Fuck sake.
No problem when HBO does it
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cry more discord tranny
Look like a porn movie.
>they all have shitty tits
fucking feminist bullshit
Mom, Dad, Look! Its me. I'm a famous actress now.
>He's wh*te
dilate more.
Are these pornstars or just nobodies?
If you're going to post a webm of the scene make it be good quality.
girls who want to become actresses, and couldn't resist the chance to play in game of thrones
>t. pron addicted incel
nice of them to include a scene about how dany got her job on GOT.
Probably porn actress.
did they cg out their assholes
Don't be retarded. There is a pool of strippers and nobodies for this kind of scene. Good pay-day for them.
Theyre still doing the whole sex scene over boring exposition thing in this series? Jesus christ do any of you genuinely like this show?
implants didn't exist in the ASOIAF world incel
Wow, this show is fucking garbage.
>Jesus christ do any of you genuinely like this show?
Only NPCs. GoT always was overrated trash.
>you need implants to have big tits
drink your milk
drink your onions, incel
lol, they have some nice titties user
It's not porn it's HBO, incel
No, seriously?
Where is his peepee?
You're in for a rough ride if you ever manage to have sex with a woman
Was that the first gratuitous nude scene since season 6?
Have sex
waste of trips on a silly incel
He somehow has no balls or peepee
Feels like season 1 when whores were in every other scene.
>we don't have the balls to not do fanservice so we'll do the game of thrones shock factor™ by showing buttholes and pussies haha. aren't we edgy and crazy like old got?
Stop replying to bait like it's real. Do you just enjoy being trolled?
>by showing buttholes and pussies haha
They didn't though, you can't make anything out
niggerbrain tranny
why do women watch msut so much?
good job, you triggered the trannies
It's so silly how women defend the censorship of Dead or Alive Volleyball with "just watch porn" but then they all religiously watch this crap.
have sex
I hate trannies you retard. GoT is a postmodernist piece of shit, a cheap shock porn without any value. Only NPCs defend it.
Most tits look like that unless you pay $10k for silicon tits...
None of you have banged a physically attractive girl lmao
>flat titties
I figured they wouldn’t be serious hopeful Hollywood types like pre-fame Jennifer Lawrence
This is disgusting. It's the vulagrity of it. Not an ounce of class or grace. Just base debauchery. Why do they want us to be animals? We are better than animals.
>two ugly chick's and a hot one
>Bron fucks one of the ugly ones
He wanted to get it over with. Save the best for last.
Bronn needs to remind himself to stay humble every once in awhile
It's popularity does reveal something positive however.
It shows that there is still some interest in traditionalism and medieval European history. The cast are overwhelmingly White, which is pretty interesting considering the time we live in. It also symbolises the death of the "medieval weapons were shit" meme which served as an anti-European weapon for a long time, pushing many European men into orientalism.
That this shit strikes a chord with people is quite interesting. It can act like a gate way, comparable to the way the lord of the rings acts as a gateway to traditionalism.
Because the producers of GOT are legitimate retards who are being carried by the source material they purchased exclusive rights to. Welcome to "intellectual property".
>get a couple of whores
>they want to chat with you
does anyone feel wrong that this just desensitizes people to real romance or intimacy?
i feel robbed.
If anything it'd make those moments feel even more special, no?
i guess, I'm no puritain, but i just have a hard time seeing anything other than a sex object
what really pisses me off is that the actresses want me to see them as such, and seek to get that response out of me
>being influenced by moving pictures
This piece of shit show has nothing to do with medieval Europe. People in medieval Europe took religion seriously. The myth that it was a grimdark time full of whores and murder is not true. They were there, but not in any sense more than today.
Don't butt into my conversation, cocksucker.
it'd be no different if they were stills
>they want to chat with each other and aren't really interested in the fact that they're fucking you
the point your head etc
The actor got a boner from this right? Impossible not to.
>People in medieval Europe took religion seriously.
people were hypocrites just like now. prostitution is universal to all cultures and civilizations. read some actual medieval lit.
GoT is a postmodern propaganda for retarded burgers.
Religion had more authority, but it's wrong to think the moral character of the people was any different. Things were as they are now, except instead of globalist Jews you answered to the local Germanic lord.
>My tits look good!
The trannys sure are mad at this post
Actually tit size in Western countries is to a large extent influenced by birth control. What was that you were saying about small tits = muh feminism?
THIS is what I want from a medieval fantasy series. They should have got Paul Verhoeven and John Milius in on this season!!!FACT!!!
The "people" who like DOA are incel neckbeards, so they don't deserve to see boobs.
How come in movies people are able to start fucking so fast meanwhile it always takes time to me fully insert my dick inside my gf
>This is disgusting. It's the vulagrity of it. Not an ounce of class or grace. Just base debauchery.
same reason no one says hello or goodbye when talking on the phone.
I thought we wanted incels to watch porn so that they don't cause any trouble?
It shouldn't take long to put your cock in your girlfriend
Seethe, discord tranny.
The lack of gore is actually kind of appalling for the series. The show feels completely sanitized apart from the occasional tit.
Nice Easter egg. Eddie is Ed Sheeran