Because why the fuck not? You can throw any cheap-ass origin story on this little guy and even if it's nothing more than popcorn action and CGI it'd still work.
YODA: A Star Wars Story
Nice lighttoothpick bro.
>not yaddle
Yoda is ultimately an utterly boring character with little to no personality, and only works as a supporting mentor character. However, I imagine a lot of people would need at least a box of tissues when watching the trailer for his film.
>a movie where young yoda takes in a force sensitive and teaches him some shit while they both get into hilarious shenanigans throughout the movie because yoda is young and brash
iād watch it
>replace Qi with the force
>replace all Asian characters with full on Asian accents with aliens
star wars has always been shitty cultural appropriation
Little Wayne a Jedi now?!
>yfw yoda was actually 6ā4ā when he was a young 80+
>yfw yoda slayed siths and bitches and sith bitches like a green conan
>yfw yoda is a name taken after becoming a master. Real name is chad galaxycock
whatever just give me more space kung fu
Only If he's being a little, monkey king tier shit throughout the whole movie and is shamelessly op
if star wars was anywhere close to this it would be at least entertaining
Yoda wouldn't have fought Sith really, by the time he was a Padawan all but a few Sith cults were destroyed, he participated in their elimination.
Honestly this, an immature Yoda is the perfect opportunity. There's so much they could do with the character
>implying the writers actually give even half a shit about the lore at this point
He needs a love interest to abandon
Didnt Lucas specifically not write a backstory for Yoda?
>horde insignia on necklace
Won't work for the same reason Han movie didn't work. Both work as supporting characters, but they're too cartoony and flat to carry a feature film of their own. Yoda is charming in small doses, but nobody actually wants 2 hours of a vertically-challenged ninja turtle with a speech impediment
>nobody actually wants 2 hours of a vertically-challenged ninja turtle with a speech impediment
Sounds spot-on for kids. It actually does sound a lot like a Pixar movie description
>4ninja turtles in one person, wielding telekinesis and lasersword, going spiderman on space terrorists is a boring idea
It's not but Disney would botch It anyway
Yoda Stories was already a video game. It was pretty boring. It was just Yoda telling Luke to do random shit.
came here to post this
He was a gamer
rogue one should have been his movie
>tfw no Jedi reveal by the end
>probably because Disney thought it would "cheapen" the Jedi to have them show up in one of their spinoff movies
>then TLJ happened