole life striving for it, all you'd ever amount to, like the rest of us, is mediocrity. Those who are truly great are not only gifted at birth, genetic freaks who just so happened to get the correct blend that enables them to be great but also the fortitude to execute on it and take greatness for themselves. Greatness is part genetic predisposition and part hardwork, one without the other will only result in mediocrity.

Midi-Chlorians correct this, they are that innate genetic element, without them you'll never make anything of yourself, but also with them you'll never make anything of yourself either if you don't work hard for it. This is why the new trillogy fails, both aspects are backword. Anyone can be a Jedi and the chosen ones don't even have to work to gain their power, it comes to them effortlessly. It's the Amercian pestilence on ideology made manifest. Not only is everyone special but you don't even have to work hard because you're perfect just the way you are. It's absolute nonsense.